Newsletter 22.08.2022

Issue 26

Dates to Remember

Term Three
Thursday 25th August - School Athletics Carnival
Friday 26th August - Year 5/6 Down Hill Skiing Day 2
Friday 26th August- Hot Lunch

Monday 29th Aug-Friday 2nd Sept - School Swimming Program - 1/2E, 1/2K, 3/4A, 3/4E & 3/4SP
Tuesday 30th August -Book Club orders close. 
Monday 5th Sept – Friday 9th Sept - School Swimming Program -  F/1R, F/1C, 5/6B & 5/6L
Friday 2nd September - Year 5/6 Skiing Back Up Day
Friday2nd September - Hot Lunch

Wednesday 7th September - District Athletics
Friday 9th September - Hot Lunch

Monday 12th September - Lucas Proudfoot Circular Rhythm Cultural Performance
Wednesday 14th September - Book Week Dress up day
Wednesday 14th September - District Athletics Back Up Day
Friday 16th September - Hot Lunch
Friday 16th September - Last Day Term 3 - 2.30pm finish

Term Four
Monday 3rd October - First day Term 4
Friday 7th October - Division Athletics

Friday 14th October  - Regional Athletics
Monday 31st October - Pupil Free Day – OSHC will be operating.
Tuesday 1st November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 2nd November - State Athletics
Thursday 15th December - Year 6 Graduation 6pm
Friday 16th December - Last Day of School for Students
Monday 19th December - Pupil Free Day – OSHC will be operating
Tuesday 20th December - Pupil Free Day – OSHC will be operating

From the Principal

Our school will be a part of the Wodonga and District schools visual arts exhibition at Gateway Island Gallery and Studios. The exhibition, ‘Young at Heart’ will be in place from August 30 to September 24. I encourage you to drop in during that time and view art pieces from students across the area.

Last Friday turned into a beautiful day at Falls Creek after a night of poor weather. Most Yr. 5/6 students, teachers and some parent volunteers enjoyed the day on the slopes. Thanks to Earle and the team for organising the day. The final ski day is this coming Friday. Fingers crossed for another glorious day.

This Thursday is the House Athletics Day. The athletics will be held at Les O’Brien sports precinct (athletics track) in Albury. Children will catch a bus from school soon after 9am – don’t be late! Parents are invited to cheer on the children and also to help out on the day. Don’t forget your House Colours.

Michael Edwards

From the Office

Thank you to all the families who have been advising the school of their child’s absences.  An easy way of notifying the school is by clicking on  the ‘Register an Absence’ icon at the bottom of the newsletter. Please remember if you are notifying the school by email to send it to both the teacher and the school email

Scholastic Book Club
Each student has today taken home a brochure and order form from Scholastic Book Club.  Orders need to be ordered through the Book Club Loop for Parents by Tuesday 30th August. 

Permission forms
We are still missing a few permission forms for both the Athletics Carnival this Thursday and the school swimming program.  I will be emailing the missing  forms out to parents today as well as sending home a hard copy.  Please ensure they are returned to school tomorrow.

Enjoy your week, Sandra


Assembly Helpers

Aidan Dent & Mietta Nocentini

Achievement Awards

Grace Scobie for outstanding handwriting, every day during all writing tasks. Keep it up Grace!
Judd Maybury for remembering to use finger spaces and the correct lines when writing.
James Davis  for his keen enthusiasm in learning to write using lowercase letters.
Kyle Van De Hoef for fantastic reading improvement. Congratulations, Kyle!
Hughie Vorbach for a solid effort in writing a retell of ‘Dunbi the Owl’.
Taidhg James Hiller for always being a kind and considerate member of 1/2EK
Kayden Street for trying so hard to remain on task during class discussions and activities
Cooper Wall for making excellent progress with our maths fluency task about fact families.
Savannah Lockett for making excellent progress with our maths fluency task about fact families.
Peter Kellaway for working hard to include rich descriptive language in his camp retell. Keep up the perfect effort, Pete!
Saige Harmer for making connections in Maths and demonstrating she is an organised and focused learner. You’re spectacular, Saige!
Will Black for displaying a positive attitude towards his learning in Maths and seeking feedback from the teacher when needed. Way to go, Will!
Finn Summons for persistence with times tables
Henry Lerch  for strong times tables work.

Art News

Artwork of the Week

Monster Faces by F/1C

Zoe Glanville

Skye Rutherfurd-Hobbs

Hot Lunch News

This week, we have freshly cooked beef and rice or veg and rice burritos, served in a delicious flatbread.

Thanks to our kitchen helpers, the hot lunch sessions have been thoroughly enjoyable with lots of students stopping by the kitchen to say hello and thank you, which is lovely!

Four weeks to go.. still chasing two more helpers for the last day of term, if you are free and would like to join us, let me know.

Jane Murphy
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
0416 051 473

House Athletic Sports

The House Athletics Carnival is taking place this Thursday, August 25. The current forecast is cloudy with a slight chance of a showers in the morning, with a top of 15 degrees. With this in mind, it is very likely the event will go ahead but children need to dress accordingly. Shelter is available should we need to use it while showers pass.

The carnival is being held at the Les O’Brien Sports Precinct in Albury (previously known as Alexandra Park). A more detailed timetable is included with today’s newsletter.

