Newsletter 07.02.2022

Issue 2

Dates to Remember

Wednesday 9th February - No school for Foundation students
Wednesday 16th February - No school for Foundation students
Friday 18th February - Division Swimming Sports
Friday 18th February - Book club orders close
Wednesday 23rd February - No school for Foundation students
Wednesday 2nd March - Regional Swimming Sports
Monday 14th March - Labour Day Public Holiday
Friday 8th April - Last day Term 1
Tuesday 26th April - First day Term 2
Thursday 5th May  - School Photos
Mon 8th Aug – Wed 10th Aug - Year 5/6 Sovereign Hill Camp
Wed 10th August-Fri 12th August - Year 3/4 Melbourne Camp

From the Principal

The students have settled into the school routine this year very well. There is a positive and friendly tone throughout the school. A good measure of the tone of a school is what teachers do during yard duty times at breaks. We have been finding yard duty a time where we have spent chatting with kids, occasionally joining in a game and getting to know new students. This is a positive sign.

Congratulations to all the children on a terrific swimming carnival last Friday. I was especially pleased with the support the children showed each other and the high level of participation. Well done to Wellsford House for once again winning day and thanks to Brendan for another perfectly organised day.

Thank you for continuing to support our Covid safety procedures by checking in, conducting rapid antigen tests and keeping children at home if showing any illness or symptoms. The children have been very good at wearing masks I am hopeful we can continue with few, if any interruptions. We are awaiting a further delivery of RATs for weeks three and four of this term. I will let you know as soon as they arrive.

We will continue with our outdoor assemblies on Friday afternoons at 3:10. I encourage parents to maintain their distance and/or wear masks while attending. During assembly this coming Friday we will be handing the new student leaders their badges.

Michael Edwards

From the Office

New Bank Account Details
Under Department guidelines we have had to open a new bank account with one of the major banks.  Our new bank account details for all school fees, OSHC fees and other payments is:

Bank: Westpac

BSB:  033-222

Account Number: 018848

Parent Payments
Thank you to all the families who have paid their Parent Contributions.  When making payment please pay into the new bank account as above.

Families will receive a statement this week showing what they have paid for and any credit balances they may have.  This is for your records.

OSHC Statements
OSHC Statements will be emailed out this week.  If the CCS is not coming off the balance this is because you have not yet signed the CWA form.  This must be signed to receive the CCS.

The link below will take you to an information page with instructions on how to sign it.  Click on Step 1 – Signing the CWA and follow the instructions.  Please make sure you backdate the CWA to the 10th January to enable the CCS to come off Vacation Care fees.

Photography/Filming consent Form
Under Department guidelines the form only needs to be returned if you do not consent to the school using photos, video or recordings.  Please tick the box(s) that you do not consent to.

A number of families have returned the form to school signed but no boxes ticked.  Those families have today received the form back to either return it with the boxes ticked that you are not consenting to or if you are consenting you do not need to return it as per the green highlight part on the form.

Local Excursion Permission Form
Students who have not yet returned the Local Excursion Permission Form have today taken home another.  Please return the form to school tomorrow.  These forms are required for students to walk across to the town library.

Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

If you have a valid means-tested concession card, such as a Veterans Affairs Gold Card, Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible. There is also a special consideration category for asylum seeker and refugee families.

Payment amounts this year are $125 for eligible primary school students Payments are made direct to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions and sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

If you applied for CSEF through our school last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year, unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.

If you would like to apply for the first time, please call into the school office and ask for an application form.

You can also download the form, and find out more about the program and eligibility, on the Department of Education and Training’s Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund web page

Emjoy your week

Achievement Awards

Nate Millward for using lots of fantastic vocabulary in his Cold Write.
Ella Williamson for being exceptionally organised and always ready to learn.
Hudson Street for using colour in a considered way to identify patterns in maths challenges
Grace O’Dwyer for engaging constructively in all of our Week of Inspirational Maths activities
Chase Grech for demonstrating a positive mindset towards learning
Ivy Mahoney for using a ‘never give up’ attitude when working on tricky problems
Cobie Flower for being an engaged and focused learner in his first week of Foundation.
Sullivan Lucas for an excellent start to Year 1 by demonstrating confidence and an eagerness to learn.
Ned Westbrook for putting in 100% with all class activities.
Fela Gilbert for confidently sharing ideas and information with the class.
Joni Mayhew for being an enthusiastic learner and putting in 100% effort.
Mim Martini for being a confident leader in our class, always helping others.
Aidan Dent for making such a positive start to the year and hitting the road running.
Imogen Rolfe for being a great role model for other learners and starting the year so well.


Assembly Helpers

Assembly helpers this week are:

Sally Bayne & Thomas Geary

Hot Lunch News

Hello school community..... Here is the hot lunch menu for Term 1, 2022.  Please click on the link below, it will take you to the electronic google docs form.  Please 'submit' a form for each child and transfer the total payment into the new school bank account, with 'Hot Lunch' as the transfer reference.

Hot Lunch Order Form:

If you require any assistance, please contact Jane Murphy.

0416 051 473

Frequently Asked Questions..

