Newsletter 17.07.2023

Issue 21/2023

Dates to Remember

Term 3
Tuesday 18th July - Albury Wodonga Eisteddfod
Friday 21st July - Foundation School Entrant Health Questionnaire due back
Thursday 27th July - Book Club orders close
Friday 28th July - Cross Country Skiing
Friday 4th August - Down Hill Skiing
Friday 11th August - Down Hill Skiing
Thursday 17th August - School Athletics Carnival
Friday 18th August - Skiing Back up day
Monday 21st August – Friday 25th August – Book Week
Tuesday 22nd August – Wednesday 30th August – Somers Camp
Thursday 24th August - School Athletics Carnival Back up day
Friday 25th August - Book Character Day
Tuesday 29th August - Cultural Performance -  Scott’s BMX Trick Bike Show
Friday 1st September - Skiing Back up day
Tuesday 5th September-Friday 8th September - Yr. 3/4 15 Mile Creek Camp (3/4E & 4L)
Tuesday 12th September-Friday 15th September - Yr. 3/4 15 Mile Creek Camp (3/4A)
Friday 15th SeptemberLast Day Term 3 - 2.30pm finish

Term 4
Monday 2nd October - First day Term 4
Friday 6th October - Division Athletics
Monday 9th October - Division Athletics Back up day
Friday 13th October - Regional Athletics
Monday 16th October - Regional Athletics Back up day
Wednesday 1st November - State Athletics
Monday 6th November - Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 7th November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 20th December - Last Day Term 4

From the Principal

Congratulations to Yrs. 3-6 students who participated in the Winter Sports Carnival last Friday. While still damp underfoot, it was a sunny day, and the children made the most of it. Once again, the students gave their best and behaved impeccably. Thanks to the parents who helped with coaching both netball and volleyball teams.

Last Thursday all students were treated to a performance from De La Salle College’s music ensemble. The performance included a variety of musical genres and styles. It was great to see the kinds of musical learning that students can aspire to if they wish.

We have updated a few policies that can be sourced from our school website. These policies are:

  • Digital Learning Policy
  • First Aid Policy
  • Inclusion and Diversity Policy
  • Mobile Phone Policy

School policies, including our Child Safety related policies are available on our website and are reviewed in accordance with Department of Education requirements.

Please ensure you clearly label jumpers, hats, lunch boxes and any other items that your children bring to school. A clearly labelled item will usually find its owner fairly quickly. Jumpers that have no name are considered community property and may be given away to anyone who needs it.

Michael Edwards

From the Office

If your child is absent from school please email the school office or register the absence on the website as well as letting your classroom teacher know.  It is important that the office is advised of all absences and the reason for the absence for accurate reporting.

Late Arrivals/Early Departures
If your child arrives at school after 9am or is being collected before 3.30pm they need to be signed in or out at the office.  If you are picking up for an appointment during the day and returning to school they also need to be signed in and out.

Victorian Primary School Nursing Program
The Victorian Primary School Nursing Program is a free health assessment service offered by the Department of Education to all children during their first year of primary school.

Foundation students have today taken home the Primary School Nursing Program Information Package and School Entrant Health Questionnaire.  The Questionnaire needs to be returned to the school office by Friday 21st July.

If you do not consent to the health assessment, please tick the appropriate box and return the form to school.

Scholastic Book Club
Each student has today taken home a brochure and order form from Scholastic Book Club.  Orders need to be ordered through the Book Club Loop for Parents by Thursday 27th July.

Enjoy your week!

Assembly Helpers

Holly Lerch & Manu Quaglio

Achievement Awards

Harvey Thornton for huge efforts with handwriting and letter formation.
Sloane McInerny for your consistent positive outlook on ALL learning tasks.
Aemon Hakanovic-Kelty for finding lots of words beginning with ‘f’ for our class word list.
Dash Lockett for working hard to improve his letter formations this week.
Renn Thompson for showing a positive growth mindset to all areas of his learning and for finding new challenges to help him improve.
Patrick McIntyre for always offering his support to others and for being a kind and caring friend to all his classmates every day. We are lucky to have you in 1/2HE.
Eddie Crispin for making a focused effort in your handwriting to become both neater and more efficient.
Kayden Street for collecting data accurately using tally marks and explaining facts about it. Great work!
Finn Summons for demonstrating his mathematical reasoning through a detailed written explanation of how to win Number Tracks.
Henry Lerch for showing a solid understanding of “author’s message” through his contributions to class discussions
Sierra Allan for expanding her teamwork skills in partner and small group tasks
Hudson Street for taking the catch of the day and incredible home run hitting from the left or right.
Nicholas Shepherd for accepting the challenge to be Tee Ball catcher and then smiling all day and loving it!
Alfie Bayne for outstanding catching and ‘home run’ hitting today in Tee Ball.

Hot Lunch News

This week we kick off the hot lunch menu with Egg and Bacon Rolls or a Halloumi Roll.

A big thanks to our helpers for this week! The full volunteer roster will be included in next week's newsletter. 

Last Call for Term 3 Hot Lunch Orders!
The order form will be closed off for this week's Hot Lunch today at 6 pm (no exceptions). It will remain open until Fri 21st July for last chance orders for all other Term 3 meals. The order form link can be found below or on the Yackandandah Hot Lunch Facebook page.

T3 Hot Lunch Order Form -

Parents of year 3 and 4 students: please note that the dates for the 3/4 camps have been corrected to include Friday 8th September (3/4E and year 4s from 4/5/6L) and Friday 15th September (3/4A). Families that have already placed and paid for orders on these days will receive a credit for use in Term 4. 


