Newsletter 12.06.2023

Issue 18/2023

Dates to Remember

Term 2
Friday 16th June - Regional Cross Country
Sunday 18th June - Working Bee 10.30am to 1pm
Friday 23rd June - Last Day Term 2

Term 3
Monday 10th July - First day Term 3
Thursday 13th July - State Cross Country
Friday 14th July - Winter Sports Carnival
Tuesday 18th July - Albury Wodonga Eisteddfod
Monday 24th July - Winter Sports Carnival Back up day
Friday 28th July - Cross Country Skiing
Friday 4th August - Down Hill Skiing
Friday 11th August - Down Hill Skiing
Thursday 17th August - School Athletics Carnival
Friday 18th August - Skiing Back up day
Thursday 24th August - School Athletics Carnival Back up day
Friday 1st September - Skiing Back up day
Monday 4th September-Thursday 7th September - Yr. 3/4 15 Mile Creek Camp
Monday 11th September-Thursday 14th September - Yr. 3/4 15 Mile Creek Camp
Friday 15th September - Last Day Term 3

Term 4
Monday 2nd October - First day Term 4
Friday 6th October - Division Athletics
Monday 9th October - Division Athletics Back up day
Friday 13th October - Regional Athletics
Monday 16th October - Regional Athletics Back up day
Wednesday 1st November - State Athletics
Tuesday 7th November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 20th December - Last Day Term 4

From the Principal

Working Bee
Next Sunday, 18th June, we are having a working bee. School Council are asking for volunteers from 10:30 – 1:00. Jobs include spreading soft fall and general garden pruning and upkeep. In particular we are looking for volunteers who could collect soft fall in their ute or trailer and bring it to school for spreading in the playground. The soft fall would be collected from one of the suppliers in Wodonga. We are also hoping for volunteers to remove green waste (prunings etc.) to either a burn pile that someone may have, or failing that, to a waste transfer station.

The link below takes you to a google sheet where you can view the list of jobs and let us know if you can help. We’d appreciate your help!

We are aiming to send Semester One reports home with children early next week. Schools are required to give a benchmark ‘score’ against the mandated curriculum. A ‘C’ indicates that the child is meeting the curriculum standard for their year level.

Of course, we all know that all children learn at different paces. More important than a particular report grade are the daily attitudes and habits children bring to their learning. I encourage you to celebrate your child’s successes and continue to foster the positive attitudes and habits that help us all achieve success in school and beyond.

School Photos
School photos have arrived. They will be sent home today or tomorrow with your children.

Michael Edwards

From the Office

Year 5/6 Skiing Program
If you haven’t yet completed the skiing expression of interest form could you please do so. The link below will take you to the form. Even if your child is not attending please select ‘not skiing’ for each date.

Any questions please see Earle or myself.

FoodWorks Community Points
Thank you to the families who donate their Community Points when shopping at FoodWorks to the school.  We received a payment of $557.87 for this quarter.

Enjoy your week!

Assembly Helpers

Angus Glanville & Summer Johnstone

Achievement Awards

Zoe Glanville for fantastic work with our tetromino task in Maths this week.
Peter Mullins for great thinking with our tetromino task.
Macklan James Hillier for fantastic letter formation focusing on the letter ‘R’ and ‘r’ this week. Keep up the great work!
Dylan Hewitt for improved letter formations and handwriting during formal handwriting tasks.
Nicky Holzheimer for great work with making ‘teen numbers’ using bundles and ‘ones’.
Clancy Kellaway for arranging the tetromino shapes in many ways during maths tasks.
Eleanor Martini for learning to write within the correct lines when forming the letter ‘Rr’.
Dara Freeman for using her problem solving skills and positivity to support others in the playground.
Sully Lucas for using his focus and persistence to make huge improvements in his spelling and handwriting.
Georgia Dowsley for consistently putting your best effort into your reading and asking questions to develop a deeper understanding.
Milla Stagg for using a number line accurately and efficiently to solve subtraction problems.
Indie Agnew for displaying a positive mindset during maths lessons and working effectively with her partner when problem solving.
Ted Attwood for including strong word choices in his writing.
Aiden Hillier for applying himself to maths tasks to find multiple solutions.
Grace O’Dwyer for showing confidence when explaining solutions to maths problems to her peers.
Pippa Graham for a creating a fun and exciting story about making mistakes.

