Newsletter 12.12.2022

Issue 40

Dates to Remember

Tuesday 13th December    Statewide Transition Day 9am-3.30pm

Wednesday 14th December    Year F/1 Pool Party 10am - 12noon
                                                Year 1/2 Pool Party 12 - 2pm
                                                Yack Christmas Carols 6.30pm

Thursday 15th December        Year 3/4 Pool Party 12 -2pm
                                                Year 6 Graduation 6pm

Friday 16th December             Last Day of School for Students
                                                Hot Lunch
                                                Year 5/6 Pool Party 12-2pm

Monday 19th December         Pupil Free Day – OSHC will be operating

Tuesday 20th December        Pupil Free Day – OSHC will be operating

Monday 16th-Wednesday 18th January -Vacation Care Operating
Monday 23rd-Wednesday 25th January - Vacation Care Operating
Monday 30th January                  First day of school for students

From the Principal

This is the final week for students this year. I believe there is so much to celebrate about our year at Yackandandah Primary School. After a couple of disruptive years we have had a full time, on site year of learning. The children re-adapted brilliantly to the routines of school and it was pleasing to see that the positive work habits that are so important to learning had not disappeared. Congratulations to all the students, staff, and families on a fantastic year of learning.

Today all students will be told which class they are in for 2023. Your child will be able to let you know who their teacher will be. Tomorrow is the whole school transition day where students will spend the day in their 2023 class with their 2023 teacher (with the exception of Angie, who is still on long-service leave). Tomorrow morning students will go directly to their 2023 class as soon as the bell rings at 8:55.

Current Yr. 6 students are not required at school tomorrow. Some have transition days of their own to attend. Others do not. If you have no other options, current Yr.6 students can attend Yackandandah Primary School (they will be provided with work to complete outside their normal class).

End of year reports will be sent home this afternoon with students. Reports are a brief summary of current achievement. The most important factor in education is the learning that takes place day to day. And the most important factor in that is positive work habits and attitudes. I have been very impressed with the attitudes and efforts of our students. Well done, all.

I wish you all a restful holiday break and all the best for the new year!

Michael Edwards


From the Office

End of Year Pool Excursions
This week each class will be having an excursion to the Yackandandah pool.

Classes will be attending on the following dates and times:
Wednesday 14th December:            Year F/1 Pool Party               10am - 12noon
Wednesday 14th December:            Year 1/2 Pool Party              12 - 2pm
Thursday 15th December:                 Year 3/4 Pool Party              12 -2pm
Friday 16th December:                       Year 5/6 Pool Party              12-2pm

Permission forms have been sent home again today and need to be returned by tomorrow, 13th December.

The school will cover the cost of the pool entry but if you have a pool membership could you please indicate this on the permission form when you return it.

2023 Term Dates

Term 1:             Monday 30th January to Thursday 6th April
Term2:              Monday 24th April to Friday 23rd June
Term 3:             Monday 10th July to Friday 15th September
Term 4:             Monday 2nd October to Wednesday 20th December   

Assembly Helpers

Harry Schmidt & Elijah Willis

Achievement Awards

Peter Kellaway for making fantastic connections in our class novel and showing an in depth understanding of the story’s themes. Perfect work, Pete!
Olive Maccalman for writing poetry that includes poetic devices, like imagery and alliteration. Outstanding work, Ol!
Saige Harmer for confidently sharing her answers and ideas during class discussions. Sensational work, Saige
Cobie Flower for a great understanding of how to solve multiplication facts within the ten times tables.
Sully Lucas for always displaying persistence and enthusiasm for everything you do. You will make an excellent leader for Year 2 Sully!
Hudson Street for making terrific improvement when spelling his sight words
Grace O’Dwyer for building her interested and enthusiasm for reading so positively throughout the year
Jake Blair for a fantastic Poetry Anthology. Completed with lots of care and effort
Patrick McIntyre for working so hard to create and then publish some wonderful Haiku poems
Keira Nehra for improved focus in writing activities. Well done, Keira
Tom Murphy for marvellous progress reading M100 words. You are terrific, Tom!
Macklan James Hillier for showering the visiting currawong with compassion this week. We know how much you love birds and care for wildlife and animals
Grace Pritchard for showing great attention to detail when completing your handwriting each day
Felix Anderson (it’s a haiku)
He enjoys writing
Many amazing haikus
His name is Felix

Hot Lunch News

We've had a great crew in the kitchen this year, with lots of parent helpers and most recently grade six students.  Thank you to all that have helped, you've collected ingredients, prepped food the day before, purchased new equipment and consistently showed up every Friday to make a delicious meal for the student and staff of Yackandandah Primary School.