Hannah Glanville-Jones
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator


Sports News

House Athletics Help Needed
The House Athletics Carnival is taking place on Thursday, August 17 in Albury (the back-up day is August 24). To help make this day a success, we do need the assistance of many parents, carers and other adults. Like last year, helpers will not be following particular groups around, but will be stationed at an event and assisting as different groups move through. Don’t worry, no experience is necessary. Even if you can only assist for a small amount of time, please let us know, as the viability of this event relies on enough adult helpers.

If you can help, please complete the form at this link:

More information, including permission forms and the event timetable, will be sent home in the coming weeks.


SSV State Cross Country
On Thursday, the 13th of July, 5 of our students ventured off to Yarra Glen Racecourse to compete in the School Sport Victoria State Cross Country. Our students were amongst the best of the best in Victoria and wow, did they do us proud! The 2km and 3km courses were brutally tough, the ground being very boggy, making the runners work hard for every stride, but that didn’t stop them! The sun streamed down over the racecourse as the crowd cheered each of the runners across the line. Thank you to our beautiful families for transporting their athletes to the event and congratulations to our incredible runners, all who ran extremely well. It is a huge achievement to make it to this level of competition, the results below are something our runners should be very proud of.

Winter Sports Carnival reports

Tee Ball
Congratulations to all the TeeBallers that played at the Winter Sports Carnival on Friday.

All the team members played fairly and represented our school with pride. It was great to see everyone take on new challenges and work with their team mates to make decisions and plan strategies. After some big hitting and solid fielding, we managed to be the overall winner of the carnival and bring home the trophy again.  We will also be sending a team off to the next round once details have been confirmed.

On Friday the 14th of July, we proudly took 3 netball teams to Kelly Park to compete in the annual netball competition as part of the Winter Sports Carnival. All 3 teams played beautifully and developed their skills over the course of their training sessions and throughout the day of competition. I was so proud of how our YPS players conducted themselves on the day – they displayed excellent sportsmanship and supported each other with great care and respect. They cheered each other on, as well as the other teams. We won some games and lost some games, but overall, we were WINNERS, because we spent the day in the sunshine being active with our friends and larger school community. A very big thank you to Alyce Pritchard, who gave her time to assist with training sessions at school and providing great coaching tips.  Alyce and Rhiannon Hillier also organised through the Yackandandah Football and Netball Club for the donation of balls, bibs and the gorgeous dresses for our school to use! I had several comments from spectators and other school representatives on Friday about how amazing our netballers looked in their uniforms – we are very grateful! Another big thank you to the parents who coached and supported the netballers on Friday – Sarah Bebbington, Tash Schultz & Kelly Graham, your support and guidance was amazing!

As the Matildas prepared to dominate the French women's soccer team last Friday, a more important contest was taking place at Kelly Park. Yackandandah PS had two teams entered in B Division soccer at the Winter Sports Carnival and both teams held their own in the face of some fierce competition. There were some great goals, great saves, and most importantly, some great teamwork! In the end, the kids were stoked to come away with the trophy for the second year in a row! Who knows, we may have the next generation of Matildas and Socceroos in our midst!

This year, our volleyball team was lucky enough to have 2 coaches who knew a little bit about the game. Over the past month, Matt Dickeson and Bridget McCloskey trained the kids in the basic techniques and finer skills of competitive volleyball. It is fair to say that many of the students came into these sessions knowing very little about the game, but came away with a lot, not to mention some big smiles. It was terrific to see the level of improvement demonstrated by the players not just in training, but on the day of competition. And what a successful day it was! 4 wins and just 1 loss! The kids were very proud of their achievement! Special thanks to Matt and Bridget for volunteering their time, knowledge, and care over the past few weeks. Much appreciated!

The YPS AFL team played four games in their Division C at the Winter Sports Carnival. Two of the games were hard fought losses, while two games were relatively easy wins. I was impressed by the positive attitude shown by all of the players, and their willingness to try and try again. While the boys were disappointed with not making the finals, they can feel proud of the way that they conducted themselves. Of particular note was Hunter’s willingness to help out another school who were short on numbers for one of their games. I also appreciated Jack and Ed’s fair-minded approach to working out the player’s positions for each of the games. It made my job very easy indeed! Thanks, too, to the parents and other relatives who swung past and provided their support to the team.


Music News

The Senior Choir is performing at the Albury Wodonga Eisteddfod tomorrow in the Banquet Hall at the Albury Entertainment Centre.  Families are able to purchase tickets at the door if they would like to attend.  The concert starts at 10am and finishes at 11.30am so their performance will be sometime during that time.  Unfortunately we don’t have an item number.

Students will need to be at school at 8.30am to warm up and bring snacks, drink, lunch and their singing voices.


Social & Emotional Learning

At the end of last term, each class partook in a mindfulness workshop to celebrate our learning around emotional intelligence. The students participated in many mindful activities, like Toe-Ga, belly breathing, stretching and setting mindful intentions. Mindfulness practice has been shown to improve children’s self-control, ability to focus and help them to participate respectfully in class activities.

It was heart warming to see all students engage with mindfulness, even if it pushed some outside of their comfort zone a little. Our relaxation at the end saw many children feeling settled and relaxed. Bliss!


2024 School Enrolments

If you have a child starting at school next year Enrolment packs can be collected from the school office. 

If you would like to book a school tour or have any questions, please contact Michael or Sandra at school.


18th July – Rory McIntyre

18th July – Katherine Somerville

21st July – Frey Holden

Community Notices