A few other things to remember:

  • There is no canteen available on the day, so please bring plenty of food and drink.
  • Be sure to wear your ‘house’ colours and weather appropriate clothing.
  • Children compete at the age they will be by the 31st of December, 2022. So, if a child is currently 8, but turning 9 by the end of the year, they will compete in the 9/10-year-old age group.
  • Although genders may be mixed for some groups, competitors are only competing against children of their own age and gender. This year, because of numbers, 9 and 10-year-olds will be split into different groups. For the purposes of qualifying for the District event, results will be cross-checked, with first and second place overall making it through to the next level.
  • Ribbons are awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd for each event, with everyone who participates in an event, earning points for their ‘house’.
  • 5-8 year-olds will compete in: sprint running, distance running, long jump, soft shot, vortex throw, jumping sack race, bean bag race, and ‘bounce, catch, and run’.
  • 9-13 year-olds will compete in: sprint running, distance running (200m), long jump, shot put, discus, high jump, triple jump, and hurdles. These events act as qualifying for the District Athletics Carnival, due to take place on September 7. As a general rule, students who place first and second for their age group and gender, will qualify for District, but only the first placed competitor will qualify for high jump and 200m.  Qualification for 800m and 1500m will take place at school. At the District Carnival, competitors can enter 5 individual events and 1 relay
  • 9-13 year-olds will compete in: sprint running, distance running (200m), long jump, shot put, discus, high jump, triple jump, and hurdles. These events act as qualifying for the District Athletics Carnival, due to take place on September 15. As a general rule, students who place first and second for their age group and gender, will qualify for District, but only the first placed competitor will qualify for high jump and 200m. Qualification for 800m and 1500m will take place at school. At the District Carnival, competitors can enter 5 individual events and 1 relay

A big thank you to the parents and carers who have offered to help out on the day. We couldn’t do it without you.


School Swimming Program

The school swimming program will commence next week on Monday 29th August and run for 2 weeks.  Students will be travelling into the Wodonga Sports & Leisure Centre for swimming lessons at the following times:

First week (Week 8 of term beginning 29th Aug)

12:15 – 1:00        :  3/4A , 1/2E, & 3/4SP (half the class)

1:00 – 1:45          : 3/4E, 3/4SP (half the class) & 1/2K

Second Week (Week 9, beginning 5th Sept)

12:15 – 1:00        : F/1R & 5/6B

1:00 – 1:45          : F/1C & 5/6L

Buses will depart from school 45 minutes before the lesson time.  Please ensure your child brings their bathers, towel and goggles if needed each day they are swimming.

Library News

It is officially CBCA Book Week this week- until 26 August! Dreaming with eyes open…. is the theme for this year.  You can see the winners here:

Our YPS Book Week celebrations, however, will take place in Week 10 of this term.

Save the date: Wednesday 14 September will be our Book Week Dress-up Day! We’ve got a week of exciting activities planned for the students, including LEGO STEM/Literacy sessions and a Second-hand book sale. We can’t wait to share for more information with you closer to the date. In the meantime- get thinking about and planning those costumes!

Book Sale 2022!
As mentioned above, I will again be running a second-hand book stall in Week 10 as part of our week-long Book Week celebrations, to raise money for the library. Please consider donating to the school, any children’s books you might be finished with, instead of taking them to the op shop.

Missing Books
The library is still missing two copies of Once by Morris Gleitzman (see picture below). Once is the first book of many in this very popular series. I’d dearly love them back so students can start reading it! Can you please check bookshelves, under beds, school bags…thank you!

Have a wonderful week of reading!
Sarah McAlister


Year 5/6 Skiing Program

The sun was shining last Friday as 44 of our Year 5 and 6 students had their first downhill ski day at Falls Creek. With such a high proportion of “first timers”, it was going to be a challenging day but all of the students demonstrated resilience and persistence to improve their skills throughout the day. A big thank you goes to our parent helpers, Fiona, Lisa, Chris, Megs, Phil, Paul, Leigh and Damian who patiently supported our students as they found their groove.

This week’s trip is looking promising with a forecast for fine weather. An update will be sent to families later in the week.


Vacation Care
We are still facing staff shortages in our Out of School Hours Care service. The staff we have are giving their all, but there are just not enough to run a Vacation Care program over the next holidays. For any families that may rely on vacation care I suggest seeking a place in a different program sooner rather than later. Here is a link to some services that are operating vacation care over the next holidays – there may be more options in different locations.

We will be running Vacation Care again when we have sufficient staff. If you know of anyone who may be interested in working in our OSHC service please let Michael or Sandra know.

For the last two weeks Rikki, Zoe and other staff members have been cleaning up the OSHC cupboards and shelves and moving our furniture around which has been a great refresh for the OSHC space. 

The space still has a bit to go but watch out spring we are coming for you with a fresh clean space ready for creativity and adventures. 

Last week the children in before school care and after school care have been colouring in the letters for our sign that "every child is an artist". Which at Yack OSHC we whole heartedly believe. Can't wait to add more artworks to out wall.



21st August – Harriet Brinsdon

22nd August – Jayde Pritchard

23rd August – Lily Schultz

23rd August – Archie Korn

2023 Enrolments

If you have a child starting at school next year Enrolment packs can be collected from the school office. 

If you would like to book a school tour or have any questions, please contact Michael or Sandra at school.

Community Notices