Newsletter 25.07.2022

Issue 22

Dates to Remember

Term Three
Thursday 28th July - Book Club orders close
Wednesday 20th July - Year F/1 100 Days of School celebration
Friday 29th July - Year 5/6 Cross Country Skiing
Friday 29th July - Hot Lunch
Wednesday 3rd August - Year 5/6 Bonegilla Migrant Experience
Friday 5th August - Hot Lunch

Mon 8th Aug – Wed 10th Aug - Year 5/6 Sovereign Hill Camp
Wed10th August-Fri 12th August - Year 3/4 Melbourne Camp
Friday 12th August - Hot Lunch
Friday 19th August - Year 5/6 Down Hill Skiing Day 1
Friday 19th August - Hot Lunch

Thursday 25th August - School Athletics Carnival
Friday 26th August - Year 5/6 Down Hill Skiing Day 2
Friday 26th August- Hot Lunch

Monday 29th Aug – Friday 9th Sept - School Swimming Program
Friday 2nd September - Year 5/6 Skiing Back Up Day
Friday2nd September - Hot Lunch

Wednesday 7th September - District Athletics
Friday 9th September - Hot Lunch

Monday 12th September - Lucas Proudfoot Circular Rhythm Performance
Wednesday 14th September - Book Week Dress up day
Friday 16th September - Hot Lunch

Friday 16th September - Last Day Term 3 - 2.30pm finish

Term Four
Monday 3rd October - First day Term 4
Friday 7th October - Division Athletics

Friday 14th October  - Regional Athletics
Tuesday 1st November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Friday 18th November - Kanga 8’s
Friday 25th November - Kanga 6’s Cricket Carnival (Years 3 – 6)
Tuesday 20th December - Last Day Term 4

From the Principal

There has been a large number of absences recently due to illness and other reasons. Thank you for notifying the office and class teacher of absences and the reason for them. We are required to record absences and their reasons, so please take the time to shoot an email or call the office to let us know.

We are updating a number of policies at the moment, specifically policies relating to Child Safety. There are currently some policies in draft form on our website that families are welcome to review and provide feedback to school council. The policies can be found here:

Michael Edwards

From the Office

Outside School Hours Care – Claiming the Child Care Subsidy (CCS)
The deadline for us to submit session reports for families to claim the Child Care Subsidy for the 2nd half of the 2021/2022 Financial Year  is Friday 5th August.  If you haven’t been receiving the CCS and think you are entitled to it please call into the office to see me.

The following information is for this Financial Year.

Enjoy your week, Sandra

Assembly Helpers

Jack Gregory & Ada Tracy

Achievement Awards

Penelope McNicol for being a positive and super supportive classmate to your peers.
Sully Lucas for a spectacular costume to celebrate 100 days of learning. Super Sully!
Zoe Glanville for consistently displaying determination and resilience when working independently at any task. Well done!
Tom Murphy for consistently producing your best handwriting every day. Keep up the great work!
Henry Wyatt for his fantastic blurb-writing skills. Your hilarious and informative blurb will certainly make people want to read our class book!
Sara Davison for working persistently in maths to improve on her knowledge of complements to 100. Keep it up!
Ned Westbrook for working hard to improve mental strategies in our fluency tasks.
Fela Gilbert for being a caring and thoughtful class member!
Billie McInerney for listening carefully and taking on feedback to improve her writing.
Lewis James-Hillier for backing himself to take on challenges in this learning.
Jim Kelley for displaying a positive attitude towards his learning and working cooperatively with others during group tasks. Fantastic job, Jim!
Nicholas Shepherd for sharing clever answers during his Reading Conference and making great text to text connections. Nice work, Nicholas!  
Anukhai Pulukkutti  for including an expanded range of “devices” in his persuasive writing.
Pippa Graham for extending her ideas in writing and developing “richer” paragraphs.
Lola Mahoney for demonstrating excellent accuracy and speed when recalling her times tables facts.
Cameron McIntosh for maturing as a reader and delving into some really challenging books.


Hot Lunch News

We have had a great start to hot lunches this term, with egg and bacon rolls proving a bit hit!

This week we will be making Cheesy Quesadillas!

Here is the helper roster for T3... still a few spaces to fill. So if you're looking for a fun morning and a free lunch then please come and join us!

Jane Murphy

YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
0416 051 473


Library News

I spent time over the holidays preparing lots of new books for our school library. The library is now BURSTING with fabulous new non-fiction books (on sport, plants, fungi, vehicles, Lego, Minecraft, bugs etc) and junior fiction (all the latest releases in series such as Ninja Kid, Weird, Sky Dragon, Fish Kid The World Between Blinks etc)- PLUS I’ve subscribed to some kids magazines which I’m hoping will start arriving next month. Watch this space!

CBCA Book Week 2022
This year’s theme is: Dreaming with eyes open….  The official CBCA Book Week is taking place from 20-26 August this year. Check out their website for more information about the shortlisted books:

Our Book Week celebrations, however, will take place in Week 10 of this term.

Save the date: Wednesday 14 September will be our YPS Book Week Dress-up Day! In the lead up, we’ve got a week of exciting activities planned for the students. We can’t wait to share for more information with you closer to the date. In the meantime- get thinking about and planning those costumes!

