Newsletter 21.02.2020

Issue 4

Dates to Remember

Wednesday 16th February - No school for Foundation students
Friday 18th February - Division Swimming Sports
Friday 18th February - Book club orders close
Friday 18th February - Hot Lunch
Wednesday 23rd February - No school for Foundation students
Wednesday 2nd March - Regional Swimming Sports
Friday 4th March - Hot Lunch
Friday 11th March - Hot Lunch
Monday 14th March - Labour Day Public Holiday
Friday 18th March - Hot Lunch
Friday 25th March - Hot Lunch
Friday 1st April - Hot Lunch
Wednesday 6th April - Cultural Performance - Lucas Proudfoot
Thursday 7th April - School Cross Country (TBC)
Friday 8th April Hot Lunch
Friday 8th April - Last day Term 1
Tuesday 26th April - First day Term 2
Thursday 5th May  - School Photos
Tuesday 10th May - Friday 20th May - Naplan Testing
Friday 3rd June - Division Cross Country
Monday 13th June - Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
Wednesday 22nd June - Regional Cross Counry
Friday 24th June - Last Day Term 2
Monday 11th July - First Day Term 3
Friday 15th July - Winter Sports Carnival (Years 3 - 6)
Mon 8th Aug – Wed 10th Aug - Year 5/6 Sovereign Hill Camp
Wed 10th August-Fri 12th August - Year 3/4 Melbourne Camp
Thursday 25th August - School Athletics Carnival
Monday 29th Aug - Friday 2nd Sept - Wodonga Arts Festival
Monday 29th Aug - Friday 9th Sept -School Swimming Program
Wednesay 7th September - District Athletics
Friday 16th September - Last Day Term 3
Monday 3rd October - First Day Term 4
Friday 7th October - Division Athletics
Friday 14th October - Regional Athletics
Tuesday 1st November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Friday 18th November - Kanga 8's
Monday 21st Nov - School Swimming Program
Friday 25th November - Kanga 6's Cricket Carnival (Years 3 - 6)
Tuesday 20th December - Last Day Term 4






From the Principal

I had the pleasure of attending the Division Swimming day with 16 students last Friday. The students all gave their best and competed with positive attitudes and mutual support. Congratulations to all who swam. Children who progress to the Regional Swimming meet received notification on the day and should have the relevant information already. Parents will be responsible for taking children to the Regional meet in Shepparton.

Don’t forget to return the Smile Squad consent forms if you have not already (and if you give your consent). Children will not be eligible to receive a free dental consultation and free follow up treatment if the consent forms are not returned. Smile Squad will be at our school early Term Two.

Today is the final day for School Council nominations. Nomination forms are available at the office. I encourage anyone who is interested to nominate for School Council.

Our Social & Emotional Learning focus this week is a look at the school value of ‘We are Learners.’ The core purpose of school is learning and this value recognises that. It is important to remember that reports, results, tests etc. do not equal learning. Learning is all the stuff that happens prior to this. The best boost that learners can give themselves is developing positive learning habits. These positive habits include being organised, being curious, being self-motivated and being willing to persevere when things are difficult.

Michael Edwards

From the Office

Late Arrivals to school and Early Pick Up
A reminder that if your child arrives at school after 9am or is picked up before 3.30pm they must be signed in or out at the office.

New Bank Account Details
A reminder that when paying money to the school to please use the new bank account. If you have regular payments set up to come out your bank account to the school, you will need to change the destination details to:

Bank:                          Westpac
BSB:                           033-222
Account Number:         018848

OSHC Statements
Our Child Care Subsidy issue has been resolved.  Statements will be sent home tomorrow – they will be detailed from the 10th of January to the 20th of February so families can check the entries.  If there is still an error on your statement, please let me or Felicity know – it will possibly mean that you haven’t yet signed the CWA or there could be another error to do with your enrolment. 

The link below will take you to an information page with instructions on how to sign it.  Click on Step 1 – Signing the CWA and follow the instructions.

Health Care Card/Pension Card Holders
Do you hold a valid Health Care Card, Veteran Affairs Card or Pension Card either in your name or your child’s name?  If you do, please call into the office so you can claim the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF). 

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

Payment amounts this year are $125 for eligible primary school students Payments are made direct to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions and sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

You can also download the form, and find out more about the program and eligibility, on the Department of Education and Training’s Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund web page

Enjoy your week


Assembly Helpers

Assembly helpers this week are:

Lola Mahoney & Harvey Gosling

Achievement Awards

Sara Davison for taking pride in her work, always completing it neatly and to the best of her ability.
Henry Wyatt for using his senses to describe his favourite food in amazing detail in his Big Write.
Will Boddenberg for his wonderful, informative video about Tadpole season. Well done, Will!
Felix Anderson for his fantastic and informative video about Kangaroo Apple season. Great work, Felix!
Saige Harmer for demonstrating excellent focus during Readers Workshop and completing her first novel of the year. Sensational, Saige!
Hunter Wall for actively engaging during drama activities and thinking creatively and critically about characters. Thanks for your hard work, Hunter!
Alfie Bayne for creative improvisation during drama activities.
Lola Mahoney for being kind and caring towards one of our new young students during break time.
Charlotte Wilson for listening carefully and taking on feedback to improve her learning.
Jed Walker for outstanding progress in reading and finding success in decoding unknown words
Judd Maybury for always being a hardworking student and completing tasks with great enthusiasm.
Renn Thompson for putting 100% into all activities and working well with a partner.
Nate Maybury for putting 100% into all tasks and being an excellent listener.
Neve Allan for great independent work during word work this week.
Tom Murphy for persistence during writing tasks this week, and great effort to write more and more each day.
Hughie Vorbach for impressive home reading efforts.  Keep it up!

