Newsletter 29.11.2021

Issue 38

Dates to Remember

Monday 29th November – Book club orders close
Monday 29th – Thursday 2nd December – Year 3 & 4 Swimming Program
Tuesday 30th November – 2nd hand book sale & free books
Wednesday 1st December – Foundation Transition Day
Friday 3rd December – Book Week Dress up day
Friday 3rd December – Hot Lunch
Tuesday 7th December – State-wide Transition Day
Friday 10th December – Hot Lunch
Friday 10th December – Year 6 Graduation
Tuesday 14th December – Year 3/4 Pool Party 11.45am – 1.45pm
Wednesday 15th December – Years 3-6 Kanga Cricket Carnival
Wednesday 15th December – Year 2 Pool Party 10am – 12noon
Thursday 16th December – Year F/1 Pool Party 10am – 12 noon
Thursday 16th December – Year 5/6 Pool Party 12noon - 2pm
Thursday 16th December – Last day of term for students 3.30pm finish
Friday 17th December – Pupil Free Day (OSHC operating)
Monday 10th January – Friday 28th January 2022 - Vacation Care Program operating
Monday 31st January 2022 – 1st Day of school for all students

From the Principal

Last Friday after assembly The Dry Creek Bed project was officially opened. It was an opportunity to thank the businesses and organisations that sponsored or contributed to the project. We are grateful for the community contributions that helped us with sponsorship, materials and expertise. I would like to say an extra big thanks to our School Council who not only led the project but also contributed a significant amount of the time and labour to carry it out. Jane Dowsley, School Council President, managed the project and, with the assistance of other councillors, ensured that it was completed according to the original vision. Thank you all.

This week are celebrating Book Week. There are drama and art activities over the week, relating to the short listed books for 2021. This Friday is the book character dress up day where we are encouraging children to dress up as a favourite book character.

Transition for Kindergarten to Foundation children continues this Wednesday. It has been wonderful to see the kindergarten children enjoying their time at school and showing that they are ready for the school experience. The whole school transition day for all students takes place on December 7th. Yr. 6 students should have received communication from their secondary school of choice regarding Yr. 6 to Yr. 7 transition programs.

Next year, School Council has decided to fund a part time position to coordinate the Friday hot lunches and provide support for the school edible garden. I would like to invite anyone interested in the position to submit an expression of interest outlining their suitability for the position, ensuring that the requirements in the position description are met. The position description can be accessed via this link: POSITION DESCRIPTION. Expressions of interest can be emailed to me at  If you have any questions about the position please contact Michael at school.

Michael Edwards

From the Office

School Swimming Program
The school swimming program continues this week for the students in Years 3 & 4.  Their lesson time is at 1.45pm and the buses will depart from school 45 minutes before the lesson time.

End of Year Pool Excursions
During the last week of term each class will be having an excursion to the Yackandandah pool.

Classes will be attending on the following dates and times:

Year 3/4:               Tuesday 14th December 11.45am-1.45pm

Year 1/2:               Wednesday 15th December 10am – 12 noon

Year F/1:                Thursday 16th December 10am – 12 noon

Year 5/6:               Thursday 16th December 12noon-2pm

Permission forms have been sent home tonight and need to be returned to schoo by Monday 6th December. There is no cost for students for the pool excursions.

Enjoy your week

Assembly Helpers

Assembly Helpers this week:

Remy Lane & Amy Schilling

Achievement Awards

Evie Burston for being a confident and engaging speaker when sharing her work and reading aloud.
Felix Anderson for employing great ideas during our poetry writing tasks this week.
Hugo Dickeson for great effort at home reading and recording your reading independently.
Mim Martini for persistence at practising sight words.
Claudia Grech for sharing creative ideas during our exploration of poetry.
Elihu Pulukkutti for settling into 2K so confidently and working hard on all tasks.
Grace O’Dwyer for working hard on all class tasks and asking for help when things are tricky.
Charli O’Dwyer for being willing to stand up for others, showing great strength of character.
Oliver Paull for using lots of fantastic writing techniques in his Cold Write.  Well done!
Zac Davis for showing great enthusiasm and motivation to succeed in all aspects of school life.
Owen Overall for using efficient mental strategies to solve “scale” problems in maths.
Gabrielle Gargiulo for demonstrating terrific teamwork while rewriting a Dreamtime story as a play script.
Manu Quaglio for consistently setting a positive example of a respectful learner in class.
Sierra Allan for showing strong progress in her reading ability and sharing great ideas during Guided Reading. Super doper work, Sierra!
Finn Summons for showing great growth in his understanding of Mass. You’re fabulous, Finn!

Art News

Artwork of the week

Using soft pastels and purple paper 3/4A (top picture) & 3/4E (bottom picture) created Worry monsters.


Hot Lunch News

Hot lunch this week is a steak pie/cauliflower pie for students who have ordered.

Helpers are Natasha Schultz & Beth Boddenberg.

