Newsletter 28.11.2022

Issue 38

Dates to Remember

Thursday 1st December - School Disco 6-7pm Years F-2
Thursday 1st December - School Disco 7.15-8.15pm Years 3-6
Friday 2nd December - Hot Lunch
Saturday 3rd December - Christmas Singalong
Sunday 4th December - YPS Instrumental Student Concert
Friday 9th December - Hot Lunch

Tuesday 13th December - Statewide Transition Day 9am-3.30pm
Wednesday 14th December - Year F/1 Pool Party 10am - 12noon
Wednesday 14th December - Year 1/2 Pool Party 12-2pm
Wednesday 14th DecemberYack Christmas Carols 6.30pm
Thursday 15th December - Year 3/4 Pool Party 12-2pm
Thursday 15th December - Year 6 Graduation 6pm
Friday 16th December - Hot Lunch
Friday 16th December - Year 5/6 Pool Party 12-2pm

Friday 16th December - Last Day of School for Students 3.30pm Finish

Monday 19th December - Pupil Free Day – OSHC will be operating
Tuesday 20th December - Pupil Free Day – OSHC will be operating

Monday 16th-Wednesday18th January-Vacation Care Operating
Monday 23rd-Wednesday 25th January-Vacation Care Operating
Monday 30th January - First day of school for students

From the Principal

Congratulations to all the students on a wonderful performance at the school concert on Friday. It was great to be able to gather together and perform for our families for the first time since 2019. Well done Jenny and the teachers for bringing it all together.

Please note that the final day for students this year is Friday 16th December. That day will finish at the normal time of 3:30pm. There will be an assembly at 3:00 on the final day. OSHC will be operating on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th December. 

Michael Edwards

From the Office

2023 Parent Payments
Today families have been emailed the Parent Payment Policy and a copy of the  Parent Payment Voluntary contributions for 2023.  Parents are invited to pay the contributions as listed in the document.

Our school relies on the ongoing support of our families to ensure that we can offer the best possible education and support for our students.  Your financial contributions assist us in doing this. 

End of Year Pool Excursions
During the last week of term each class will be having an excursion to the Yackandandah pool.

Classes will be attending on the following dates and times:

Wednesday 14th December:  Year F/1 Pool Party   10am - 12noon

Wednesday 14th December:  Year 1/2 Pool Party   12 - 2pm

Thursday 15th December:     Year 3/4 Pool Party   12 -2pm

Friday 16th December:          Year 5/6 Pool Party    12-2pm

Permission forms have been sent home tonight and need to be returned to school by Friday 9th  December

The school will cover the cost of the pool entry but if you have a pool membership could you please indicate this on the permission form when you return it.

Year 6 Family Credits
Families of Year 6 students who have a credit amount in their family account, and no younger siblings at school, will receive a refund form via email tomorrow from me.  This form will need to be returned to the school by Friday.  Alternatively, parents can opt to donate any credit balance to the school.

2023 Term Dates

Term 1:   Monday 30th January to Thursday 6th April

Term 2:   Monday 24th April to Friday 23rd June

Term 3:   Monday 10th July to Friday 15th September

Term 4:   Monday 2nd October to Wednesday 20th December                                      

Enjoy your week


Assembly Helpers

Lucy Matheson-Jones & Angus M’Crystal

Achievement Awards

Jed Walker for enthusiasm in reading novels that interest him during dedicated ‘read to self’ time.
Amaya Whitley uplevelling her written work by re-reading and making changes to punctuation, spelling, and word choice.
Max Boschetti for impressive efforts with rainbow words
Frey Holden for super reading improvement this term!
Beau Ridgeway for using a range of sharing strategies to find halves and quarters of numbers.
Will Boddenberg for being the first person to have a go at reciting a poem from memory in front of the class.
Jono Shepherd for showing lots of enthusiasm with learning to recite your poem- ‘I Love Christmas’.
Kayden Street for making a big effort to listen during class discussions and share ideas with the class.
Finn Summons demonstrating accurate cricket skills.
Willow Anderson always demonstrating excellent listening skills.
Kaitlyn McGlead for having fun and working well during STEM projects this week. Keep it up, Kaitlyn!
Matilda Ridgeway for making strong connections and sharing her thoughts and ideas during class novel time. Magnificent work, Matilda!
Ted Attwood For demonstrating excellent growth in his understanding of Fractions and Decimals. Terrific work, Ted!
Miles Thornton  for being a friendly and supportive teammate in partner and group tasks
Jayde Pritchard  for successfully experimenting with word choice and structure in poetry writing
Naisen James Hillier for doing such a great job typing & printing F1C’s recounts of the reptile visit.
Edi McInerney  for doing such a great job typing & printing F1C’s recounts of the reptile visit.

