Tuesday 14th December – Year 3/4 Pool Party 10.30am -1.30pm.
Wednesday 15th December – Years 3-6 Kanga Cricket Carnival
Wednesday 15th December – Year 2 Pool Party 9.30am - 12.30pm.
Thursday 16th December – Year F/1 Pool Party 9.30am - 12.30pm
Thursday 16th December – Year 5/6 Pool Party 11am - 2pm
Thursday 16th December – Last day of term for students 3.30pm finish
Friday 17th December – Pupil Free Day (OSHC operating)
Monday 10th January – Friday 28th January 2022 - Vacation Care Program operating
Monday 31st January 2022 – 1st Day of school for all students
On Friday evening we held the Yr.6 Graduation Ceremony in the Yackandandah Town Hall. The ceremony is a great way to honour the journey and achievements of the Yr. 6 students as they complete their primary schooling. As teachers it is wonderful to see the growth, both physical and in character, of the children over the years. Our Yr. 6 group has had to cope with a difficult final two years at Yackandandah Primary School. They have come through it extremely well and we are all proud of their achievements.
We are supported by community groups and organisations with bursaries for student awards at the end of the year. The awards recognise extraordinary effort, achievement and community spirit. The awards were presented at the Graduation Ceremony. This year’s award winners are:
Lions Club Award: Chase Nelder
RSL Awards: Charli O’Dwyer and Chelsea Dawson Leitch
Barty’s Buses Awards: Remy Lane and Oliver Boddenberg
Indigo Shire Award: Ava Walker
Part of the Graduation Ceremony is farewelling families that have their youngest child starting secondary school in 2021. There were a large group of families in this category this year. These families have contributed to the school in many ways – some for up to 15 years. They have contributed through school council, supporting and even coordinating major events, classroom support, working bees, and most importantly, through contributing to a positive school community culture. Thank you to our departing families for all you have done.
This Thursday (final day of the year for children) there will be an assembly at 3pm. At the assembly the Yr. 6 students will ring the old school bell as they depart for the final time. All are welcome to attend.
Final Word
I know we are all thoroughly over hearing about COVID. It is, however, the defining theme of our past two years – and has had a huge impact on schooling in 2021. This year has been very difficult for students, teachers and families. Our children have coped remarkably well – but that is because of the adults around them; their families and their teachers. I am extremely grateful for the support of families during the remote learning periods, and other times. Particularly given the stresses that families were under as they dealt with the impacts of lockdowns. Feedback from other areas tells me that we are fortunate in the parent community we have. I am also grateful for our staff. It has been an exhausting year and I know that the staff at Yackandandah Primary School worked long and hard to continue to keep the learning alive for the children. I think everyone has more than earned a break where we can just let ourselves relax, reset and recharge.
The first day for students in 2022 is Monday January 31st. I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and new year.
Michael Edwards
Family Statements
Statements will be sent home today (sorry they didn’t get sent last week) to families who have outstanding charges. Payment for any camps, excursions and activities that your child has participated in would be appreciated by Friday.
OSHC Statements
Statements will be sent home today as well. As we are changing to Xplor it would be appreciated if outstanding fees could be paid so we can have a smooth transition. Any families who have a credit balance and are not using OSHC will receive an email from me
End of Year Pool Excursions
As the Yackandandah Pool hasn’t opened our Pool excursions are being held at the Beechworth Swimming Pool. Students will be travelling by bus. New permission forms were sent home last Thursday. Thank you to all the families who returned the form on Friday. If you haven’t yet returned it, could you please do so tomorrow. There is no cost for these excursions.
Classes will be attending on the following dates and times:
Year 3/4: Tuesday 14th December 11.45am-1.45pm – leaving school at 10.30am and returning at 1.30pm.
Year 2: Wednesday 15th December - leaving school at 9.30am and returning at 12.30pm.
Year F/1: Thursday 16th December – leaving school at 9.30am and returning at 12.30pm.