Hot Lunch News

We have had a great response to hot lunch this term, with over 100 orders coming in for each week.

Here is the list of kitchen helpers for the term.

We are still looking for a couple more to help this week.  So if you are free, I can promise cuppa tea and a biscuit!!

Food Allergies and Intolerances
If your child has any food allergies or intolerances that I should be aware of, please get in touch.


Sports News

Upper Hume Division Swimming Carnival

Of the 16 students who represented the school at last Friday’s Division Swimming Carnival in Wodonga, an amazing 11 have qualified for the regional event in Shepparton. This is the largest squad we have sent to ‘Regionals’ in many years. Congratulations to:

  • Open Mixed Medley Relay – 1st: Saoirse Beatty, Aidan Dent, Lola Mahoney, Violet MacCalman
  • 11 Girls Freestyle Relay – 1st: Violet Maccalman, Zoe Riley, Lily van Duinen Aliyah McCormack
  • 9/10 Boys Freestyle Relay – 1st: Jim Kelly, Tarn Charles-Jones, Angus Glanville, Will Maybury
  • 11 Girls Freestyle – 2nd: Violet MacCalman
  • 11 Girls Breaststroke – 2nd: Violet MacCalman

A special mention to the other team members who may have missed out on qualification this time, but represented the school so well: Fredi Farley, Lenni Ridgeway, Hugh Mason, Sally Bayne, and Ed Boddebergy. All students should be immensely proud of their efforts.


Library News

I can’t believe we are already going into Week 4- and this is my first contribution of Library news for the Newsletter this year!

The library is BURSTING with new books ready for a fabulous year of reading ahead! You may have noticed some of your children have brought some home already? Perhaps they’ve borrowed some of the new Junior Fiction novels for class reading? Next time you have some time with your child, ask them what they are reading at the moment. Talking about books and reading can create wonderful opportunities for a range of conversations and incidental learning opportunities for both parent and child!

Book Sale 2021!
The book sale at the end of last year, and the wonderful cake stall, raised much needed funds to continue to grow our library and make available the latest books for our students. Over the summer I used this money to purchase new release Junior Fiction, Picture Books and Non-Fiction. These include cookbooks for children- Lunchbox Express and Silver Spoon for Children: Italian Cooking; Always by Morris Gleitzman; Wolf Girl 6, Sky Dragon 3 and E-Boy 3 all by Anh Do; Funny Kid: Prank Aliens and The Odds #2 by Matt Stanton; and Books 2 & 3 of the Stella Montgomery Intrigues by the brilliant Judith Rossell. Plus many more!

In The Library
Last week I had the opportunity to have F/1C for School Library. It was the first visit for Foundation students, whilst Year 1 refamiliarised themselves with Library processes. They learnt about how Picture Books are shelved in alphabetical order according to the first letter of the Authors SURNAME. Students selected a book or two from the section that corresponded with the first letter of THEIR surname. It was very challenging for a few!

Returning Books
Thank you to those families who ensured books were returned at the end of last year. I will be chasing up a few that are still outstanding from 2021 this week.

Students can borrow two books at one time, from the school Library, and loans are for a period of two weeks. Books can be returned at any time during the school week. Teachers usually have a tub in their classroom where books gather until their class Library day.

Have a wonderful week of reading!

Sarah McAlister

Other School News

Yackandandah Primary School is currently exploring the opportunity to host an exciting incursion at our school in the coming months. The aim of this incursion is to inspire our students through a range of hands on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) activities, through the use of Lego.


The program provides opportunities for students to create solutions for real-world problems and is a project based program. This program will be offered to all students from Foundation to Year 6 and the organisers are offering a professional development session for staff which will enable us to establish our own STEM program.

Unfortunately, we do not have the funding to cover this program and so we are seeking expressions of interest from organisation/s willing to offer some financial support to enable this program to run for our students. Should you be interested, Young Engineers is happy for you to advertise on their Young Engineers website and Facebook page.

If you would like to have a look at what they do here is a link to their website-

If you would like information about this program in our school, please contact me-Kelli at school.

I can be contacted through the office or via email


Year 6 - 7 Transition


Child Care Subsidy
Thank you to our families who have been so patient during our big move to Xplor. We have been working very hard to get the child care subsidy all signed off and ready to go for you.
If you have any questions regarding your Child Care Subsidy please feel free to contact us during business hours.

This week in OSHC!
This week in OSHC, the children have been involved in showing us their creative flare! The children have been very focused on different art mediums. They have been making beautiful artwork with balloons, bubble wrap, watercolour paints and many different items around the OSHC space. A lot of children have been showing their creative side through building and construction. They have been making big towers, mechanics and houses. They will then use these wonderful creations within their play.


Yackandandah Community on Show

Thank you to all the families who have volunteered their time on Friday for the Community Comeback BBQ.  The roster is below.  If you can help out in any of the empty spots please let Sandra know.  We would also like some people to be on 'Standby" for each time slot in case people are unable to make it on the night.


19th February – Jim MacCalman

19th February – Maddie Prentice

Community Notices


FC Yackandandah Junior Soccer

School Children 5-11years of age welcome

Training Commences on Friday 29th April 2022.

Training Times: Friday 4:30pm – 5:30pm


Galas or inter club matches are held monthly in Mt Beauty, Bright, Myrtleford, Yackandandah. 

We also have teams that play each week on a Saturday at ‘Miniroos’ in Wodonga.  Please email as soon as possible if your child wants to play miniroos each week. Gala teams will be arranged closer to each date.


$85 per child (incl full uniform for new players) 


Register online at:

Be sure to search FC Yackandandah (FC needs to be first)

Places limited due to coach/equipment availability.


Shin pads are compulsory for all soccer activities so be sure to bring them on first night of training!


Enquiries: Sarah Bebbington 0418 425 290