Newsletter 28.10.2022

Issue 34

Dates to Remember

Tuesday 1st November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 2nd November - State Athletics
Friday 4th November - Hot Lunch
Friday 4th November - 150th Celebration
Saturday 5th November - 150th Celebration
Wednesday 9th November - Foundation Transition Day 9.15am-1pm
Friday 11th November - Hot Lunch
Tuesday 15th November - Beechworth Wildlife Visit
Wednesday 16th November - Beechworth Wildlife Visit
Friday 18th November - Hot Lunch

Wednesday 23rd November - Foundation Transition Day 9.15am-1pm
Friday 25th November - Hot Lunch
Friday 25th November - School Concert 6pm
Friday 2nd December - Hot Lunch
Friday 9th December - Hot Lunch

Tuesday 13th December - Statewide Transition Day 9am-3.30pm
Wednesday 14th December - Year F/1 Pool Party 10am - 12noon
Wednesday 14th December - Year 1/2 Pool Party 12-2pm
Thursday 15th December - Year 3/4 Pool Party 12-2pm
Thursday 15th December - Year 6 Graduation 6pm
Friday 16th December - Hot Lunch
Friday 16th December - Year 5/6 Pool Party 12-2pm

Friday 16th December - Last Day of School for Students 3.30pm Finish

Monday 19th December - Pupil Free Day – OSHC will be operating
Tuesday 20th December - Pupil Free Day – OSHC will be operating

Monday 16th-Wednesday18th January-Vacation Care Operating
Monday 23rd-Wednesday 25th January-Vacation Care Operating
Monday 30th January - First day of school for students

From the Principal

Celebrating 150 Years of Public Education at Yackandandah Primary School
This Saturday we are celebrating 150 years of public education at Yackandandah Primary School. It is important that we acknowledge that education has been happening in the area for much longer than 150 years. First Nations people have been educating their children for tens of thousands of years, passing on knowledge and wisdom. For a much shorter time, there was a Church of England school on our site. Our current iteration of education – public education – began in 1872.

On Friday 4th November we are opening our school to former teachers, pupils and members of the public who would like to see what Primary School education looks like in our current day. Our student leaders are ready to guide anyone interested on a short tour and answer any questions.

On Saturday we are inviting families and community members to join us for a BYO picnic on school grounds. There will be a display of photographs from the school’s history. You may even see some familiar faces (in a younger version). Tours will be available again, along with Paul Anderson’s famous burgers. You could even join in a game or two!

We need about 5 helpers with the BBQ on Saturday.  If you can assist please let Sandra know.

We hope to see you there! Let other people in the community know to drop in from 11 – 3 on Saturday.

Just a reminder that COVID is still a thing. While there are currently no regulations around mandatory isolation, the health authorities are still recommending staying at home if covid positive or if showing any symptoms. We have a huge supply of rapid antigen tests so feel free to grab some whenever you like.

Big thanks to the Wilsons (Stephen, Andrew and Robyn) for spending a rare clear day yesterday installing pavers in our dry creek bed area. Great job! If you purchased a named paver you can find it there.

Michael Edwards

From the Office

Family Statements
Statements were emailed out to families last week who have outstanding charges for camps and excursions that their child has attended.  These activities are on a “User-Pays basis”.  If you still owe money for a camp or excursion prompt payment would be greatly appreciated.

Enjoy your week

Assembly Helpers

Nyssa Overall & Isaac Hewson

Achievement Awards

Oscar Bulman his enthusiasm in writing facts about lambs for his information booklet.
Judd Maybury for his enthusiasm in searching for ‘y’ sounds (yawn, fly, pony) at school and at home.
Will Hutchings his excellent collection of facts about Darwin for his information booklet.
Max Boschetti for excellent reading efforts and improvement. Marvellous, Max! 
Skye Rutherford-Hobbs for creating a delightful information book all about your Nanna.
Renn Thompson for using class time wisely to create your project on The Titanic.
Molly Schultz for taking care with all bookwork to be neat and organised.
Thomas Killen for always having a good go at answering difficult questions during class discussions 
Aiden Hillier for working hard in all areas this week but particularly in maths where you really challenged yourself!
Lewis James-Hiller for his enthusiasm during our 'Book Spine Poetry' session in school library and providing mature and thoughtful feedback
Florian Whitley for "discovering" and explaining a rule on how to create equivalent fractions.
Spencer Dowsley for “discovering” and explaining a rule on how to create equivalent fractions
Pippa Graham for using ambitious vocabulary to improve the description in her “settings”

Hot Lunch News

It's Burger week! Locally made beef burger patties and bread rolls, with tomato, lettuce and cheese.. YUM!