We have made over 4000 meals this year and seen some great applicance upgrades (fridge & oven) to our productive little kitchen that also services our wonderful community and community spirit. 

Thanks again to all involved, it’s been a fun yeah in the YSP kitchen!

We will finish the term and 2023 with a sausage sizzle, fruit and an ice-cream (an ice-cream for all students!)

The final roster is 

Jane Murphy
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
0416 051 473

Choir News

Just a reminder that our choirs have been invited to join the program for the Yackandandah Town Carols in the Memorial Gardens on Wednesday, 14th December. The festivities begin at 6:30pm and students are encouraged to wear Christmas colours or Christmas themed clothing. It would be great to see as many singers there as possible!  


Sport News

Kanga Cricket Carnival

This Wednesday, students in Years 3-6 will be walking down to the Yackandandah Sports Park for a intra-school cricket carnival. Students will be broken up into mixed ability teams and will play seven games in a round-robin tournament. Because this is a local excursion, students do not need a permission form, but if you need to collect your child early, we will be at the Sports Park until about 1pm. Students need to bring their lunch, snacks, drink bottle and hat. We are looking for 1 or 2 parent/teenager helpers to umpire games on the day. Please let me know if you are able to help out (no cricket umpiring experience needed).



Vacation Care/Pupil Free Days

Thank you to all the families who have booked into the Pupil Free Days and Vacation Care.  All the days are now full.  The program for Vacation Care is below.


10th December  - Grace Scobie
13th December – Sierra Allan
14th December – Alfie Bayne

Community Notices

      School Holiday activities @ your library 

The Big Summer Read is on again!
This challenge aims to promote reading over the school holidays for all children 0-18 years of age. Participants read books and log them in the Beanstack app. For every 10 books read, there is an entry in the statewide prize draw as well as prizes offered at each library branch. To join up visit your local Indigo Shire Library or  

Summer Grab and Go bags
These packs are full of summer activities for keeping children busy over the holidays – collect these at your library branch!

Halve Waste Christmas crafts
Join the Compost Fairy and her friend Wriggly Worm to learn more about recycling food and waste. We will also make totally recyclable Christmas bon bons!
Beechworth Library Tuesday 20 December
Rutherglen Library Wednesday 21 December
Yackandandah Library Thursday 22 December      10.00-11.00 ages 5-12

Amazing hats and bags
Come to the library and decorate your own fabric hat or bag. You bring your designs and we provide materials and markers
Yackandandah Library Tuesday 17 January 10.00-11.00am ages 5-12

Dr Seuss Storytime
We will have a special Dr Seuss Storytime celebrating the whimsical world of Dr Seuss. This is suitable for pre-schoolers and Lower Primary children and their carers.
Yackandandah Library Thursday 19 January           
Kiewa Sandy Creek Football Club Friday 20 January
Beechworth Library 23 January and 27 January
Rutherglen Library Wednesday 25 January          10.00-11.00am

Lego Club
Join us at for an afternoon of Lego construction with our 100s of Lego pieces.
Beechworth Library Monday 16 January       
Rutherglen Library Tuesday 17 January              
Yackandandah Library Friday 20 January        2.00pm ages 5-12

Storytime @your library
Storytime will be on a break from December 22, but we look forward to seeing pre-schoolers and their carers again for stories, songs and crafts commencing the week of 23 February 2023

Margaret Citroen
Library Coordinator (Yackandandah)
34 High Street, Yackandandah VIC 3749 | PO Box 28, Beechworth VIC 3747
Local Call: 1300 365 003 | T: 1300 365 003

These clinics are for all abilities in Netball, if you are new to netball or have been playing for a while. 

Albury Clinic Details:
Date: Wednesday 18th January 2023
Times & Age Groups:
10am - 12pm - 7-11 year old's 
3pm-5pm - 12-16 year old's 
Cost: $30
Registration Link:

We also have a BOYS ONLY clinic happening on this day - This clinic is for any boys interested in learning more about netball!
Clinic Details:
Date: Wednesday 18th January 2023
Times & Age Groups:
12:30pm - 2:30pm - 8-16 year old's 
Cost: Free
Registration Link: