Newsletter 31.01.2022

Issue 1 2022

Dates to Remember

Wednesday 2nd February -  No school for Foundation students
Friday 4th February - House Swimming Carnival – Yrs. 3/4/5/6
Wednesday 9th February - No school for Foundation students
Friday 11th February - District Swimming Sports
Wednesday 16th February - No school for Foundation students
Friday 18th February - Division Swimming Sports
Wednesday 23rd February - No school for Foundation students
Wednesday 2nd March - Regional Swimming Sports
Monday 14th March - Labour Day Public Holiday
Friday 8th April - Last day Term 1

From the Principal

Welcome back to school for 2022 and welcome aboard to children and families who are new to Yackandandah Primary School. I encourage everyone to help families new to our school community feel welcome. Over the next few weeks the children will settle into the routines of the school and their class. The school values of We are Learners, We are Fair, and We show Respect guide all of us – students, staff and families.

Class teachers will send weekly or fortnightly emails sharing what learning will be happening in the class, any events to be aware of and any other information of note. Newsletters are posted on the website and emailed on Monday each school week. If there are any whole school notices that cannot wait for a newsletter Sandra or I may occasionally send out an email to all families.

During Term One teachers and parents usually catch up for a chat about your child, with the aim that both the teacher and the parent can share any information necessary to help with schooling. This catch up can be an informal chat at pickup time, a phone call, video conference or face to face meeting. For many, the catch up may not be much more than a quick hello as the parent – teacher – student may already have a close relationship. Remember that you can always email your child’s teacher if you have any questions.

In pre-covid times we would usually hold an information session for each class or year level to share how the classes will operate and to answer any questions. For the time being we will not be holding group sessions where parents and teachers gather together inside. Teachers will communicate via email and will send any necessary information home as required.

COVID safe practices
There are a few covid safe practices that the Department of Health and the Department of Education and Training have put in place for schools. These include:

  • Mask wearing for staff and children in Yrs. 3+ (also encouraged with younger children).
  • Air purifiers in classrooms and learning spaces
  • Maximising ventilation in school buildings
  • Rapid Antigen Tests distributed via schools with the recommendation that staff and students test twice weekly.
  • Reducing large gatherings where possible
  • Requirement that staff, volunteers and visitors to schools are fully vaccinated
  • Recommendation that children are vaccinated

If your child – or a household contact of your child – tests positive to covid, please notify the school and follow Department of Health directives regarding isolation. Keep your child home if they are displaying any symptoms and conduct a test. If a child shows any symptoms at school we will call the parents and ask that the child be collected.

We appreciate your patience and support with these practices.

Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Department of Education’s Privacy The policy can be read here:

School Council
I would like to introduce our School Councillors. School Council serves a very important role in the governance of the school.

  • Jane Dowlsey, President, Parent Representative
  • Leigh Atwood, Parent Representative
  • Bethany Boddenberg, Parent Representative
  • Michael Walsh, Treasurer, Parent Representative
  • Orrin Pritchard, Vice-President, Parent Representative
  • Jane Shepherd, Parent Representative
  • Kate Stagg, Parent Representative
  • Carly Frank, DET Representative
  • Robyn Wilson, DET Representative
  • Michael Edwards, DET Representative, Principal

School Council elections take place in Term One each year. There are four parent representative positions that will become vacant. Current councillors may renominate and other parents are also welcome to nominate. More information regarding school council elections will be in future newsletters. If you would like to discuss what is involved in being on School Council or what School Council is responsible for please feel free to chat with any of the current school councillors (including Michael, Carly and Robyn at school).

Swimming Sports
The House swimming sports are scheduled to take place this Friday. Check out Brendan’s information in the rest of this newsletter regarding the event.

In pre-covid times we would also hold an informal school pool party evening at the pool as a celebration of the new school year. Given the current circumstances and recommendations we have decided not to hold the event this year.

Dry Creek Bed
The Dry Creek bed project was completed last year, however I would like to thank Michael Walsh (and others) for giving time and energy in oppressive conditions to ensure the area is ready for use again this year. We appreciate your work!

Waste Wise
We are encouraging students to bring ‘nude food’ to school. This means bringing food in reusable containers rather than in disposable wrapping. If wrapping does come to school with lunches we will ask students to place it back in their lunchbox after they have finished eating and take it home again. Students will not be ‘in trouble’ if there is wrapping – we are simply trying to work toward the Plastic Free Yackandandah goals. Please ensure all containers and lids have your child’s name clearly marked on them.

Guitar Lessons
Bob Haanstra provides guitar tuition at our school. Families can arrange guitar lessons with Bob directly. Bob will be at school on Tuesdays (beginning tomorrow) and his contact details can be collected at the office.

Michael Edwards

From the Office

New Bank Account Details
Under Department guidelines we have had to open a new bank account with one of the major banks.  Our new bank account details for all school fees, OSHC fees and other payments is:

Bank:                    Westpac
BSB:                     033-222
Account Number:   018848

Parent Payments
Last week families were emailed a copy of the Parent payments for this year.  A hard copy has been sent home today in the envelope with the eldest student.