Library News

Book Week Dress Up-Day Friday 3 December 2021: Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds 

This week we are celebrating the work of great Australian writers and illustrators with our annual Book Week celebrations – which are a little late, but we got there in the end! It’s so wonderful to have something to celebrate and have a bit of fun with our learning this week.

Here is our Book Week Schedule:

Monday: Drama with Brendan for F/1C, F/1R, 2K, 2PS, 3/4A

Tuesday: Second-Hand Book Sale during Recess. A big range of books of all genres for only 50c, $1 or $2 each/per series PLUS loads of FREE books! This is a great chance to build your home library and get your children reading over the summer break! Please send your child/ren to school with some spare change if they’d like to make a purchase. All funds raised go towards buying new books for the library in 2022.

Thursday: Drama with Brendan for 3/4E, 5/6BE&L

Friday: Dress-Up Day! Plus a morning of art activities created by Mandy and Sarah.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch should you have any questions, or would like to borrow any costume bits:

Have a wonderful week!
Sarah McAlister

Sports News

Intra-school Cricket Carnival, Years 3-6
Despite the Wodonga Kanga Cricket Carnival being cancelled, we have decided to host our very own intra-school cricket competition on the second last day of school. This will be for students in Years 3-6 and will take place at the Yackandandah Sports Park on Wednesday, December 15. We will be heading down in the morning and playing a few games of Kanga cricket on the oval, in mixed ability teams. Students will need to bring their lunch, snacks, drink, water, hat, and positive sporting attitude for the fun day. Because this is a local excursion, no permission forms are required.


Year 3/4 News

15 Mile Creek Camp reports

On the 8th of November both 3/4 classes went to 15 Mile Creek Adventure School. When we arrived, we were spilt into four groups. Each group had a mascot toy and that became the name of the group. There were two main activities to complete each day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The activities included rock climbing a huge tower, bike riding along bush tracks, archery among the gum trees, zip lining over a creek and camping out for a night under the stars.

On the journey, we were lucky enough to have three most kind, generous and supportive parent helpers. The big thank you to Trish Anderson, Hannah Glanville and Bridget Dickeson.  

This was a great camp with lots of outdoor experiences and opportunities to challenge yourself
From 3/4A

Throughout week 6, the students in Years 3 and 4 went to the astonishing 15 Mile Creek Outdoor School. The theme of the camp was Challenge and Growth. We had an outstanding time and we wished it never ended. One of the highlights at camp was when we met a friendly kookaburra named Stan.  He has been there for 4yrs!!! The cheeky fellow pinches your food when you're not looking! 

Speaking of food, there were many delicious varieties of food during the week. For example, butter chicken, fish and chips, roast chicken and an awesome salad bar for lunch where we made our own wraps or sandwiches. Every morning and night a group was doing either breakfast duty or dinner duty. It might sound like a chore, but we found it quite enjoyable.

As you would expect, camp was jam-packed with many different games and activities. We played many, many different games such as the Crazy Shoe War, Sardines, Gaga ball and Instincts for Survival. We also did canoeing, flew on a 60m zipline, climbed a 10m high (but felt like a 20m!) rock-climbing wall. There were new bikes to ride (and crash) and so many more activities. One of the nights, we even did a camp out in tents. 

During camp, we were split into four different groups, each with very friendly and helpful leaders. Camp was a once in a lifetime experience!
By Violet MacCalman and Holly Lerch from 3/4E.



New OSHC email
OSHC now has its very own email address! This is now our main email account and we please ask that all booking or general enquiry comes to this address. Booking cancellations can be made via this email or by contacting the school. Please do not use our Facebook page for cancellations.


Pupil free day – last day of term
The last day of term, Friday Dec 17th, is a pupil free day. If you require care for this day, please book in via the portal or via email to our service. Our operating hours will be 8am to 6pm.

Moving to XPlor
We are excited that in the new year we are moving to a new software provider, Xplor. This software provides us with some fantastic new ways to communicate with families and share your children’s experiences in our service with you and your families.

We still have access to some great online features, including online enrolment forms. We ask that all new families please complete an enrolment form for our service using the below link. Please ensure that you are providing the correct details for both you and your child, including DOB, CRN and contact information. We ask that you please also provide a minimum of one emergency contact.

If you have any questions during the process, please send us an email.

We ask that you please wait until we have transferred your child’s records to our new provider before creating new bookings for next year. At any time, you are also welcome to email booking requests to our email and we can create these for you when the platform is ready to launch.

January 2022 Vacation Care Program
We have been working hard to get together a program for January Vacation Care! We are excited to share with you what we have planned!

We are still working with some of our incursion/excursion folks on the finer details, working with them to make sure we are compiling with all things covid.  You will notice **TBC** on our program. We are hoping to have these details all figured out for you by next week! We are working with all our excursion companies to ensure all COVID safe measures are being met during our time with them.

Thanks, OSHC Team   

Community Notices