Tuesday 28th March - 4/5/6L & 5/6B excursion to Marian College Myrtleford
Tuesday 28th March - Beechworth Secondary College Open Night
Thursday 6th April - School Cross Country
Thursday 6th April - Last day Term 1 2.30pm finish
Term 4
Monday 2nd October - First day Term 4
Friday 6th October - Division Athletics
Monday 9th October - Division Athletics Back up day
Friday 13th October - Regional Athletics
Monday 16th October - Regional Athletics Back up day
Wednesday 1st November - State Athletics
Tuesday 7th November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 20th December - Last Day Term 4
The Folk Festival begins Friday afternoon this week. As you know our students participate in the Folk Festival Parade, along with the Kindergarten and other schools. We also run a food service on Saturday afternoon/evening. I encourage you to consider giving some time to support Paul and Trish Anderson in managing that. We are also looking for a couple more volunteers to assist early Sunday morning with directing stall holders for the Sunday Markets. There is a link elsewhere in this newsletter where you can register your assistance.
This week our four school captains are attending a leadership development camp at 15 Mile Creek. The camp challenges student leaders from a number of schools to develop their leadership skills and build their resilience. I’m sure our school captains will gain much from the experience.
Michael Edwards
Head Lice
It has come to our attention that some students in the school may have head lice and we seek your cooperation in checking your child's hair this week.
Head lice do not transmit infectious diseases - they are transmitted by having head to head contact with someone who has head lice. You may be reassured to know that head lice are commonly found in places other than at school. Head lice are common in school-aged children and are the most adaptable of creatures. They have survived living solely on humans for $10,000 years!!!!
What can you do?
We seek your cooperation in checking your child's hair and in those instances where head lice or eggs are found, treating your child's hair. Please visit www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au and search for 'head lice (nits)" for advice on finding, treating and preventing head lice.
If head lice or eggs are found on your child's hair you need to inform:
Health regulations require that where a child has head lice, that child should not return to school until the day after appropriate treatment has started. Please note, this refers only to those children who have live head lice and does not refer to head lice eggs. More information about exclusion requirements can be found by searching for “school exclusion table” at www.health.vic.gov.au.
We are aware that head lice can be a sensitive issue and is committed to maintaining your confidentiality.
Enjoy your week!
Angus Glanville & Charlie Killen
Lillian Pretty for developing confidence in sharing your work and ideas with the class.
Paddy Grogan for making great connections during literacy and phonics activities.
Kaidence Corben for being proud of her own efforts when writing sounds in words and copying words into her writing book.
Dash Lockett for showing improved confidence in getting organised for learning and becoming a focused learner.
Tom Murphy for partitioning three-digit numbers in different ways to show his excellent understanding of place value.
Kayden Street for being super engaged and making some great contributions during our science expert visit this week.
Jack McAlister for his enthusiastic recording of bug facts when making his reading tracks
Kinu Edwardes for her focus and use of growth mindset for all her learning tasks. Kinu is an excellent role model for her classmates. Well done!
Pippa Graham for taking pride in her bookwork.
Sebastian Davison for supporting others to understand maths concepts.
Will Maybury for engaging well during lessons and making personal connections to his learning.
Max Murphy for displaying clear thinking and clear bookwork when demonstrating the use of the “jump” strategy in Mathematics.
Ted Attwood for consistently displaying the school’s values and showing pride in his House. You banked a pile of Yaks today!!
Harriet Brinsdon for growing in confidence as a learner and writing some nice memoirs.
Lenny Jones for always being focussed on learning and offering rich contributions to class discussions.
Going WILD in the Art room!!
The grilled chicken burgers were delicious, the students enjoyed a yarn at the kitchen window while they ate their lunch and asked for seconds!
Pie week this week, an easy option for a busy Folk Festival weekend! The warm pies will be served with DIY tomato sauce and a platter of fruit.
Jane Murphy
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
0416 051 473
We are Fair
Last week, we built on our learning around how we are fair at Yackandandah PS. The focus moved to how we can solve squabbles (small verbal disagreements) in a fair and respectful way. Sometimes, we don’t always agree on things, and that’s ok, but it’s important to remember to Stop and breathe, Explain your take on the situation in a calm voice and how it’s making you feel, Listen to the other person, and then, Find a solution together (SELF).
