Newsletter 29.05.2023

Issue 16/2023

Dates to Remember

Monday 29th May-Thursday 1st June - Yr 5/6 Canberra Camp
Friday 2nd June - Division Cross Country
Monday 5th June - Division Cross Country Back Up day
Wednesday 7th June - ‘Pass the Poetry Please’ Cultural PerformanceThursday 8th June - Book Club orders close
Monday 12th June - 
King’s Birthday Public Holiday
Friday 16th June - Regional Cross Country
Friday 23rd June - Last Day Term 2

Term 3
Monday 10th July - First day Term 3
Thursday 13th July - State Cross Country
Friday 14th July - Winter Sports Carnival
Monday 24th July - Winter Sports Carnival Back up day
Friday 28th July - Cross Country Skiing
Friday 4th August - Down Hill Skiing
Friday 11th August - Down Hill Skiing
Thursday 17th August - School Athletics Carnival
Friday 18th August - Skiing Back up day
Thursday 24th August - School Athletics Carnival Back up day
Friday 1st September - Skiing Back up day
Monday 4th September-Thursday 7th September - Yr. 3/4 15 Mile Creek Camp
Monday 11th September-Thursday 14th September - Yr. 3/4 15 Mile Creek Camp
Friday 15th September - Last Day Term 3

Term 4
Monday 2nd October - First day Term 4
Friday 6th October - Division Athletics
Monday 9th October - Division Athletics Back up day
Friday 13th October - Regional Athletics
Monday 16th October - Regional Athletics Back up day
Wednesday 1st November - State Athletics
Tuesday 7th November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 20th December - Last Day Term 4

From the Principal

Early this morning Yr. 5 & 6 students, along with Brendan, Caz and a few brave parent volunteers hit the road for Canberra. They will have a busy itinerary, visiting parliament house, the war memorial, and several other institutions in Canberra. The students have been learning about how the government and the democratic process works in Australia. I have no doubt that the students and adults on the camp will make the best of their time and have a wonderful experience.

Students will be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.

The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government contributed funding of $30 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion and was deducted from the original parent costing.

There is still quite a bit of illness making the rounds. Between coughs, colds, influenza and covid we have had greater than usual absences at school. Thank you to families who are keeping ill children at home – while we all prefer to have everyone at school it is important that we do our bit to reduce the spread of illness. Don’t forget that we still have plenty of covid Rapid Antigen Tests (RATS) at school for anyone who wants them. You can collect them at the office.

The Hume Division Cross Country event takes place in Wodonga this Friday. Students who are participating come to school as normal and from there I will accompany them on the bus to Wodonga. Good luck to all those competing.

Michael Edwards

From the Office

Family Statements
Statements will be sent home to families this week who have amount outstanding amounts for extra-curricular activities and camp.  Prompt payment for these activities would be greatly appreciated.

Statements will also be sent out to families who are in credit or have CSEF money.  The credit balance can be used for the voluntary school contributions or future excursions etc – please let me know if you wish to put it towards the voluntary contributions.  The CSEF money can only be used for camps, excursions and other activities for that specific child.

OSHC Statements
OSHC statements will also be emailed out this week for the period 1st May to 28th May – they will then revert back to being emailed out fortnightly.

Cultural Performance
On Wednesday, 7th June all students will attend the Cultural performance ‘Pass the Poetry Please’.  The performance skilfully combines poems past, present, fast, slow, funny and said with costumed characters and baffling illusions in a colourful energetic performance that engages and stretches the imagination. 

There is no charge for the performance as the cost is included in the voluntary school contributions.

Book Club
Each student has taken home a Scholastic Book Club Brochure and order form. Orders need to be submitted through the Book Club Loop by Thursday 8th June.

Enjoy your week!


