Newsletter 12.09.2022

Issue 29

Dates to Remember

Term Three
Wednesday 14th September - Book Week Dress up day
Friday 16th September - Hot Lunch
Friday 16th September - Last Day Term 3 - 2.30pm finish

Term Four
Monday 3rd October - First day Term 4
Friday 7th October - Division Athletics
Sunday 9th October - School Working Bee

Friday 14th October  - Regional Athletics
Wednesday 19th October -Circular Circus Cultural Performance
Monday 31st October - Pupil Free Day – OSHC will be operating.
Tuesday 1st November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 2nd November - State Athletics
Tuesday 13th December - Statewide Orientation Day
Thursday 15th December - Year 6 Graduation 6pm
Friday 16th December - Last Day of School for Students
Monday 19th December - Pupil Free Day – OSHC will be operating
Tuesday 20th December - Pupil Free Day – OSHC will be operating

From the Principal

As this is the final week of term, school finishes at 2:30 on Friday afternoon. I would like to say a big thanks to all the students, families and staff who have continually worked hard to create a positive learning environment. I think we have all earned the upcoming term break.

From now on hats must be worn outside. Please ensure your child’s school hat is clearly labelled with their name – or ask us at school to label them.

This Wednesday is our Book Week dress up day where we invite students to dress up as a book character. Parents are welcome to stay and enjoy the costume parade in the courtyard (where we have assembly) at 9:00am on Wednesday morning.

On Sunday 9th October there will be a working bee at school. There are various grounds and garden jobs to do, and there will be either the pizza oven or sausage sizzle to feed the hungry workers (and families).

Some of you will have received an email with a link to a parent survey. I encourage you to complete the survey.

Michael Edwards

Assembly Helpers

Thomas Geary & Lola Mahoney

Achievement Awards

Georgia Dowsley for huge reading efforts, with over 200 entries in your reading journal!
Macklan James Hillier for showing initiative and getting organised independently during the literacy block. Marvellous, Macklan!
Jaxson Cameron for your positive attitude in trying all activities at the swimming program this week.
Lincoln Clausen for developing great ideas for his playground diorama ‘titled Playground Fun’.
Dara Freeman for uplevelling her writing by adding more detailed description and punctuation. Keep the great work Dara!
Nate Maybury for showing a high level of persistence with solving our money maths challenge this week.
Jono Shepherd for working hard to maintain regular home reading routines!
Phia Smith-Deans for writing a well-structured museum story that builds tension and paints a picture in the reader’s mind. Fantastic effort, Phia!
Olive MacCalman for sharing her wisdom in Writing and mentoring a classmate. You’re on a winner there, Ol, well done!
Jayde Pritchard for producing a well-crafted story for our museum exhibition.
Spencer Dowsley  for absolutely “nailing” his times-tables this term. Well done!
Miles Thornton  for offering helpful technical support during our STEM Lego lesson.
Alex Beatty  for being a willing and capable assistant during our STEM Lego lesson.

Hot Lunch News

Happy Last week of term..phew, it’s been a busy one!

BBQ Sausages will be served in a long hot dog roll, with optional BBQ onions and tomato sauce YUM!

The Term 4 menu will be in the school newsletter, first week back, so have a great break!

Jane Murphy
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
0416 051 473

Library News

Don’t forget! This week, YPS celebrate Book Week and Wednesday 14 September is our Dress-up Day. The costume parade will be in the courtyard from 9am-9.30am on the day, if you’d like to have a look at the characters the students have re-created this year.

We’ve got a week of exciting activities planned for the students, including LEGO STEM/Literacy sessions, art activities, a Book Week Kahoot! and a Second-hand book sale.

Book Sale 2022!
As mentioned above, I will again be running a second-hand book stall on Tuesday 13 September during recess, as part of our week-long Book Week celebrations, to raise money for the library. Books on sale will be 20c, 50c, $1 or $2…and FREE!

Happy Book Week!
Sarah McAlister

Cultural Performance

Today, Lucas Proudfoot, a multi-talented performer, presented a fabulous show for the whole school. 