Year 5/6: Thursday 16th December - leaving school at 11.00am and returning at 2pm.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas & New Year.
Phia Smith Deans for improving her cricket skills and smashin’ it for 6. Howzat, Phia! Well done.
Grace Westbrook for demonstrating fantastic growth in her writing this year. You’ve kept us entertained. Nice work, Grace!
Jake Blair for a solid effort in solving division problems.
Neve Allan for being a caring and kind member of our class.
Sara Davison for impressive improvement in reading high frequency words.
Jim MacCalman for quality effort in writing a colour poem this week.
Taidhg James Hillier for working cooperatively with a partner when solving division facts.
Spencer Pretty for completing division facts independently and confidently.
Ella Williamson for excellent progress with her reading skills this term. Well done Ella!
Miles Thornton for leading the way with comparing 2D and 3D shapes.
Olive MacCalman for digging deep and writing a detailed and honest reflections for your repeat.
Kaitlyn McGlead for always being a happy and friendly member of 2K!
Hudson Street for including others in free time activities and explaining the task so well.
Stella Brinsdon for creating a fantastic Writer’s Gift to showcase her writing throughout the year.
Jim Wilson for showing amazing growth on his Volume and Capacity post-test.
Tom Wilson for his great, well-presented Writer’s Gift.
Lizzie Martini for giving clear and detailed explanations
Ryder Stagg for showing resilience to bounce back when things don't go to plan
Archie Korn for displaying strong teamwork during his play preparation and performance.
Oscar Dickeson for demonstrating very strong growth in his reading abilities this year.
Anukhai Pulukkutti for using effective problem solving strategies and sharing his reasoning in Mathematics.
Artwork of the Week
Year 2K & PS have been doing amazing work on their domestic portraits, inspired by illustrator Anna Zobel. Here are just a few of examples of the fabulous drawings created in Term 4....
Top Row L-R:Lenny Graham, Will Black, Hudson Street, Max Murphy
Bottom row L-R: Billie McInerney, Lara Bebbington, Grace Westbrook, Grace O'Dwyer
By Florian Whitley
Fundraising & New Books
Last week I was very touched to discover that a small group of Year 2 students had taken it upon themselves to organise a two-day bake sale to raise extra funds for the School Library. They raised an amazing $165! I’ve been told that they’d like me to spend half on picture books and half on junior fiction. We are so lucky at YPS to have students who care so much about books and reading and libraries- and are so community minded! I’m so proud.
I’ve already started purchasing a few new books with the money we made last week from the Book Sale- mostly the next new book in a series, for example: Captain Underpants #12, Funny Kid: Prank Ninjas, Sky Dragon Book 3, The 143-Storey Treehouse, Wolf Girl 6, The Bad Guys #14, Rise of the Mythix Book 4 and The Odds #2.
There will be a great collection of new books awaiting the return to school in 2022!
Returning Overdue Library Books
This week I will chasing up any outstanding loans. I would be grateful if parents could remind students/assist them to find and return all library books, overdue or otherwise, this week. Thanks in advance for assisting with this.
We’ve had another fabulous year in the library. I love seeing how the students use this wonderful free resource. Thank you for your support. Enjoy a well-earned break when you can!
Sarah McAlister
Intra-school Cricket Carnival, Years 3-6
Despite the Wodonga Kanga Cricket Carnival being cancelled, we have decided to host our very own intra-school cricket competition on the second last day of school. This will be for students in Years 3-6 and will take place at the Yackandandah Sports Park on Wednesday, December 15. We will be heading down in the morning and playing a few games of Kanga cricket on the oval, in mixed ability teams. Students will need to bring their lunch, snacks, drink, water, hat, and positive sporting attitude for the fun day. Because this is a local excursion, no permission forms are required.