The Department of Education and Training has reviewed parent contribution practices and have made changes to how schools seek contributions. This means that we can no longer send statements out to families for Curriculum and Other Contributions.  Parents will still receive statements for Extra-Curricular Items and Activities such as camps and excursions.

Our school relies on the ongoing support of our families to ensure that we can offer the best possible education and support for our students.  Your financial contributions assist us in doing this.  Within our school this support has allowed us to provide an enriched learning and teaching program for every student and is highly valued by our school community.  The commitment from parents to contribute benefits students and results in improved achievement outcomes, wellbeing and engagement in learning.  At Yackandandah Primary School, we design and develop learning and teaching programs drawing on the best educational knowledge and practices and strive to offer broad and enriched opportunities to students that are above and beyond what is required in the standard curriculum and what is provided for by Government Funding.

OSHC Statements
Statements were sent home last week but unfortunately there is a glitch, and the session fees aren’t showing up.  New statements will be sent out as soon as this has been fixed.

Students Details
At the start of each year a copy of the student information that we have on file is sent home for parents to check and update.  This year the form has been emailed to families who are on the enrolment form as ‘Parent A’. Please check this form and make any updates to it and return it to school. It is very important that all the detail we have are correct including contact details, occupation codes and student medical information.  If you would prefer to have a hard copy, please call into the office.

The eldest child in each class has today or tomorrrow taken home an envelope with the following forms for each child in the family:

  • Local Excursion Permission Form Permission form to cover any local excursions (not adventure activities) that students walk to in Yackandandah. This form needs to be returned by Friday.
  • Year 3 – 6 School Swimming Carnival Permission form – Permission form needs to be returned to school by this Wednesday.
  • Photography/Filming consent Form – Please read this form and return it to school by this Friday, 4th February if you do not consent to any or part of it. If you have read the notice and are comfortable with the school using photos, video or recordings of your child as described in the notice you do not need to take any further action.
  • Parent Payment Letter – letter outlining parent contributions for 2022.
My apologies if you are missing a form for one of your children.  Please let me know and I will send another home.

Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

If you have a valid means-tested concession card, such as a Veterans Affairs Gold Card, Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible. There is also a special consideration category for asylum seeker and refugee families.

Payment amounts this year are $125 for eligible primary school students Payments are made direct to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions and sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

If you applied for CSEF through our school last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year, unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.

If you would like to apply for the first time, please call into the school office and ask for an application form.

You can also download the form, and find out more about the program and eligibility, on the Department of Education and Training’s Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund web page

If your child is absent from school the office as well as the classroom teacher needs to be informed. Absences can be reported by emailing the school on, phoning the school on 60271 729 or on the school website at and click register an absence. It is Department regulations that all absences and a reason are recorded.

Late Arrivals/Early Departures
If your child arrives at school after 9am or is being picked up prior to 3.30 they must be signed in or out by a parent or guardian.

Scholastic Book Club

Scholastic has been proudly bringing adventure and the unrivalled enjoyment of reading to multiple generations of Australian families via Book Club. Each Issue of Book Club contains specially curated, age-appropriate titles that have been carefully selected and levelled by a team of professional booklovers.

With numerous studies finding that reading at home is a key factor in a child’s lifelong success, Book Club provides a fun and easy way of bringing books into a child’s home. It provides families with an affordable and convenient way to access the best in Australian and international children’s literature.

Brochures are sent home twice a term.

The eldest child in each family has taken home a Scholastic Book Club Brochure and order form (this is in the envelope with all the other forms).  Orders need to be submitted through the Book Club Loop by Friday 18th February.

This year orders can only be done through the Book Club LOOP for Parents.

Enjoy your week

Assembly Helpers

Nate Attwood & Saoirse Beatty

Hot Lunch News

Hot Lunch News
Last year we advertised a position for our Hot Lunch Co-ordinator.  Jane Murphy was the successful applicant and she will be co-ordinating the hot lunches for the year which includes ordering of food, collating orders, rostering of volunteers and she will also be in the kitchen each Friday morning supervising.  This will make life a lot easier for our wonderful hot lunch volunteers.

We are working through a handover at the moment and lunches will commence from week 3, Friday 18th February.  Jane will also be doing a deep clean of the kitchen on Friday 11th February.  If you are able to assist with this please let Jane know.

Jane can be contacted on our new hot lunch email or by phoning her on 0416 051 473.



Sports News

2022 House Swimming Carnival
The House Swimming Carnival is taking place on Friday, February 4, at the Yackandandah Swimming Pool. We will begin at 9.30am, with all events finished by approximately 11.00am. Students will swim in the age group relating to the age they will be by December 31, 2022. The event is open to students 9 years and older. Students have the option of trying out for freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly, with students representing and earning points for their ‘House’. All events are 50m and qualifying is based on time. If students are successful in qualifying for the District event, this will take place at Chiltern Swimming Pool on Friday, February 11. The Division event will be at Waves Wodonga on Friday, February 18.

