Newsletter 22.11.2021

Issue 37

Dates to Remember

Monday 22nd November – Thursday 25th November – Years F,1, 2, 5 & 6 Swimming Program
Wednesday 24th November – Foundation Transition Day
Friday 26th November – Hot Lunch
Monday 29th November – Book club orders close
Monday 29th – Thursday 2nd December – Year 3 & 4 Swimming Program
Tuesday 30th November – 2nd hand book sale & free books
Wednesday 1st December – Foundation Transition Day
Friday 3rd December – Book Week Dress up day
Friday 3rd December – Hot Lunch
Tuesday 7th December – State-wide Transition Day
Friday 10th December – Hot Lunch
Friday 10th December – Year 6 Graduation
Tuesday 14th December – Year 3/4 Pool Party 11.45am – 1.45pm
Wednesday 15th December – Years 3-6 Kanga Cricket Carnival
Wednesday 15th December – Year ½ Pool Party 10am – 12noon
Thursday 16th December – Year F/1 Pool Party 10am – 12 noon
Thursday 16th December – Year 5/6 Pool Party 12noon - 2pm
Thursday 16th December – Last day of term for students 3.30pm finish
Friday 17th December – Pupil Free Day (OSHC operating)
Monday 10th January – Friday 28th January 2022 - Vacation Care Program operating
Monday 31st January 2022 – 1st Day of school for all students

From the Principal

We had a great day last Friday for the school athletics day. The weather was not too hot and not too cold. I was especially pleased with the support the children gave to each other at all year levels. There were some fantastic performances – everyone gave their best and scored points for their House. Congratulations to Wellsford House for winning the athletics cup (again!) Huge thanks to Brendan for his organisation and for rolling with numerous rescheduling. Thanks also to the parent volunteers who helped make the event work by taking charge of the different events – we couldn’t have done it without you.

Our Dry Creek Bed space is open and busy with activity at lunch and recess breaks. There has been very positive feedback from the students who have enjoyed getting to know the space. There are so many people and businesses who have put in so much work to get the space ready. Be sure to read the rest of the newsletter to find details about the official opening this Friday at 3:30, including a free sausage sizzle.

Swimming lessons kick off this week for Foundation, Yr. 1, 2, 5&6. Students will bus into Wodonga. Yrs. 3&4 will go next week. Please ensure all swimming gear, towels, clothing – everything – is clearly labelled.

There are only four weeks of school remaining for this year, including this week. Please keep an eye on dates, class communications and newsletters to stay up to date with what is happening. Classes are continuing with their learning programs, but we are looking forward to being able to celebrate the end of the school year. Given the happenings over the last two years we are all carrying a fair amount of stress and fatigue. I believe that the students, families and staff in our school community have done a magnificent job riding the ups and downs and continuing on. I suspect that when the holiday period arrives, and we can slow down for the Christmas & New Year break, we will realise just how exhausted we all are. Thanks for your ongoing support and resilience.

Michael Edwards


From the Office

School Swimming Program
The school swimming program commences today and continues through to Thursday 25th November for students in Years Foundation, One, Two, Five and Six.  Students will be travelling into the Wodonga Sports & Leisure Centre for swimming lessons at the following times:

12.15 – 1pm:  2PS & F1R

1-1.45pm:       56L & F1C

1.45-2.30pm: 56BE & 2K

Buses will depart from school 45 minutes before the lesson time.

Students in Years Three & Four will be having their lessons next week, Monday 29th November to Thursday 2nd December at 1.45pm.

Enjoy your week

Assembly Helpers

Assembly Helpers this week:

Irena Purnell & Remy Lane

Achievement Awards

Aliya McCormack for making the most of 3/4 camp to take on challenges and grow!
Tarn Charles-Jones for fully immersing himself in all aspects of camp life while at 15 Mile Creek.
Bonnie McLeod for taking on new challenges at camp and coming out smiling!
Harlan O’Brien for overcoming personal challenges and working outside of his comfort circle.
Ben Hardisty for overcoming personal challenges and working outside of his comfort circle.
Nate Millward for carefully planning his class news with lots of interesting facts to share.
Patrick Kellaway for demonstrating consistently beautiful handwriting during writing activities.
Tom Murphy for great enthusiasm during poetry writing this week.
Ewan McInerney for beautiful handwriting every day,
Emma Pinard for showing great resilience during athletics and competing her hardest in all events.
Shaynia Clausen always giving her best effort, whether it be in her fantastic academic work, sports, or anything else she puts her mind to.
Spencer Dowsley for showing a high level of interest and care with creating alliterative poems for class mates.
Grace O’Dwyer for having a high level of commitment to learning your times table facts for fluency!

Art News

Artwork of the week

3/4E with wormy bags containing clay worms! Just a little bit pleased to be taking them home!

2PS with soft pastel drawings of the Worry Monster.

Hot Lunch News


Hot lunch this week is a Hamburger/Veggie burger for students who have ordered.

Helpers are Nicola Carr-Davison, Kim Wall, Jane Murphy & Bron Westbrook.

Library News

Book Week 2021: Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds.

The countdown is on for our Book Week celebrations throughout Week 9, culminating in the book character Dress-up Day on Friday 3 December. We’ve got an exciting and fun week planned.