Hot Lunch News

At this stage until we find a new Hot Lunch Co-ordinator there will be no hot lunches in Term 3. 

The Hot Lunch Coordinator position is up for grabs!  This is a 5 hours per week paid position, with all the necessary systems in place to make the transition simple and smooth.

If this is something you would like more info on, then please feel free to chat to me (Jane) or Michael.

Two hot lunch meals for Term two and they will be yummy!

Jane Murphy
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
0416 051 476


Social & Emotional Learning

Last week in SEL, we revised the 4 Zones of Regulation and played a couple of games to test our understanding. From there, we started talking about ‘self-talk’. Self-talk is your inner voice and the way you talk to yourself, we all have one. Sometimes, we can talk positively to ourselves, particularly when we’re doing something we love and feel confident in. Other times, our inner voice can be a little harsh and not talk so nicely to ourselves. This tends to happen when we’re experiencing something that is pushing us out of our comfort zone, or we don’t feel confident in it.

The students produced some examples of self-talk and we read a book called, When Things Aren’t Going Right, Go Left’ by Marc Colagiovanni. This book explores the idea that when our self-talk, like worries, fears, doubts, get too heavy and cumbersome, we can leave them right on the ground for a while and pick them back up when they feel smaller.


Cultural Performance

Last Wednesday, the school enjoyed a performance called, Pass the Poetry Please. We met performer, Max, who recited some poetry from the past and the present in a funny, entertaining and skilful way. We learned about Spoonerisms, how you can make origami while reciting a poem, and about the wonderful world of nonsense poetry. The most memorable poem would have been Cinderella, where Pandsome Hince and Rindacella were married and lived happily ever after.

Winter Sports Carnival

The Winter Sports Carnival is taking place on Friday, July 14 (the first week of Term 3). The back up day is Monday 24th July. This event is for students in Years 3-6. This year, Yackandandah will have teams in netball, football, soccer, t-ball, and volleyball. To help prepare for the carnival, we are having sports practice on Fridays until the end of term. Football and netball will train at school, while soccer, t-ball, and volleyball players will walk down to the sports park. Because this is a local excursion, students do not need a permission form, but will be down at the sports park from 12.45pm-1.45pm. Students are encouraged to wear appropriate footwear for training.

The sports will be played at the following venues:

Football – Wodonga Racecourse

Netball – Kelly Park

Soccer – Kelly Park

Volleyball – Wodonga Tennis Centre

Tee ball – Willow Park

The cost is $10 per student and permission forms have been sent home tonight.  Forms need to be returned to school by next Monday.


Position Vacant

We are looking for a new Hot Lunch coordinator to commence at the start of Term 3.  Do you have a spare 5 hours each week and are looking to earn some money?  You will need a Working with Children’s Check and be prepared to complete an online Food Handling Course. This is a part time position for the remainder of the year with the view to carry over to next year. The current pay rate is $27.15 per hour.

Duties include:

  • Being the lead person in the kitchen each Friday morning
  • Organising the menu and parent helpers for the term
  • Ordering of food each week
  • Collating orders
  • Cross checking student orders against payments

Jane has it set up with the necessary systems in place to make the transition simple and smooth.

Please contact Michael if you are interested in this position.


Vacation Care
Bookings are now open for the Vacation Care Program which is operating from Monday 26th June to Friday 7th July.  Please book in to secure your child’s place.


12th June – Cody Ellingham

12th June – Cooper Wall

12th June – Ned Westbrook

12th June – Emily Sheppard

13th June – Miles Thornton

15th June – Sloane McInerney

16th June – Ezzie Haslett

Community Notices