Newsletter 10.10.2022

Issue 31

Dates to Remember

Wednesday 12th October - Foundation Transition Day 9-11am
Friday 14th October  - Regional Athletics
Friday 14th October - Hot Lunch
Wednesday 19th October -Circular Circus Cultural Performance
Wednesday 19th October -Book Club orders close
Friday 21st October - Hot Lunch
Wednesday 26th October - Foundation Transition Day 9.15-11am
Friday 28th October - Hot Lunch
Monday 31st October - Pupil Free Day – OSHC will be operating
Tuesday 1st November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 2nd November - State Athletics
Friday 4th November - Hot Lunch
Friday 4th November - 150th Celebration
Saturday 5th November - 150th Celebration
Wednesday 9th November - Foundation Transition Day 9.15am-1pm
Friday 11th November - Hot Lunch
Friday 18th November - Hot Lunch

Wednesday 23rd November - Foundation Transition Day 9.15am-1pm
Friday 25th November - Hot Lunch
Friday 25th November - School Concert 6pm
Friday 2nd December - Hot Lunch
Friday 9th December - Hot Lunch

Tuesday 13th December - Statewide Transition Day 9am-3.30pm
Wednesday 14th December - Year F/1 Pool Party 10am - 12noon
Wednesday 14th December - Year 1/2 Pool Party 12-2pm
Thursday 15th December - Year 3/4 Pool Party 12-2pm
Thursday 15th December - Year 6 Graduation 6pm
Friday 16th December - Hot Lunch
Friday 16th December - Year 5/6 Pool Party 12-2pm

Friday 16th December - Last Day of School for Students 3.30pm Finish

Monday 19th December - Pupil Free Day – OSHC will be operating
Tuesday 20th December - Pupil Free Day – OSHC will be operating

From the Principal

On Sunday there was a busy working bee at school. There was plenty of work done pruning, weeding, planting, spreading mulch and soft fall, clearing gutters and general tidying. I am very grateful to the families that helped out. Thank you all.  Thanks to Paul Anderson for the video below.

We have missed a number of Friday assemblies this year due to the unusually wet weather. To give the classes a chance to perform an item in front of an audience there will be a class performance evening on November 25th at 6pm at Yackandandah Town Hall. This will involve each class presenting an item along with an item from the Junior and Senior Choir. Save the date!

Last Friday close to 40 children from Yackandandah Primary School competed in the Division Athletics in Albury. It was a dreary day weather wise but a successful day otherwise. All the children who competed did so with great spirit and determination. Close to fifteen students are eligible to compete at the Regional Athletics this Friday. Good luck!

The Kindergarten to school transition program begins this Wednesday. Children who are enrolling in Foundation in 2023 will visit Wednesday morning for their first go in a classroom. We look forward to helping our future students learn all about ‘big school’.

Michael Edwards

From the Office

Family Statements
Family statements were emailed out last Thursday.  If you still have amounts outstanding for any camps or other activities prompt payment would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

Scholastic Book Club
Each student has today taken home a brochure and order form from Scholastic Book Club.  Orders need to be ordered through the Book Club Loop for Parents by Wednesday 19th October.

The handbag pictured below has been found in the Art room.  I have it in the office for the owner to collect.  

Enjoy your week,

Assembly Helpers

Nyssa Overall & Harvey Gosling

Achievement Awards

Audrey Wyatt for working confidently and independently. Keep reading for the stars!
Frey Holden for great focus on all activities this week. A great start to the term, Frey!
Joni Mayhew for your enthusiasm to ensure you are organised and how you help others in the classroom.
Sullivan Lucas for completing his eucalyptus poster with great detail and enthusiasm this week.
Jack McAlister for working on his eucalyptus poster with great enthusiasm this week.
Jake Blair for increased confidence in sharing your ideas and learning with the class.
Esmeralda Haslett for increased confidence in sharing your ideas and learning with the class.
Patrick Kellaway for creative approaches for our STEM lesson this week and using trial and error to find the best solutions.
Ewan McInerney for being an excellent topic expert and finding lots of great facts when reading non-fiction books.
Felix Anderson for starting Term 4 with such a positive and hard-working attitude. Keep it up!
Ella Joy  for always displaying a positive attitude towards her learning.
Ben Hardisty  for providing positive leadership in the classroom.
Max Murphy  creative and systematic thinking when completing a tree diagram in maths.
Lizzie Martini  always demonstrating positive communication skills.
Raff Gargiulo for showing a strong commitment to his learning and reaping the benefits with amazing results. You’re a roaring success, Raff!
Bonnie McLeod for delving deep into her imagination and contributing creative ideas during Writing this week. Beautiful work, Bon!