What is 'Hot Lunch'?

The hot lunch culture 

A 'hot lunch' option is offered to students on most Friday's during the school term. 

The menu is released at the start of each term and students can nominate the meals (if any) that they wish to receive.

Each Hot lunch meal costs $5; this includes an individually served hot meal, fruit and sometimes a treat like yogurt or a baked goodie.

Some previous meal options that have been offered are; fried rice, butter chicken, burrito's, hamburgers and sometimes local food providers, like Beechworth Bakery and the Star Hotel have prepared and delivered hot meals too.

Parents and carers volunteer their time (Friday's 9am-11:30am) to collect ingredients, prepare, cook and serve the hot meal.  The meals are delivered to the classroom, where the class teacher will then hand them out to the students that have ordered them.  

The hot lunch program has created a lovely community culture, whereby parents have the opportunity to spend time at school, meet other parents and interact with the children during the lunch time.

Can I bring my young child to a hot lunch session?

On many occasions younger children have accompanied parents to the hot lunch sessions, and we value the volunteers that allow the hot lunch program to run successfully, however we need to ensure that all kitchen visitors are kept safe and happy.

If you wish to volunteer and have a younger child with you, then we would love for you to team up with another parent/carer for the same volunteer session, this way one parent can be in the kitchen and the other can spend time with the children, perhaps in the playground, then roles can be swapped after an hour, so both carers can assist in the kitchen.

We would be happy to accommodate, so please speak to Jane Murphy so arrangements can be made.

Do I need to be Vaccinated?

To assist with hot lunches volunteers need to be fully vaccinated. 

Thanks Jane

Sports News

House Swimming Carnival
One of the most impressive features of the recent House swimming carnival was the number of kids persisting, supporting others, and having a go to earn points for their ‘House’. It was the kind of sporting spirit we like to foster at Yackandandah Primary, so it was great to witness it in bucket loads. Thanks, as always, to the parent helpers on the day, and the other teaching staff, who all combined to make it wonderful day. The House winner this year was Wellsford Red. Great job Wellsford! There were also a number of great individual results on the day. Check out the age champion results below.

12/13 BOYS

  1. Flynn Graham (Windham 33)
  2. Tom Wilson (Wellsford 27)
  3. Hugh Mason (Wellsford 26)

12/13 GIRLS

  1. Saoirse Beatty (Windham 39)
  2. Sally Bayne (Wellsford 32)
  3. Lenny Ridgeway (Kars 27)


  1. Ed Boddenberg (Wellsford 39)
  2. Harry Schmidt (Wellsford 25) & Cameron McIntosh (Kars 25)
  3. Aidan Wall (Windham 17)


  1. Violet McCalman (Hammond 40)
  2. Aliya McCormack (Kars 24)
  3. Lily van Duinen (Windham 22)

9/10 BOYS

  1. Tarn Charles-Jones (Wellsford 27)
  2. Will Maybury (Kars 23)
  3. Lenny Graham (Windham 21)

9/10 GIRLS

  1. Lily Schultz (Wellsford 27)
  2. Olive McCalman (Hammond 24)
  3. Grace Westbrook (Hammond 21)

Division Swimming Carnival
We have a crack squad of 19 swimmers heading to Wodonga to make a splash next Friday, February 18. More information will be provided to qualifiers and their families once entries have been finalised. Best of luck to all those involved.

Unfortunately, this event is not open to spectators.

Brendan Hogan


OSHC Contact Information
OSHC has its very own email address! This is now our main email account and we please ask that all booking or general enquiry comes to this address. Booking cancellations can be made via this email or by contacting the school. Please do not use our Facebook page for cancellations.

OSHC has its own phone now! At all times during business hours 7am-9am and 3pm-6pm one of our educators will always have the phone with them to take calls. If the phone does not get answered during these times, one of our educators will get back to you as soon as possible to answer any questions. Thank you for your patience during those times.


OSHC Phone: 0481 297 717

XPlor App
Our outside of school hours service has moved to a new software! We kindly ask that parents download an app by the name of Xplor- Home. This will allow you to login to the software. In this app you will be able to book your children in for sessions and mark them as absent when needed. This app will allow you to sign your children in and out of our space contactless, meaning you can do it all from your phone! How exciting! If you are experiencing any troubles, please contact us and let the team know and we will try our best to guide you through it.

This week in OSHC!
This week in OSHC the children have been focusing on their positive affirmations. We painted a big, beautiful tree on a window in our space. The children then all got to make handprints of their very own. From there the children were then asked to find or pick a positive affirmation that they liked, it was then written on their hand and added to the tree. We are hoping to see more and more handprints throughout the year as the children learn more about positive affirmations.

This week the children have also been pulling out our new watercoloour paint sets. The children have been exploring and learning how to use this new medium and how the different colours can all blend together!

Thanks, OSHC team.

Yackandandah Community on Show

The help sheet for the Yackandandah Community on Show can be accessed by clicking on the link below.  The help sheet will also be emailed out to all families today.


5th February – Max Edwards

6th February – Ewan McInerney

11th February – Gabrielle Gargiulo

Community Notices