We will be walking down to the pool and students are encouraged to come dressed in their house colours: Hammond (blue), Wellsford (red), Kars (green), and Windham (yellow). Students still need to dress in line with our Sunsmart policy, including a school hat and a shirt that covers their shoulders. They do not have to wear a ‘rashie’ when racing, but will need one if there is a free swim after the events. Students should also bring plenty to drink and eat, including their lunch. Students won’t be able to purchase things from the kiosk at the pool, so please don’t send along any extra money. 

Permission forms have been sent home tonight in the envelope with the eldest student.  Please return the permission form by Wednesday.  There is no cost for students – the school is subsidising the cost.

Here's to a great day!

Victorian MTB Schools Competition

Yackandandah Primary School is encouraging those who are keen to take part in the 2022 Victorian MTB Schools Competition, taking place at Falls Creek on Friday, February 25 (TBC). This event is open to students in grades 3-12 and more information, including registration, can be found at

Please note that participants will be responsible for completing their own registration, organising transport on the day, and paying the registration fee ($35).

Brendan Hogan


Welcome back!
Welcome back friends and families of Yackandandah OSHC! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and enjoyed spending time with your families.

New OSHC Contact Information
OSHC has its very own email address! This is now our main email account and we please ask that all booking or general enquiry comes to this address. Booking cancellations can be made via this email or by contacting the school. Please do not use our Facebook page for cancellations.

OSHC has its own phone now! At all times during business hours 7am-9am and 3pm-6pm one of our educators will always have the phone with them to take calls. If the phone does not get answered during these times, one of our educators will get back to you as soon as possible to answer any questions. Thank you for your patience during those times.


OSHC Phone: 0481 297 717

Moving to XPlor
We are up and running with our new system on Xplor. We also understand that during this time our booking system has had a rocky start, we have contacted the support team to help us through this. In the meantime, please email the OSHC email or call the OSHC phone if you are having any troubles or have any questions

We have access to some great online features, including online enrolment forms. We ask that all new families please complete an enrolment form for our service using the below link. Please ensure that you are providing the correct details for both you and your child, including DOB, CRN and contact information. We ask that you please also provide a minimum of one emergency contact.

If you have any questions during the process, please send us an email.

Vacation Care
What a wonderful Vacation care we had this summer. We hope all our friends enjoyed their time as much as we did. There were a few excursions planned such as berry picking and swimming. During Vacation care we also had exciting incursions such as Mini Mindfuls, Science Day, Cricket Day and Tennis Day. The children spent the day within the school enjoying these fun experiences with their friends and educators. We would like to apologise for the cancellation of some of our excursions. We have these days planned for the next Vacation Care.   

Thanks, OSHC team.

Fundraising Opportunity

Yackandandah Community Comeback.

The Community Comeback Project’s aim is to create a community led event that brings people together to enhance wellbeing, foster community connections, build resilience and promote recovery, after the devastating 2020 bushfires and the ongoing issues arising from COVID19.  This event aims to attract Yackandandah people to reconnect, share some food and have fun. As an inclusive event the invitation is extended to all residents of Yackandandah.

Details: 25th February 4-8pm - Wellsford Street opposite school, and The Memorial Gardens.

This locally led event will be focused on the Yackandandah Community and is funded through the federal government and the Indigo Shire.  The event will be supported by the Yackandandah Primary School and grant proceeds will contribute to fundraising for the school (and other local businesses).  The Primary School's role will be to prepare, cook and serve approximately 700 BBQ meals to the community, and will be coordinated by Paul and Trish Anderson and the local Lions Club. 

To ensure this is a successful event for Yackandandah, volunteer helpers are needed from the school community.   A volunteer roster will be sent out in the next newsletter, seeking 15-20 volunteers.

So stay tuned for next weeks newsletter to register as a volunteer, in the meantime if you have any questions - speak to Paul or Trish!


2nd January - Isaac Hewson & Oliver Paull
3rd January - Henry Wyatt
5th January - Vanessa Williams
6th January - Oscar Bulman
8th January - Angus Glanville
12th January - Pippa Graham, Lenny Graham & Lucia-Mary Gosling
13th January - Freya Vorbach
15th January - Patrick McIntyre, Kaitlyn McGlead & Peter Kellaway
19th January - Penelope McNicoll & Jed Walker
20th January - Sally Bayne
22nd January - Charlie Killen
24th January -  Raff Gargiulo
26th January - Lola Mahoney
27th January - Olive MacCalman
29th January - Zack Dickeson & Hugo Dickeson
31st January - Lara Bebbington
1st February - Richie Burston & Laycee Nocentini
4th February - Beau Ridgeway & Ivy Mahoney

Community Notices