Pupil free day – last day of term
The last day of term, Friday Dec 17th, is a pupil free day. If you require care for this day, please book in via the portal or via email to our service. Our operating hours will be 8am to 6pm.
Moving to XPlor
You will receive a welcome email to the Xplor Home platform on the 13th of December. We ask that you please promptly create your account so that we can begin to use the platform with you in time for Vacation care. If at any time you have any questions regarding the setup of your account, please be in touch! Once you have created your home account you will be able to create bookings for next year yourself, as always if you require help with this, please send us an email.
New enrolments are still welcome, the link below will take you to our online enrolment form. Please fill this out including all required information.
January 2022 Vacation Care Program
A reminder that our Vacation care dates are 10th January until the 28th. We will be closed for the Australia Day Public Holiday.
Bookings are now open for our Vacation care sessions. We ask that you please create bookings before the end of term, as we are closed over the Christmas new year break.
We are working with the Local Library to arrange an extra free of charge mini excursion on Friday the 14th! Beloved children’s author Leigh Hobbs is in town, and we would love to take the children to visit him. You may know his popular works “Old Tom” “Horrible Harriet” and “Mr Chicken”. We will keep you posted via our Facebook page regarding the finer details.
Message from the Australian Government.
The Australian Government is removing the annual cap for all families who get Child Care Subsidy.
If you earn more than $190,015, you have an annual subsidy cap of $10,655 per child each financial year.
This cap will be removed permanently from 10 December 2021. You don’t need to do anything.
If you reach the cap before 10 December, Services Australia will reassess your CCS entitlement and back pay you.
Learn more on the Department of Education, Skills and Employment’s website: https://www.dese.gov.au/higher-CCS
Message from Siobhan
Hello to all our wonderful OSHC families!
As some of you may have noticed I am due to have a little one of my own very soon! I am very excited and slightly nervous to begin the new year with a new bub! I will be starting my maternity leave at the end of term and plan to return next year. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and your children for a wonderful year, I have truly loved my first year as coordinator and am already excited to return next year and continue to work in our beautiful service!
In the interim, the acting coordinator will be Felicity Baker, someone you will all know from our service already! Felicity has a great love for our service and what we do. If at any time you need assistance, please be in touch with her via the OSHC email.
Thank you all again, have a Merry Christmas and a fabulous New Year!
The OSHC team would like to wish all our families and children a very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!9th December – Fela Gilbert
13th December – Sierra Allan
14th December – Alfie Bayne
15th December – Stella Brinsdon
20th December – Zya Davis
22nd December – William Black
22nd December – Ryder Stagg
24th December – Lily Van Duinen
25th December – Felix Anderson
30th December – Jack Summons
30th December – Lachi O’Sullivan
We’ve had another busy year on Yackandandah Primary School Council in 2021!
Tonight will be our last meeting for the year with Finance Sub-Committee at 5.30, followed by School Council at 6pm. All welcome to attend as always.
I would like to sincerely thank all members of school council for what we have achieved this year. Below are a few highlights (in no particular order):
We look forward to an exciting 2022, where things (fingers crossed) return to some form of normalcy. Hopefully this will mean we can reinstate some of our long running fundraising activities and perhaps even introduce some new events for the kids!
As always, we welcome feedback at any point throughout the year, so if you have ideas or would like to come along to a meeting, you’re always welcome. We will also have school council nominations/elections in February/March for those completing their 2-year term. We encourage anyone that wants to contribute to please nominate.
I would also like to thank Faith Deans who finished up with school council in November. Faith has been a huge contributor to school council over the last two years and we will miss her input. Thanks Faith from all of us.
I hope you all have a safe and fun-filled holiday break!
Jane Dowsley on behalf of Yackandandah Primary School Council
School Councilors – Michael Walsh, Beth Boddenberg, Orrin Pritchard, Carly Frank, Robyn Wilson, Kate Stagg, Jane Shepherd, Leigh Attwood, Michael Edwards and Jane Dowsley.