The House cross-country is taking place on Thursday, April 6, at the Yackandandah Sports park. The event will begin at 9am and we ask that students be dropped off at the sports park directly, after 8.40am, rather than going to school. The school bus will drop kids off at the sports park, and a teacher will walk with students from Before School Care, at 8.40am.
A draft timetable is below.
Students will be competing in their houses and are encouraged to wear their house colours for the day. Students should also wear appropriate footwear and bring their bag with snacks and water. Ribbons will be handed out for students who come 1st, 2nd or 3rd in their age group and gender. In the senior age groups (9/10, 11, 12/13) up to 10 runners from each classification can qualify for the District event, however, students will need to demonstrate that they can run the course in a competitive time to qualify. The District event will be held in Yackandandah on Friday, May 12.
We do require several parents or carers to assist with supervision of the track on the day. This involves taking a position on the track to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all participants. If you are able to help with this, please complete the form at this link: https://forms.gle/mn65A7s4bSBUAb9J7
Permission forms were sent home last week and need to be returned to school by this Friday, 24th March.
Grade’s 5/6B and 4-6L will perform a drumming item at the conclusion of the opening parade of the Yackandandah Folk Festival this Friday 24 March. This was originally supposed to take place in front of the library but due to logistics, this will now take place in front of the open stage which will be setup in High St near the bakery and the motel. We will need as many students as possible to help move and setup their equipment before the parade starts so that we are ready to perform as soon as the parade finishes. The two classes will also perform this item as a dress rehearsal at assembly on Friday afternoon.
If you stay around the main street after the parade, students from Violindigo will perform on the open stage at 6:45PM. These are violin students ranging in age from 5 through to adult, some of whom attend Yackandandah Primary School. These students take lessons with me here in Yackandandah or at some of the other schools at which I teach in the region. Please stay around and listen, particularly if you are interested in violin! It would be wonderful to have more of our own students come on board!
Students in the senior choir (grades 3-6) have been preparing for their ANZAC Day performances. Letters have been sent home with details of these events. If you haven’t already returned these to Sandra, please do so as soon as possible in order to assist the event organisers.
If you’re child learns a musical instrument and would be interested in performing an item at assembly sometime, I would love to hear from you! Please send me an email and I will arrange for this to happen.
David Pietsch
Thank you to the parents who have offered their assistance so far for the Folk Festival weekend and thank you to the people who helped out at the Anderson place over the weekend. Your help was greatly appreciated.
We still need helpers for the following times:
If you can assist at any time for either the food or the market please click on the link below to access the help sheet.
Below is the roster.
Thanks Sandra
Yackandandah Folk Festival GO WILD Opening Parade!
On Friday, 24 March 2023, the Yackandandah Folk Festival Opening Parade will take place at 6pm! This week, we will be going wild in the Art room to finish off making flowers, painting t-shirts and flags. The idea is for students to wear a white t-shirt (made in the art room) with denim and/or black pants/shorts/skirt and to go wild with accessories and hair styles at home!
Below is the running timeline of how the opening parade festivities will proceed on the night.
Friday 24 March
Please see below for the order of each group in the parade.
The order of the parade will start behind Pete Denahy and the High Street Shufflers:
Parents, please collect your GO WILD little people after the official opening ceremony has concluded. If you are unable to find your WILD THING after the parade, please look for them first in the following locations on High Street:
Yackandandah Kindergarten in front of the Post Office
Osbornes Flat, Middle Indigo and Wooragee Primary School in front of 7th Pocket
Yackandandah Primary School in front of the CFA building - it might be a good idea for younger students to have a parent phone number on them - either pinned inside a pocket or written in texta on their forearm.
Please note that teachers and parent helpers are not responsible for the supervision of students once the parade and opening ceremony officially concludes.
Any Yackandandah Primary School parents and friends who can stay back after the official opening ceremony to support the return of chairs and buckets to the Art/Music room would be most appreciated.
Caz & Mandy
Vacation Care Program
Bookings are NOW open for the Vacation Care Program.
YES!! We are running our Holiday Program over the April school holidays. YAY!!
The program dates are Tuesday 11th – 21st April.
Please note that the Monday 10th is a PUBLIC HOLIDAY and Vacation Care will be closed.
19th March – Lewis James Hillier
21st March – Jim Kelley
22nd March – Saige Harmer