Art News

Artwork of the Week

Students in Year 3/4 making their felted rocks last week in Art. 

Hot Lunch News

Only three hot lunches to go, with BLT Burgers up this week!

Here is the kitchen roster for the final weeks.

Jane Murphy
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
0416 051 473


Library News

Term 4 In the Library
During school library, to link in with their class poetry topic, 34A & E have been playing around with Book-spine Poetry! Constructing a poem based on the text on the spine of a book was a lot more challenging than some of the students anticipated. They came up with some great poems and discovered some new books (they might read later) in the meantime!

Overdue Books
As we near the end of the school term and year, now is the time to please check bookshelves, coffee tables and under beds for school library books. I will be sending notices home over the coming weeks. It would be appreciated if you could assist your children in not only finding them but making sure they make their way back to school. Books can be returned any day of the week- students don’t need to wait for their library day.  Thanks!

New Books & Donations
A massive thank you to the Anderson family for an incredibly generous donation of Billy B Brown and Ella Diary novels for young readers. Carly Frank has also generously donated a stack of picture books and Pokémon novels for our early readers too. Thanks Carly!

Sarah McAlister

Music News

Congratulations to all of our talented students who put in 100% energy and enthusiasm to every act.  What a terrific night!

Christmas Singalong - Yack Town Hall -Saturday, 3rd December 6:45pm
Our choirs have been madly rehearsing for the Yackandandah Christmas singalong ‘It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas’ to be held at the Yack Town Hall on Saturday, 3rd December at 6:45. Both Choirs are involved, as are many local musicians, and it will be a fun night of Christmas songs and good cheer! Tickets are available through TryBooking under a search of ‘It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas’ and Yackandandah.

Choir members have already received a note re details of the performance and availability. Many thanks to those parents who have returned their notes to school as numbers need to be finalised in the next few days.

YPS Instrumental Student Concert - Yack Town Hall -Sunday, 4th December, 2pm
A ‘Pleasant Sunday Afternoon’ of music will be held in the town hall on Sunday, 4th December at 2pm for students who learn an instrument at Yack Primary with Bob and Jenny. All are welcome to come along to support these hard working and talented students! There is no charge to come along and all are welcome.

Yack Christmas Carols in the Memorial Gardens
As a last minute entry (!!) the choirs have been asked to sing at the Carols in the Park on Wednesday 14th December at 6.30pm.  A note will go home with choir members with further details on Friday.


Junior School Council News

JSC 80’s themed DISCO & Pizza Night Thursday December 1st!!! 
The disco is fast approaching! The JSC have chosen 80’s as the theme, so students can begin planning their costumes if they wish, or they can come dressed as they please! Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to help on the night, it should be a wonderful event. I have sent an email update to the people who have volunteered to help, please let me know if you did not receive it. Thank you! Entry to the disco is free, pizzas will be sold for $1 a slice and drinks will be $1 also.

  • Junior disco (F - 2) 6pm - 7pm
  • Senior disco (3 - 6) 7.15pm - 8.15pm


Jack Gregory headed to Cooma on the weekend and competed in The Australian National Busking Championships Grand final on Saturday and got a 3rd place!. Jack did 4 sets of half an hour around 4 locations in Cooma, He was then selected to be one of 9 to battle it out and perform on the big stage. One of the judges was James Blundell!  Jack is also heading to the Tamworth Country Music Festival in January.  You can show your support by following Jack on Facebook Jack Gregory – Music.

Congratulations Jack!