Newsletter 14.11.2022

Issue 36

Dates To Remember

Tuesday 15th November - Beechworth Wildlife Visit
Wednesday 16th November - Beechworth Wildlife Visit
Friday 18th November - Hot Lunch

Wednesday 23rd November - Foundation Transition Day 9.15am-1pm
Friday 25th November - Hot Lunch
Friday 25th November - School Concert 6pm
Friday 2nd December - Hot Lunch
Saturday 3rd December - Christmas Singalong
Sunday 4th December - YPS Instrumental Student Concert
Friday 9th December - Hot Lunch

Tuesday 13th December - Statewide Transition Day 9am-3.30pm
Wednesday 14th December - Year F/1 Pool Party 10am - 12noon
Wednesday 14th December - Year 1/2 Pool Party 12-2pm
Thursday 15th December - Year 3/4 Pool Party 12-2pm
Thursday 15th December - Year 6 Graduation 6pm
Friday 16th December - Hot Lunch
Friday 16th December - Year 5/6 Pool Party 12-2pm

Friday 16th December - Last Day of School for Students 3.30pm Finish

Monday 19th December - Pupil Free Day – OSHC will be operating
Tuesday 20th December - Pupil Free Day – OSHC will be operating

Monday 16th-Wednesday18th January-Vacation Care Operating
Monday 23rd-Wednesday 25th January-Vacation Care Operating
Monday 30th January - First day of school for students

From the Principal

We are now into the second half of Term Four. In no time at all the end of the year will be upon us. I have been heartened by the children’s continued positive attitude and effort, despite the busyness of Term Four and the impact of so many wet days. Well done, kids!

A reminder again that we have a huge supply of rapid antigen tests available – and Covid is still circulating in the community. If your child has any symptoms I strongly recommend testing and keeping at home until well.

2023 Classes
Next year classes will be similar to this year. The classes will be:

2 x F/1
2 x 1/2
2 x 3/4
2 x 5/6 (one of the 5/6 classes will have a few Yr. 4 as well due to high numbers of Yr. 4 in 2023)

Staffing will be very close to what we have this year. I am just finalising a couple of details. The statewide transition day is on 13th December this year. Students and families will be informed of their 2023 classes prior to the transition day. I tend not to seek out requests from families about class placements as they can be difficult to fulfil – leading to disappointment and potential resentment. Classes work closely together with frequent intermingling, giving students ample opportunity to mix with students and the teacher from the other class at their year level. Staff work closely together to ensure there is consistent practice across all classes.

Michael Edwards

From the Office

Family Contributions
It isn’t too late to pay the Curriculum contributions for this year if you haven’t yet done so.

Thank you to all the families who have paid. Yackandandah Primary School rely on these financial contributions to assist us with the purchasing of art, music and physical education equipment and resources, which in turn, supports us in offering specialist French, Music and Art classes.  These contributions also enable us to enrich learning as well as provide camps and excursions for students.

Due to Department guidelines, we are unable to show the Curriculum contributions on the family statements until after they are paid.

Scholastic Book Club
Each student has today taken home a brochure and order form from Scholastic Book Club.  Orders need to be ordered through the Book Club Loop for Parents by Wednesday 30th November.

Emjoy your week.


Assembly Helpers

Hugh Mason & Kaidence Jones

Achievement Awards

Neve Allan for incredible work on creating a class map and giving instructions to move our miniature selves around the map.
Milla Stagg for designing very detailed Lego characters this week. Amazing!
Hughie Vorbach for continued reading improvement! Congratulations, Hughie!
Dylan Hewitt for creating a detailed classroom map for our location activities in maths.
Penny McNicol for developing an improved ‘author’s voice’ in her big write about cupcakes.
Molly Schultz for developing an excellent understanding of calculating remainders with our fluency work this week.
Renn Thompson for working effectively on our ‘Square Numbers’ investigation through trying a number of different strategies.
Savannah Locket for your amazing progress in your reading. Well done on practising and working hard both at school and at home!
Sara Davison for excellent teamwork and research skills when creating a beautifully presented poster about ants.
Ella Williamson for excellent teamwork and research skills when creating a beautifully presented poster about ants.
Lara Bebbington for being so well organised and keen to get started each day.
Finn Summons making thoughtful selections when choosing reading material.
Owen Overall for bringing enthusiasm and responsibility to his role as Foundation Buddy.
Emily Sheppard  for “bouncing back” after experiencing an obstacle in her learning.
Aisha Willis  for rehearsing for her poetry recital with great dedication.
Patrick Murray for his outstanding post test results in Maths.