Hot Lunch News

This week we are kIcking off with egg and bacon rolls, so if your kiddo would like one then please make sure that their order is in by today... as the order form will be closed off this evening, so ingredients can be ordered.

Link to order form...

And like most first weeks of hot lunch we are scrambling for helpers. If you are able to help us in the kitchen this week then please let me know.  Sachiko Dent, you are my only helper at this stage.

Many thanks

Jane Murphy
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
0416 051 473

Library News

CBCA Book Week 2022
Our Book Week celebrations at the end of Term 3 were a huge success, and so much fun was had throughout the week! A big thank you to all the students (and their parents!) and staff who really support this wonderful event by going to amazing lengths to bring their characters to life. I hope you got to see some of the fabulous character costumes that were shared in last weeks’ newsletter. It is definitely my favourite date on the school calendar, that’s for sure!

Would you believe CBCA have already announced the theme for 2023? Read, Grow, Inspire…

Book Sale!
The Book Sale was a success as usual. We got rid of loads of pre-loved books at rock-bottom prices and made $111.20. Of course, this has already been spent on new books for the library: Lightfall #2 (graphic novel); the latest WeirDo, 156 Storey Treehouse and Ninja Kid 10 novels; loads of the ever-popular Minecraft Guides, and more.

A massive thank you to the Thornton, Bebbington, Graham and Ridgeway families for donating some lovely books for the sale.; and to a lovely group of mostly Year 3 & 4 students who, after purchasing a couple of books at the sale, donated whatever they had left in their pockets and wallets to the library! So thoughtful and generous!

Have a wonderful week of reading!

Sarah McAlister

Sports News

Upper Hume Division Athletics Carnival
It may have been raining, but it did little to dampen the spirits of the 39 students who competed in the Upper Hume Division Athletics on Friday. As always, the students represented the school proudly and put their best foot forward. Below is a list of students who placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in their respective event/s. If a child came 1st or 2nd, they have also qualified for the Regional Athletics which are taking place this Friday, once again at the Les O’Brien Athletics Precinct in Albury. Please note that we will not be taking a bus to this event and there will be no teacher representative from YPS there on the day. Competitors will need to make their own way there and present themselves for their event/s at the right time. A timetable and more information were sent home with each qualifier on the day. If you need another copy of this, please let me know.

Congratulations to everyone who competed and best of luck to those heading off to Regionals. Below are some photos from the day. Unfortunately, I was unable to get around to everyone, so apologies for anyone who doesn’t appear in the snaps.

Spencer Dowsley – 1st 1500m, 3rd High Jump, 3rd Relay
Archie Korn – 1st Discus, 3rd Shot Put
Alfie Bayne – 2nd Hurdles, 3rd Relay
Tarn Charles Jones – 2nd Triple Jump, 3rd Relay
Lenny Jones – 3rd Triple Jump, 3rd Relay
Will Black – 3rd Relay
Zoe Blair – 2nd Triple Jump
Lily van Duinen – 3rd Hurdles
Charlie Killen – 3rd Triple Jump
Cameron McIntosh – 1st Discus, 3rd Relay
Ed Boddenberg – 3rd Relay
Fredi Farley – 3rd Relay
Oliver Paull – 3rd Relay
Lola Mahoney – 2nd High Jump, 2nd 100m, 2nd Relay
Lucy Matheson-Jones – 2nd 800m, 2nd 200m, 2nd Relay
Kaidence Jones – 3rd 1500m, 2nd Relay
Mietta Nocentini – 2nd Relay
Aidan Dent – 1st Hurdles, 3rd 800m, 2nd Relay
James Thornton – 3rd 1500m
Max Edwardes – 1st Triple Jump, 2nd Long Jump, 2nd Relay
Jack Gregory – 2nd Triple Jump, 2nd Relay
Nate Attwood – 2nd Relay


Year 5/6 News

This Friday, 14th October, the Year 5/6 students will be travelling to Beechworth Secondary College to watch their School production – School of Rock.  We will be leaving school at 11.30am and returning at 3pm.  There is no cost for this excursion.  Permission forms have been sent home tonight and need to be returned to school by Wednesday.  

Students who are competing in the Regional Athletic Sports on Friday will not be able to attend.                                           


Pupil Free Days
Monday 31st October, Monday 19th December & Tuesday 20th December are Pupil free days.  Vacation Care will be operating on these days.  Please make any bookings through the Xplor App or be contacting the school office – Bookings are essential.    



9th October – Kayden Street

9th October – Miriam Martini

11th October – Macklan James Hillier

12th October – James Thornton

13th October – Clancy O’Sullivan

14th October – Chase Grech

Community Notices