Term 3
Thursday 27th July - Book Club orders close
Friday 28th July - Cross Country Skiing
Friday 4th August - Regional Teeball
Friday 4th August - Down Hill Skiing
Friday 11th August - Down Hill Skiing
Thursday 17th August - School Athletics Carnival
Friday 18th August - Skiing Back up day
Monday 21st August – Friday 25th August – Book Week
Tuesday 22nd August – Wednesday 30th August – Somers Camp
Thursday 24th August - School Athletics Carnival Back up day
Friday 25th August - Book Character Day
Tuesday 29th August - Cultural Performance - Scott’s BMX Trick Bike Show 2.30pm
Friday 1st September - Skiing Back up day
Tuesday 5th September-Friday 8th September - Yr. 3/4 15 Mile Creek Camp (3/4E & 4L)
Tuesday 12th September-Friday 15th September - Yr. 3/4 15 Mile Creek Camp (3/4A)
Friday 15th September - Last Day Term 3 - 2.30pm finish
This Friday is our first Ski Day for Yr. 5/6 this year. We will be monitoring the weather over the week and if the conditions are not suitable, we will postpone the day. Earle will be in touch with parent helpers and families to keep you updated.
We will send home results from NAPLAN tests this week. The test results are presented in a different format this year, but should be relatively clear and easy to interpret. As always, it is good to keep in mind that it is the day-to-day learning that is the most important part of schooling. One off tests can give a broad snapshot of some parts of the curriculum, in a certain way of measuring. It is important that children, families, schools and education departments keep that in perspective.
Michael Edwards
Victorian Primary School Nursing Program
Foundation students took home the Primary School Nursing Program Information Package and School Entrant Health Questionnaire last Monday. If you haven’t returned the questionnaire could you please do so tomorrow. IF you need a new package please call into the office.
If you do not consent to the health assessment please tick the appropriate box and return the form to school.
Enjoy your week!
Fredi Farley & Jaala Street
Lincoln Clausen for successfully adding collections of dominoes during his maths fluency task this week.
Kaidence Corben for her enthusiasm for writing at school and at home. Keep it up Kaidence!
Olivia McIntosh for great grasp of our ‘dot the dominoes’ fluency task.
Paddy Grogan for consistently encouraging and complementing your peers, all the while putting your best efforts in your own work.
Tom Murphy for taking care to publish your Wombat Stew recipe neatly and accurately with great illustrations.
Milla Stagg for putting lots of effort into your illustrations and presentation of your published Wombat Stew recipe.
Dara Freeman for working on feedback during writing time so she could ‘level up’ her publishing for her Wombat Stew recipe.
Will Hutchings for an outstanding effort to get his Wombat Stew publishing completed to a high standard. Well done Will!
Jed Walker for working hard throughout the week to improve his handwriting formation. Outstanding results Jed!
Will Maybury for reflecting on his learning to improve his understanding of the maths concept o ‘Chance and Data”.
Claudia Grech for creating several strong reasons why school should be 4 days per week, during persuasive writing sessions.
Emily Sheppard for always taking her learning seriously. Thanks for the great effort Emily.
Hugo Dickeson for effectively planning and organising solutions to challenging maths problems.
Sara Davison for reflecting on learning tasks and inferring to make strong connections between related maths concepts.
Felix Anderson developing his teamwork skills to achieve shared learning goals.
Thanks to everyone who put their hand up to volunteer in the kitchen this term! We have had a fabulous response, with all spots filled except for this Friday. Please let me know if you can help out. Even with the year 5/6s away enjoying some cross country skiing, we will still need a full crew to prepare more than 100 bowls of Fried Rice... and then wash up afterwards!