Hot Lunch News

Our local Beechworth Bakery will be supplying us with Pies this week YAY and YUM!

We are still looking for a few more helpers for Dec 2nd... making BLT rolls. So please let me know if you can help.

Jane Murphy
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
0416 051 473


Music News

School Concert - Yack Town Hall - Friday 25th November 6pm
As the year draws to a close, it is timely to celebrate the achievements of our students. After two Covid years, we will again host a ‘Concert’ at Yackandandah Town Hall on the evening of Friday, 25th November at 6pm. This has been in the school dates for a while now.

This year classes are preparing an item from their Music class. ALL STUDENTS are involved in presenting a performance and the items are aimed to showcase the variety of activities covered in the Music program. Students and parents will be prepped on what the children will be required to wear on the night in the coming days.

Christmas Singalong - Yack Town Hall - Saturday, 3rd December 6:45pm
Our choirs have been madly rehearsing for the Yackandandah Christmas singalong ‘It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas’ to be held at the Yack Town Hall on Saturday, 3rd December at 6:45. Both Choirs are involved, as are many local musicians, and it will be a fun night of Christmas songs and good cheer! Tickets are available through TryBooking under a search of ‘It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas’ and Yackandandah.

Choir members have already received a note re details of the performance and availability. Many thanks to those parents who have returned their notes to school as numbers need to be finalised in the next few days.

YPS Instrumental Student Concert - Yack Town Hall - Sunday, 4th December, 2pm
A ‘Pleasant Sunday Afternoon’ of music will be held in the town hall on Sunday, 4th December at 2pm for students who learn an instrument at Yack Primary with Bob and Jenny. All are welcome to come along to support these hard working and talented students! There is no charge to come along and all are welcome.



National Recycling week started off the week with exceptional “Simple Machines” being created. 
We used recycled materials donated from people in the community and around the school.

Educator Lead Experiences of the Week:
Non cook playdough! The children were given the instructions to make the non-cook playdough, they shared the measuring, stirring, and kneading. The children loved this experience and getting their hands super messy.

Papier Mache’! due to the eclipse on Tuesday night and because it links also to children’s interests, we created our own papier Mache’ planets. The children explored the books and diagrams supplied to work out which planet they would create. They discussed which planet was the biggest, where earth was compared to the rest and what causes gravity. We made our own glue consisting of flour and water. The children enjoyed this experience and have requested more Papier Mache’ in the future.

Master Chef Wednesday: ANZAC BISCUITS
The children were split into groups and worked together to measure out the ingredients, we used the kitchen equipment and rolled the biscuits out on to a tray. The children and Educators discussed the meaning of Remembrance Day, the reason they made ANZAC biscuits back then. We also followed on to make poppies using our hands and Remembrance Day wreaths.

Rock Painting! This cultural experience was to show the different ways the First Nations People paint on different materials. The children were so excited to try this experience and also to show off their master pieces when they were dry. They talked to the ASC group explaining what they did and used and why they painted on rocks.  This was a wonderful and engrossing experience.

Pupil Free Days
Monday 19th December & Tuesday 20th December are Pupil free days.  Vacation Care will be operating on these days.  Please make any bookings through the Xplor App or be contacting the school office – Bookings are essential.    

January Vacation Care
Vacation Care will be operating Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday during the last two weeks of the January School Holidays.  The program will be included in the newsletter when it has been finalised.   Bookings can be made via the app, OSHC staff or through the office.  Students enrollled in Foundation next year can attend during the January holidays.




12th November – Alex Beatty

14th November – Grace O’Dwyer

16th November – Tom Wilson

16th November – Jim Wilson

16th November – Thomas Geary

Community Notices