We are chasing an extra adult helper for this week.. a delicious lunch is up for grabs, let me know if you can help.. between 9-11:30am this Friday or next!

Hot Lunch payments will be marked off as received this week, so if you still need to make payment, then please do so as soon as possible or you may be reminded via email.

Many thanks


Jane Murphy
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
0416 051 473

Music News

Christmas Singalong for Choirs!
Christmas is not far away, and our Junior and Senior Choirs have been asked to sing in the Yackandandah Christmas Singalong, ‘It’s Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas’! This will be held on Saturday, 3rd December at 6:30pm.

Students in both the Junior and Senior Choirs are invited to join in. Students will need to be at the Town Hall at 6:30pm for a 7pm start. Earlier in the year we were asked to participate in the cancelled ‘Christmas in July’ Singalong and we will present the two items we were to sing in July.

A note will go home with the choirs this Friday. Parents are asked to return the slip attached to the information sheet by early next week to notify organisers of choir numbers.

Thank you!


Full Day Writing Masterclass at Osbornes Flat
On Thursday, 27th of October, 12 students who had participated in the Victorian High Ability Program for English, travelled to Osbornes Flat Primary School to learn more about how to create more meaningful writing. First, local author Edwina Wyatt (award winning author of the Magnolia Moon books and many more) presented a workshop about how to create deeper, more meaningful characters, and how to include these in their writing. The key to unlocking a great character is to consider their flaws and weaknesses. After that, local playwright and teacher, Brendan Hogan, came in and taught them some fun drama games. After that, he explained the difference between a play script and a novel. The students then created a script out of a story that they had written previously and acted it out in front of the group. Overall it was a great experience – although they entered with only a story, they left with a whole lot of wisdom and knowledge for the future. 

Edi McInerney


January Vacation Care
Thank you to the familie who completed the Expression of Interest Form.  Vacation Care will be operating Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday during the last two weeks of the January School Holidays.  The program will be included in the newsletter when it has been finalised.   Bookings can be made via the app or through the office.  Students enrollled in Foundation next year can attend during the January holidays.

Pupil Free Days
Monday 19th December & Tuesday 20th December are Pupil free days.  Vacation Care will be operating on these days.  Please make any bookings through the Xplor App or be contacting the school office – Bookings are essential.    

OSHC Weekly Round Up!
Even though the weather hasn’t been the best, we have still managed to have a  in OSHC this week. We would like to thank Mr Edwards and Ebony for keeping the water out of our space after the down pour we had on Tuesday!  

Craft this week: “WHAT CAN YOU CREATE” Educator lead experiences *

We had Bugs and caterpillars, Among Us characters, Origami creations

Each morning the children were set tasks with the tables set up to entice their creative juices to start flowing. The children’s imaginations were challenged though these activities, we saw lots of problem solving and wonderful conversations/ stories shared between each other.

“Master Chef Cooking sessions are now on - Wednesday and Friday ASC, Tuesday BSC.”

In OSHC we also got our bodies moving to some GROOVY music for our Dance competitions, musical chairs, bobs and statues and our own cool free style dancing!!  Scavenger hunts kicked off around the school while the children had a nice enough afternoon to be outside.

Cookies were baked on Wednesday, with lots of children really engaging in this activity. We can’t wait to see what is on the menu next week 😊.

The art station has had an excellent workout this week with water colour painting, painting with masking tape, drawing, colouring, and GLITTER … so much GLITTER!  Our Art wall is running out of room as it overflows with so many beautiful creations.

Can’t wait for another fun filled week in OSHC, (and sunshine)



150th Anniversary


31st October – Saoirse Beatty

2nd November – Renn Thompson

3rd November – Claire Walsh

Community Notices