Term 4
Monday 2nd October - First day Term 4
Friday 6th October - Division Athletics
Monday 9th October - Division Athletics Back up day
Friday 13th October - Regional Athletics
Monday 16th October - Regional Athletics Back up day
Wednesday 1st November - State Athletics
Tuesday 7th November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 20th December - Last Day Term 4
This Wednesday about 13 students will compete at the Regional Swimming event in Shepparton. It is such a great achievement to reach this stage and I’m sure the children and parents will enjoy the experience.
Although early in the year, it is worth beginning to think about Yr. 6 – 7 transitions. Secondary Schools are beginning to advertise information sessions and open days. It is always worth looking at all your options. Below is some information from Wodonga Middle Years College.
Wodonga Middle Years College is opening its doors for their ‘On Show’ event held on Thursday March 23rd.
This is your opportunity to tour our Huon and Felltimber campuses, explore our classrooms and specialist facilities to support your Middle Years education from 3.30pm – 5pm.
Then at 7pm, you can join our College Leaders online for our information session and live Q&A where we’ll be answering your questions.
For further details, please visit: https://www.wmyc.vic.edu.au/our-college/y7-transition/
Michael Edwards
Family Statements
Statements will be sent home this week to Year 5/ 6 families with the camp cost on it. The statements will also show any credit or CSEF money you have. These amounts can be used towards the cost of the camp – this year’s CSEF hasn’t been received yet but if you know you are receiving it you can also deduct that off the cost. The camp may be paid off in instalments. When making payment please ensure you put your surname and camp in the reference. Full payment is required by Friday 26th May unless other arrangements have been made.
Statements will also be sent out to families who still owe money for any of the swimming sports that their child has attended. Prompt payment would be greatly appreciated.
Enjoy your week!
Violet MacCalman & Fredi Farley
Ed Hogan for drawing detailed pictures and writing letters and words to match his drawings.
Eleanor Martini for being a confident, self-motivated learner and completing all tasks with a ‘can do’ attitude.
Harvey Thornton for fantastic independent work during our Maths activities this week.
Lucy Hillier for terrific effort with letter formation activities this week.
Beau Ridgeway for always being ready to help others with their learning.
Georgia Dowsley for being super organised and ready for learning every single day.
Percy Gosling for showing focus and enthusiasm when working on his counting fluency task.
Patrick McIntyre for working hard to improve his fluency when reading and making great progress.
Aiden Hillier bringing a hardworking and positive approach to school each day.
Lucia-Mary Gosling for great teamwork in a maths problem solving task.
Lara Bebbington for working well with a partner to represent maths thinking in a logical way.
Billie McInerney for taking initiative to contribute to class discussions and making well-considered observations.
Hudson Street for always being a super-organised learner and applying 100% effort to all tasks.
Olive MacCalman for her wonderfully thoughtful & insightful contributions to ALL class discussion & her kind way with others.
Spencer Dowsley for his outstanding effort & contribution to ALL lessons & a super positive attitude.
Gabrielle Gargiulo for being supportive of others and a great leader in the school.
Tarn Charles-Jones for being supportive and inclusive of others; both wonderful qualities to have.
In Art F/1C, F/1R, 1/2E & 1/2H have been looking at the designs of Orla Kiely and using them as inspiration for their own work.
Grace in F/1R who gave each of her flower designs a name.
It has been so great having student help in the hot lunch kitchen each week, they are very capable, very friendly and fun to work with.
Tyson and Gabby did a great job this week coordinating the orders, cutting fruit, assembling the burgers and doing classroom deliveries - just so helpful, thanks crew!
The hot lunch helper roster... Cheesy Quesadillas are up for next week.
Jane Murphy
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
0416 051 473
We Show Respect
At Yackandandah Primary School, we show respect to others, to our property, and to ourselves. This week in SEL, we explored all the ways we show the value of respect in and around our school. Some things the children came up with were being a kind friend, taking care of your classroom equipment, speaking in a nice voice and helping people when they need it. If we all do these things, we have a school where students, staff and parents feel welcomed and safe.
Canberra Camp
Permission forms have been sent home tonight for the Year 5/6 Canberra camp and need to be returned to school by Friday 10th March so we can confirm numbers with the venues. If your child is not attending for any reason please let us know as soon as possible. Cost is $450 and payment is required to be paid before the camp.
Marian College Excursion
Permission forms for this excursion are due back by Friday. If you haven’t returned your form could you please do so this week.
27th February – Kinu Edwards
27th February – Ben Hardisty
28th February – Dylan Hewitt
29th February – Tarn Charles-Jones
1st March – Hush McLennan