Achievement Awards

Mia Lockett for a huge improvement in taking charge with your learning!
Frieda Haslett for displaying a high level of confidence in class discussions and in tackling new tasks.
Audrey Wyatt for always being an enthusiastic learner who is willing to help other and challenge yourself.
Ella Murphy for confidently sharing your ideas with the class on the reasons why Spike the Sloth is a winner!
Lincoln Clausen for making excellent progress with recalling many letter names and sounds. Keep it up Lincoln!
Ella Murphy for confidently reading aloud her work aloud and describing her drawings in detail. 
Grace Scobie for developing confidence with counting patterns across 4 and 5-digit numbers.
Sloane McInerney for fantastic progress with letter sound knowledge. Well done, Sloane!
Wesley Paul for increased confidence in sharing your ideas. 
Jack McAlister for always showing such great enthusiasm for writing. Well done on creating a convincing persuasive piece about why bedtime should not be 5pm!
Tom Murphy for a fantastic and informative presentation about your great-grandfather Gino.
Frey Holden for being such an enthusiastic participant during our museum excursion.
Taidhg James Hillier for extending his ideas and including greater detail in his Big Write this week.
Sara Davison for making connections in our Tower Building task to build and draw models of fact families.
Lara Bebbington for logical and well organised setting our of maths explanations.
William Black for being a thoughtful and attentive learner.


Hot Lunch News

Four hot lunches left for term two and a few favourites of mine coming up, gotta love a baked potato, yum!  The ovens will be on early and an extra set of hands-on deck to help wash up the bowls! Teamwork at its best!

Position Vacant
The Hot Lunch Coordinator position is up for grabs!  This is a 5 hours per week paid position, with all the necessary systems in place to make the transition simple and smooth.

If this is something you would like more info on, then please feel free to chat to me (Jane) or Michael. 

Jane Murphy
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator


Year F/1 News

On Friday 26th May, both F/1 classes visited the Yackandandah Museum. This excursion was related to our Integrated Studies topic ‘Family History’.

Students explored the old house that was relocated years ago from its original position on High Street. The students really enjoyed seeing the way people used to live many years ago and took photos of objects to draw back at school. The highlight was the old telephone box, small trinkets and hand-made objects and tools that were used by families. Thank you to Sue and Thelma who were our very patient tour guides at the museum.

Ella Murphy F/1R                                                          

Grace Scobie F/1R

Amelia McNicol F/1C

 Jaxson Cameron F/1C 

Bank Safe

Sausage Maker

Telephone Box

Washing Machine

Position Vacant

We are looking for a new Hot Lunch coordinator to commence at the start of Term 3.  Do you have a spare 5 hours each week and are looking to earn some money?  You will need a Working with Children’s Check and be prepared to complete an online Food Handling Course. This is a part time position for the remainder of the year with the view to carry over to next year. The current pay rate is $27.15 per hour.

Duties include:

  • Being the lead person in the kitchen each Friday morning
  • Organising the menu and parent helpers for the term
  • Ordering of food each week
  • Collating orders
  • Cross checking student orders against payments

Jane has it set up with the necessary systems in place to make the transition simple and smooth.

Please contact Michael if you are interested in this position.


We have had a fantastic week in OSHC!!!

Road Safety Week.

This week we extended our learning about road safety. We had group discussion on what we know about road safety and what certain road signs mean. We discussed road rules and why they have speed limits in place. We also delved into how to be safe on the side of the road, pedestrian crossing and at traffic lights. The children have a great understanding of the road rules and how to be safe.


We have a OSHC Hospital



Our dramatic play space has changed:  With the children asking so many questions and showing  a lot of interest about International Nurses Day last week,  we extended this learning to create a hospital/ Drs Surgery. The children have loved this play space and we have had so many young doting Drs and Nurses in OSHC. It has been great to see the imaginations flowing in this play space.

Wednesday Cooking

Did you know eveery Wednesday we cook in OSHC?

Mini Pizzas were a HIT! Especially on a cold Autumns day.

The children had their zones in the kitchen and were able to use the ingridents placed out to create their yummy master pieces, the best part was being able to enjoy them once they cooled enough.YUM!


We have a Compost Scrap Bin

Children have enjoyed using our new scrap bin, they help other children to remember what can and can’t be placed in the scrap bin.  End of every week we take it out to the school’s compost.

On Fridays we SCOOTER BOARD.

Friday after school care tested out our scooter boards in the playground area, they zipped up and down the concrete path with ease and lots of laugher. The children loved this experience and have excitedly asked to do it every Friday!


World Bee Day
We celebrated world bee day in OSHC. We talked about our fuzzy buzzy little friends and created our very own buzzing bees out of recycled egg cartons, paper and paint. The children loved this little experience.




OSHC Photo Booth

This was a fun extension from the Super Mario Monopoly Game in OSHC. They have insisted for more characters and make this a regular thing in OSHC.

Artwork of the week

Frieda’s Toad from Mario.



Community Notices