Term 3
Friday 4th August - Regional Teeball
Friday 4th August - Downhill Skiing
Friday 11th August - Downhill Skiing
Thursday 17th August - School Athletics Carnival
Friday 18th August - Cross Country Skiing
Monday 21st August – Friday 25th August – Book Week
Tuesday 22nd August – Wednesday 30th August – Somers Camp
Thursday 24th August - School Athletics Carnival Back up day
Friday 25th August - Book Character Day
Tuesday 29th August - Cultural Performance - Scott’s BMX Trick Bike Show 2.30pm
Friday 1st September - Skiing Back up day
Tuesday 5th September-Friday 8th September - Yr. 3/4 15 Mile Creek Camp (3/4E & 4L)
Tuesday 12th September-Friday 15th September - Yr. 3/4 15 Mile Creek Camp (3/4A)
Friday 15th September - Last Day Term 3 - 2.30pm finish
The school athletics carnival is scheduled for Thursday August 17th. To make the day run smoothly we require a number of parent helpers. If you are able to help on the day please indicate via the following link: https://forms.gle/bbirqbixTRb3AjsZA The Athletics day involves the whole school and is held at the Les O’Brien sports precinct in Albury. We appreciate your support.
Unfortunately, we had to call off the planned Yr. 5/6 ski trip last Friday. Our fingers are crossed that this Friday will see better conditions but keep an eye on school communications for notifications about skiing this Friday.
The annual parent/guardian school survey will take place from Monday 7th August (next Monday) and be live until Friday 8th September. All families are invite to participate in the survey. The results of the survey help the school identify priorities for strategic planning. I will send an email next Monday with the survey link and PIN. Your feedback is important to us.
Michael Edwards
Fredi Farley & Jaala Street
Clyde Lucas for referring to the text ‘Dogman’ for ideas when planning, writing, and drawing his story.
Eleanor Martini for her enthusiasm in writing her story about the character ‘Rockin’ Robin’.
Amelia McNicol for writing many events in your story “Happy Flora”, congratulations on your hard work, Amelia!
Rory McIntyre for impressive bookwork recording complements to 10 and 20. Well done, Rory!
Lucy Hillier for your enthusiasm to write a story about Steele Sidebottom playing footy. Keep it up, Lucy!
Amaya Whitley for showing a keen interest in our Geography topic, both at school and while doing your own research at home.
Max Boschetti for demonstrating enthusiasm for our Geography unit by doing your own research at home.
James Davis for demonstrating careful listening and an increased willingness to share your ideas during class discussions.
Will Hutchings for your excellent work making many different 2D shapes and exploring their features.
Savannah Lockett for applying her knowledge of letter / sound relationships to improve her spelling.
Lucas Stagg for displaying a positive mindset during maths activities.
Grace Pritchard for displaying self-belief in maths and being a helpful partner in cooperative tasks.
Maeve Van Duinen providing clear examples to support her learning during maths investigations.
Kaitlyn McGlead demonstrating hard work and focus to improve in spelling.
A big shout out to last week's volunteers for a stellar effort making delicious Fried Rice. It was a big job but a huge hit as always, especially in F/1C! Lots of kids came back for seconds and even a few for thirds! It was lovely to see so many happy faces :)
Hannah Glanville-Jones
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
Artwork of the Week
Students I the F/1/2 classes were inspired by the end papers from the book ‘Our Dreaming’ by Kirli Saunders and Dub Leffler.
Last week in SEL, after revisiting our learning around resilience, we explored the value of ‘empathy’. When we have empathy, we can understand and share the feelings of another person. In most circumstances, we show empathy towards someone who is either hurt, sad or is experiencing unwanted emotions.
The students were given some different scenarios where they had to recognise emotions (drawing on our learning from Term 2) and put themselves in another’s shoes and decide what Zone that person might be experiencing. Once we had established the feelings of the person in the scenario, we developed some ways we could show empathy towards them. There were many great suggestions from students throughout the school, some were: offer help/get help, make them laugh, say encouraging words, and finally, sit with them and talk to them about how they’re feeling, perhaps sharing a time when you felt the same.
We read two picture books which assisted our understanding of empathy. They were The Ugly Duckling and Broken Beaks by Nathaniel Lachenmeyer.
House Athletics Help Needed
The House Athletics Carnival is taking place on Thursday, August 17 in Albury (the back-up day is August 24). To help make this day a success, we do need the assistance of many parents, carers and other adults. Like last year, helpers will not be following particular groups around, but will be stationed at an event and assisting as different groups move through. Don’t worry, no experience is necessary. Even if you can only assist for a small amount of time, please let us know, as the viability of this event relies on enough adult helpers.
If you can help, please complete the form at this link: https://forms.gle/bbirqbixTRb3AjsZA
There is no cost for this event as it is part of the Curriculum Contributions that parents have been invited to pay. Permission forms need to be returned to school by this Friday.
More information, including the event timetable, will be sent home in the coming weeks.
Information for the Competitors
I spent a day in the library last Tuesday, cataloguing lots of new books, ready for class borrowing this week. There are lots of new novels for our younger & older readers, picture books galore and a handful of ever-popular non- fiction books (Minecraft, Lego, Animals, Sport….)
CBCA Book Week 2023
Book Week dress up day is fast approaching- only 3 weeks away! Save the date: Friday 25 August will be our YPS Book Week Dress-up Day!
This year’s theme is: Read, Grow, Inspire…. The CBCA Book Week is taking place from 19-25 August this year. Check out their website for more information about the shortlisted books:
Caz, Mandy and I are planning the art activities. We can’t wait to share for more information with you closer to the date. In the meantime- get thinking about and planning those costumes!
Book Sale 2023!
I will again be running a second-hand book stall in Week 7, as part of our Book Week celebrations, to raise money for the library. The sale will be at recess on Wednesday 23rd August. Students can bring in some money that day to spend on books ranging from 20c, 50c, $1 & $2, plus loads of free books!
New Books & Donations
Thank you, Carly, for recently donating two picture books to our Library. We really appreciate it!
Have a wonderful week of reading!
Sarah McAlister
This year the Year 3/4 students are off to 15 Mile Creek. Students in 3/4E and 4L will attend from Tuesday 5th September to Friday 8th September and the students in 3/4A will attend from Tuesday 12th September to Friday 15th September.
Cost per student is $182. Emails will be sent home to families this week who have credit or CSEF funds that can be used towards camp. Payment needs to be made prior to the camp.
Permission forms have been sent home tonight and are to be returned to school by Friday 18th August.
Unfortunately our Cross Country skiing day was cancelled last Friday due to inclement weather. The Cross country day will now be held on Friday 18th August.
This Friday the Year 5/6 students will head to Falls Creek to take part in first downhill ski day – fingers crossed for a sunny day though once again the weather forecast is not looking good! A decision to postpone will be made as early as possible.
. Here are some reminders...
Thanks, again, to the parent helpers who have volunteered their time to support our students and make days like this possible.
1st August – Spencer Pretty
3rd August – Taidhg James Hillier