What a wonderful event on Friday evening. Having the community come together like that was a great reminder of what healthy communities do. Huge thank you to Paul and Trish Anderson for organising and coordinating Yackandandah Primary School’s part in the event. Huge thanks also to the parent volunteers who gave their time and energy to preparing and delivering the delicious food. The feedback from the wider community was very positive. Well done all!
Just a quick reminder that as summer comes to an end (even though warm weather will continue for some time) there are quite a few school jumpers that are freely available for anyone to take. I encourage you to check our supply of free jumpers before purchasing a new one. Remember to label your child’s jumper as these are the most commonly lost items.
QR Code check ins are no longer required at school. Students in Yrs. 3+, staff and visitors to the school are still expected to wear masks while indoors at school.
Michael Edwards
Head Lice
We have been notified of a couple of head lice cases at school. We encourage parents to please check their child’s hair on a regular basis. If your child does have head lice they are to be excluded from school until the day after treatment has commenced.
New Bank Account Details
A reminder that when paying money to the school to please use the new bank account. If you have regular payments set up to come out your bank account to the school, you will need to change the destination details to:
Bank: Westpac
BSB: 033-222
Account Number: 018848
Enjoy your week
Zac Davis & Edith McInerney
Raff Gargiulo for showing commitment to his reading and completing 3 mini novels already. Keep on reading, Raff!
Olive MacCalman for writing an insightful and descriptive journal entry from the perspective of Magpie (a vulnerable character from our Drama text- Fox). It was outstanding, Olive!
Abbie Williamson for drafting pieces of writing with strong “voice” and rich description.
Spencer Dowsley for applying a sustained effort during writing and developing a personal learning goal.
Will Maybury for setting such a positive example of hard work and effort.
Owen Overall for being a wonderful supporter of other learners in his class.
Penelope McNicol for persisting with challenges in maths this week and finding success. Well done!
James Davis for gaining confidence in asking questions to support his learning. Keep it up James!
Macklan James Hillier for enthusiastic participation in class discussions during our geography topic. Great work, Macklan!
Mia Lockett for asking great questions to maximise learning.
Jaxson Cameron for approaching all tasks with 100% effort and always with a smile.
Taidhg James Hillier for working hard to include the five senses and extra details in your Big Write this week!
Richie Burston for always listening and offering relevant information during class discussions.
Hugo Dickeson for a dedicated and mature approach to all learning tasks!
Savannah Lockett for working hard during fluency tasks and attempting tricky counting patterns.
Zack Dickeson for always making valuable contributions to class discussions.
Lola Mahoney for using high level techniques to produce an effective memoir.
Harry Schmidt for applying new maths skills and knowledge to achieve great results.
Zac Davis for using skill and independence to learn new things and push himself in maths.
Harlan O’Brien for being kind and generous to others in the school. Both are beautiful qualities to have.
Artwork of the Week: Elements of Art Cubes by Years 3/4 & 5/6
To begin our year in the Art room, Years 3/4 & 5/6 have been revisiting and refreshing their knowledge of the elements of art: Colour, Line, Form, Texture, Light, Sound, Time, Shape and Tone. We did this by designing and constructing a cube, with each surface representing one or more of the above elements of art. It was a great short activity to get the creative juices flowing and get students thinking about how artists and illustrators use a range of techniques and materials in their art making. The students produced a wonderful variety of designs in simple bright texta colours and black fine liner.
For the remainder of Term 1 students will be exploring Aboriginal Art, starting with local Indigenous artist Tamara Murray- whose commissioned sculpture is installed within the dry creek bed play space at school.
Hot lunch this week is a pie from Beechworth Bakery.
Helpers are Kim Wall & Jane Dowsley.
Information packs will be available from the school office tomorrow.
Thank you, parents, for being so unbelievably patient during our big move to Xplor!! This has been a crazy time, especially when it comes to bookings.
Just a reminder, you can book your children in via the Xplor home App on your phone, if this is not working for you, please contact us and we can get that sorted for you asap!
If you want to cancel your child for any booking, please let us know 24 hours in advance, we understand that sometimes things happen and you need to cancel morning of, but we still ask to cancel as soon as you can. The OSHC team would like to ask that if your child has a booking and is going to be away at any stage, please let the OSHC team know via email, text or phone call. Someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
This week in OSHC!
The children have been exploring our OSHC resources more and more. The children have been enjoying creating with our Konetix and building with our blocks. The children have also been enjoying as much sunshine as we can. When we are not enjoying the sunshine the children have been focusing on sharing our play experiences with each other.
Thanks, OSHC Team
27th February – Kinu Edwardes
27th February – Ben Hardisty
28th February – Dylan Hewitt
29th February – Tarn Charles-Hones