The theme for this year is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds- but you don’t have to dress to the theme. If you are stuck for ideas the theme may help guide you, however. If you can get your hands on a copy of the book related to the character, for your child to bring along on the day, that would be great (but not essential). Superheroes and movie characters are not encouraged please. It is a really fun day for the students (and staff!), and they spend the morning at school creating and exploring -through a range of art activities- the winning and shortlisted books from the Children’s Book Council Awards.

See the winners here:

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch should you have any questions, or would like to borrow any costume bits:

 You can also ask your child’s classroom teacher about the Dress-up Day and how it all works.

Drama Workshops with Brendan on Mon 29 Nov & Thu 2 Dec will take place during the school day and give all students a solid hour of drama games and activities based around three CBCA award winning books:

F/1’s- No! Never! By Libby Hathorn and Lisa Hathorn-Jarman: A cautionary tale about a little girl who drives her parents up the wall when she starts answering 'No! Never!' to all their requests - and what happens when the tables are turned on her.

2/3/4’s- Your Birthday Was the Best! By Maggie Hutchings and Felicita Sala: The story of an eager cockroach who gate-crashes a birthday party - with hilarious results!

5/6’s- Azaria: A True Story by Maree Coote: What happens when the truth gets lost? Where wild animals and people meet, tragedy can strike. But when a tiny baby is stolen by a dingo, people simply cannot accept such a thing. Prejudice and gossip grip the nation, and the tragedy transforms into a fight for the truth. How did it all go so wrong?

Second-Hand Book Sale Tue 30 during Recess. A big range of books of all genres for only 50c, $1 or $2 each/per series PLUS loads of FREE books! This is a great chance to build your home library and get your kids reading over the summer break! Please send your child/ren to school with some spare change if they’d like to make a purchase. All funds raised go towards buying new books for the Library in 2022.

Have a wonderful week!

Sarah McAlister

Sports News

School Athletic Sports

The sun wasn’t out but the smiles were! We finally got to enjoy the much-delayed House Athletics Carnival. It was terrific to hear the sounds of kids cheering and laughing as everyone represented their houses in all kinds of jumping, running, and throwing events. Thanks to the many adult helpers and school staff who helped the day to run smoothly. In the end it was Wellsford who took out the House trophy, with a blistering 602 points. Congratulations to everyone on how they participated and conducted themselves. It was a great day.



New OSHC email
OSHC now has its very own email address! This is now our main email account and we please ask that all booking or general enquiry comes to this address. Booking cancellations can be made via this email or by contacting the school. Please do not use our Facebook page for cancellations.


Pupil free day – last day of term
The last day of term, Friday Dec 17th, is a pupil free day. If you require care for this day, please book in via the portal or via email to our service. Our operating hours will be 8am to 6pm.

January Vacation care
We have started work on our January vacation care program! We are hoping to have the completed program to you by week 9 of term. If you or your children have any suggestions for activities please be in touch! We are excited to once again be able to offer fun and exciting excursions during our holiday program! We can’t wait!

We are closed over the Christmas and New Year period, we will re-open in 2022 on the 10th of January and run our program until the start of term. We will be closed for the Australia Day public holiday.

QR Check in and Face masks
A reminder that all parents entering the OSHC space must be wearing a face mask and must sign in with the QR code located in our sign in area. This is a directive from the Victorian Government and we ask kindly that parents do this upon entry to our service.

Kidsoft QR code sign in
We please ask that all families use this QR code when signing their children in/out of our service. This is part of eliminating points of contact and helping to keep us all safe.  The QR code can be found on the home screen of our iPad, simply scan with your own device and then sign your child in/out.

Our Program
This week was full of fun, laughter and games, games, games! The children have chosen this week to play lots of different group games, even during their free time. This has allowed for children to explore their leadership skills, communication skills, teamwork and sportsmanship. It has been fantastic to see the qualities emerge and develop in children this week!

The children have enjoyed exploring the new nature play space! It being a focal point for play. Particularly amongst the younger students! It’s been great to see all the hard work pay off and a fabulous new space open to the students!

The children had sports day this week, and they were buzzing all week for it! We had some children very committed children to their houses and chosen sports, practicing whilst outside for the big day! On Friday afternoon when the children returned they were full of beans and excited to share with the educators all about their day! After the year we have had it was nice to see that the children could get out and enjoy such a fun carnival!

Cassie had a great activity set up for the children upon their return from the sports carnival. Together with the children, Cassie helped to make ribbons for the children. We looked at what qualities we liked about ourselves and others and made patty pan ribbons to celebrate these qualities! The children loved creating the ribbons and exploring aspects of themselves. It's always fun to get the craft supplies out, and this activity was no exception!

Thanks, OSHC Team   

Dry Creek Bed Project

Only a few short weeks ago our site looked like the photo above.  And now we're finished!  It's fanstastic to see the students playing in the new play space. Over the weekend you may have noticed the indigenous artwork by Tamara Murray was installed, the remaining seating in the gathering circle was also installed and some additional mulch spread to tidy up the last remaining work area. 

This Friday, after assembly, we will officially open the Dry Creek Bed.  Stay tuned for some further communications via email and Facebook.  

This will be a great opportunity to thank those people that sponsored the project, made donations or volunteered their time. 

School Council will supply a free sausage sizzle at the opening.