Hannah Glanville-Jones
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
I have had the pleasure of starting Term 3 in the art room with Years F/1/2 whilst Mandy has been on leave. Our focus has been on one of the CBCA Shortlisted Picture books for 2023- Tiny Wonders by Sally Soweol Han. With a focus on background, foreground, and minimal colour palette, the students explored the beautiful illustrations in the book (pictured above), by creating their own streetscape using water colour paints, white oil pastel, collage, watercolour pencil, graphite and black felt pen. I’m sure by now you will have seen the works they’ve brought home? They did a magnificent job! Here are just a very small selection by a few of the Foundation students:
Regional Teeball
The successful teeball team from the Winter Sports Carnival will be travelling to Benalla on Friday, August 4, to compete in the Regional level. We will be leaving school at 8.50am and returning around 1.30pm. Cost is $10 per student. Permission forms are being sent home with players, today and need to be returned to school by Thursday. Best of luck to all players!
House Athletics Help Needed
The House Athletics Carnival is taking place on Thursday, August 17 in Albury (the back-up day is August 24). To help make this day a success, we do need the assistance of many parents, carers and other adults. Like last year, helpers will not be following particular groups around, but will be stationed at an event and assisting as different groups move through. Don’t worry, no experience is necessary. Even if you can only assist for a small amount of time, please let us know, as the viability of this event relies on enough adult helpers.
If you can help, please complete the form at this link: https://forms.gle/bbirqbixTRb3AjsZA
There is no cost for this event as it is part of the Curriculum Contributions that parents have been invited to pay. Permission forms have been sent home tonight and need to be returned to school by Friday, 4th August.
More information, including the event timetable, will be sent home in the coming weeks.
Information for the Competitors
A big thank you to Albury PCYC for lending us their Volleyball nets.Albury PCYC offers a variety of sports and recreational activities each Term and also runs school holiday programs. The Club caters for all age groups. It is family friendly and tries to keep fees as low as possible to encourage participation. Albury PCYC is located next to the Lauren Jackson Basketball Stadium. It is well worth browsing through their information- you might be surprised by what’s on offer!
During SEL this term, we are going to be exploring some common core values that humans can have. A value is a belief that a person has, which in turn, motivates them to think and behave in a certain way. Values can help humans to lead happy and fulfilling lives. Over the coming weeks, the students will be learning about some core values and how they can help us to learn and grow.
Last week, we looked at resilience. Resilient people have strategies to help them ‘bounce back’ when things go pear shaped or they experience hardship. The students tested their resilience with some fine and gross motor challenges. We learned that we can be resilient in different ways and in different situations. Some resilience strategies that were shown were: take a deep breath, positive self-talk, laugh it off, share feelings with a friend and keep on trying.
We also read two picture books that have the theme of resilience in them. They were, Max and Worry by Kitty Black, and Hope by Corinne Averiss.
New Books & Donations
A massive thank you to the McInerney family for an incredibly generous donation of novels for our older readers- including a stack of Rick Riordan titles such as Percy Jackson, The Kane Chronicles, The Trials of Apollo and Heroes of Olympus. A big thank you also, to the O’Brien family (Karen & Jed) for the donation of a massive box of picture books. These will be used in the school library, and also in the Prep/1 rooms to build their class library.
Have a wonderful week of reading!
Sarah McAlister
In 3/4A during school library, we have been doing Lego STEM! At the end of Term 2, the students had to construct and code a Literary Randomizer, to help their little Lego character randomly choose a book genre from the library. Last Friday, they reconstructed their invention, but this time their challenge was to improve the program and design to make it more interesting. They had a lot of fun, but it was very challenging too! A special mention must go to Hunter Wall, who demonstrated excellent peer-teaching, and a willingness to share his coding knowledge. You are a natural, Hunter!
We have been very busy over the holidays and also the first two weeks of Term 3! Here is a nice array of photos over this time.
Our program is inclusive and follows the children’s interests. We allow them to explore, create and most of all HAVE FUN!
School Holiday Program
Many of the Year 5/6 students will head to Falls Creek this Friday to take part in a cross country ski day. Here are some reminders...
Thanks, again, to the parent helpers who have volunteered their time to support our students and make days like this possible.
A few students still have not returned their permission forms. They have taken home a new one tonight – please ensure the form is returned tomorrow.
If you have a child starting at school next year Enrolment packs can be collected from the school office.
If you would like to book a school tour or have any questions, please contact Michael or Sandra at school.
24th July – Violet MacCalman
25th July – Savannah Lockett