Book Sale 2022!
I will again be running a second-hand book stall in Week 10 as part of our week-long Book Week celebrations, to raise money for the library. Please consider donating to the school, any children’s books you might be finished with, instead of taking them to the op shop.

Missing Books

The library is missing two copies of Once by Morris Gleitzman (see picture below). Once is the first book of many in this very popular series. I’d dearly love them back so students can start reading it! Can you please check bookshelves, under beds, school bags…thank you!

Have a wonderful week of reading!

Sarah McAlister


School Swimming Program

The school swimming program will commence on Monday 29th August and run for 2 weeks..  Students will be travelling into the Wodonga Sports & Leisure Centre for swimming lessons at the following times:

First week (Week 8 of term beginning 29th Aug)

12:15 – 1:00        :  3/4A , 1/2E, & 3/4SP (half the class)

1:00 – 1:45          : 3/4E, 3/4SP (half the class) & 1/2K

Second Week (Week 9, beginning 5th Sept)

12:15 – 1:00        : F/1R & 5/6B

1:00 – 1:45          : F/1C & 5/6L

Buses will depart from school 45 minutes before the lesson time.

Permission forms have been sent home today  Please return forms to school by Friday 5th August.  The cost of the swimming is part of the Curriculum Contributions that parents have been asked to pay.

House Athletic Sports

House Athletics Help Needed
The House Athletics Carnival is taking place on Thursday, August 25 in Albury. To help make this day a success, we do need the assistance of many parents, carers and other adults on the day. Like last year, helpers will not be following particular groups around, but will be stationed at an event and assisting as different groups move through. Don’t worry, no experience is necessary. Even if you can only assist for a small amount of time, please let us know, as the viability of this event relies on enough adult helpers.

If you can help, please complete the form at this link:

Further information and permission forms will be sent home next week.


Year 5/6 Skiing Program

We are looking forward to taking part in our first ski day since 2019. Many of the Year 5/6 students will head to Falls Creek this Friday to take part in a cross country ski day. Here are some reminders...

  • be at school at 6.40am for a ski gear check in Brendan’s classroom.
  • the bus is due to leave at 7am and return to school at around 6pm.
  • students who experience travel sickness are recommended to take appropriate medication in the morning (and will be seated near the front of the bus). Any other medication is to be handed to Earle on the morning with written instructions for dosage and time.
  • we are requesting that all skiers complete a RAT sometime between school finishing on Thursday and getting on the bus Friday morning.
  • masks are required for bus travel.
  • message Earle if your child is unwell (check email for contact details).
  • pack a day pack with lunch, snacks and drink bottle. There should also be room for extra clothing if students need to remove a layer or two while skiing.
  • the current forecast is for cold weather so please ensure that adequate clothing is provided
  • check for email updates closer to Friday.

Thanks, again, to the parent helpers who have volunteered their time to support our students and make days like this possible.

Year F/1 News

On Thursday 22nd July, F/1 students and teachers celebrated 100 days of school by dressing up as their 100-year-old self and/or bought in a collection of 100 items. Students made crowns and participated in activities related to 100 days at school. Some examples were playing maths games like ‘Race to 100’, ‘Make 100’, and completing a writing booklet about ‘all things 100.’ We also had a party to celebrate at the end of the day in our beautiful new outdoor space beside our classroom. We have included some photos of students from the 100-year celebration.

Other School News

We Want to Hear From You!
Are you a former student of Yackandandah Primary School with a story to share? Maybe you know someone else who was? Some of our current Year 5/6 students are working on a project all about what school was like in Yackandandah throughout the decades and would love to hear your stories and memories! Tell us more, or give us a lead to someone who you think would be good to approach, by clicking on this link and entering your information. All information is confidential.


Christmas in July Singalong.

Dear Parents,

Unfortunately, I received a call on the weekend from the organisers of this Sunday’s ‘Christmas in July’ Singalong to say the event has been cancelled, or more correctly, postponed to December. Covid is again the culprit, and it was decided that with the current winter wave of the virus affecting many in Yackandandah, that it was no longer safe to hold the event.

The organisers apologise for the late notice and I assume that ticket refunds will be offered in due course through trybooking.

This is yet another blow for the kids and no doubt they will be very disappointed. I will look for other ways to keep the kids singing and hope there will be future events to look forward to.



Zac to Represent the State!
Zac Davis has been selected in the School Sports Victoria U12s soccer team and will represent Victoria at a national tournament in Western Australia later in the year. This is an incredible achievement and tremendous recognition of his talent and the hard work he has put in over many years. Zac attended a number of try-outs throughout the year and found out just last week that he had been successful in making the State team. It’s a privilege few students get to experience and he should be very proud of his success. Special mention must also go to his parents who have supported him along the way. We wish Zac all the best in October and into the future!

2023 Enrolments

If you have a child starting at school next year Enrolment packs can be collected from the school office. 

If you would like to book a school tour or have any questions, please contact Michael or Sandra at school.


24th July – Violet MacCalman

25th July – Savannah Lockett

28th July – Lachie Korn

Community Notices