Lucas kept us enthralled with his funny & heart warming stories from his childhood in the Northern Rivers country of NSW. 

He spoke of his connection with land, culture, storytelling & music.  Lucas passed on his hints for writing and shared his talents on traditional instruments such as digeridoos, clap sticks and boomerangs. 

What a brilliant show!

Sports News

District Athletics Carnival
Yackandandah had a successful day on the track at the District Athletics Carnival in Albury on Thursday. More than 40 students represented the school as they competed against other schools in the Beechworth District. One of the highlights of the day was Yackandandah winning every relay race. Several other students also achieved excellent individual results and have qualified for the Upper Hume Division Carnival which will take place in Albury on Friday, October 7 (the first Friday back of Term 4). We will be taking a bus to this carnival. Entries for this event are still being finalised by the District co-ordinator. Once these are complete, permission forms and further information will be sent home. Congratulations to everyone on a fantastic day!


Year 3/4 News


Vacation Care
We are still facing staff shortages in our Out of School Hours Care service. The staff we have are giving their all, but there are just not enough to run a Vacation Care program over the next holidays. For any families that may rely on vacation care I suggest seeking a place in a different program sooner rather than later. Here is a link to some services that are operating vacation care over the next holidays – there may be more options in different locations.

We will be running Vacation Care again when we have sufficient staff. If you know of anyone who may be interested in working in our OSHC service please let Michael or Sandra know.

2023 Enrolments

If you have a child starting at school next year Enrolment packs can be collected from the school office. 

If you would like to book a school tour or have any questions, please contact Michael or Sandra at school.


13th September – Dane Holden

14th September – Vivienne O’Brien

15th September – Georgia Dowsley

16th September – Charlotte Wilson

From School Council

Just a quick update on School Council happenings as we head into the break.

Financial oversight of the three budgets (school, kinder and OSHC) continues to be a focus for school council. As we head into Term Four we will also be focusing on setting the budgets for 2023.

During Term Three we completed the new shaded lunch area / outdoor classroom next to the portable building.  Special thanks again to everyone involved: Michael Edwards, Michael Walsh (SC Treasurer), Justin and Kiera Maybury (Yack Constructions), Alan and  Matt Rockliff (Yack Landscapes), and everyone else who helped freshen up the garden/plants! Families are welcome to use this undercover space whilst waiting for children at the end of the day.

You may have heard about the new Lego STEM kits. These new resources were enabled through fundraising activities (a $5,000 donation from Beatty Automation, the Community Comeback BBQ, the paver fundraiser and others).  Thanks to everyone that has contributed to past fundraising events!

Speaking of the paver fundraiser, the pavers should be arriving any day now and we have a volunteer on standby to install them – so hopefully not too far away!

We’re also pleased to announce that we received additional funding from the Community Comeback Committee (thank you to Paul Anderson) which paid for a new oven in the school kitchen. The oven was put to good use for last weeks sausage rolls. We hope to replace the other oven in the kitchen soon (budget permitting) which is also nearing end of life.   

School Council welcomes Sophie Dewar who has joined in our open vacant position.  If you’re interested in joining school council we will be seeking nominations for the 2023/24 term early next year!

Upcoming events:

We are still hopeful of running an event to celebrate the 150-year school anniversary in November.  However, with ongoing resourcing challenges in Term Three, our planning has been delayed.  We will have more details next term. If you would like to help with this event please let us know.

We are also looking to run a working bee, tentatively scheduled for Sunday the 9th October (stay tuned the first week back for an update).  That is the first Sunday back to school so please mark it in your diary!  All welcome and we’ll light up the pizza oven for lunch.   

Our next school council meeting is on the third Monday in October (17th) starting at 6.30pm.   As always everyone is welcome to attend! 

Have a safe and happy break!

Jane Dowsley on behalf of Yackandandah Primary School Council

School Councillors – Michael Walsh, Orrin Pritchard, Carly Frank, Robyn Wilson, Kate Stagg, Jane Shepherd, Leigh Attwood, Hannah Glanville-Jones, Michael Edwards, Sophie Dewar and Jane Dowsley.


Community Notices