Congratulations to the students who participated in the Division Athletics last Friday. Participating in high standard events is a challenging experience and it’s great to see students embrace the challenge with enthusiasm. Congratulations to all who took part. A number of Yackandandah Primary School students have qualified for the Regional Athletics this Friday. Good luck!
Last Friday students in years F-4 travelled to Wangaratta to see the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra perform. The orchestra not only performed but tailored the event to children – explaining how orchestras work. Thanks, David, for organising the event.
Michael Edwards
We have had a few cases of Conjunctivitis in the school in the last week. If you child has conjunctivitis they need to be kept home from school until the discharge from eyes has ceased.
We have also had a couple of cases of unconfirmed Chickenpox. Students need to be excluded from school until all blisters have dried. This is usually at least 5 days after the rash appears in unimmunised children but may be less in previously immunised children.
Scholastic Book Club
Each student has today taken home a brochure and order form from Scholastic Book Club. Orders need to be ordered through the Book Club Loop for Parents by Thursday 19th October.
Enjoy your week!
Violet MacCalman & Fredi Farley
Audrey Wyatt for showing fantastic sportsmanship and being a great guide to others during our cricket game this week.
Gus Dean for your enthusiasm for all learning while settling into your new class. Well done and welcome!
Cody Ellingham for showing improved focus during reading groups. Keep it up!
Rory McIntyre for demonstrating initiative and being a friendly welcoming peer.
Clyde Lucas for being a patient and supportive partner during maths tasks this week.
Ella Murphy for consistently producing correct letter formations during writing tasks. Keep it up, Ella!
Kiera Porteous for being able to summarise and restate learning instructions to benefit the whole class during floor time.
Kinu Edwardes for using range of different mathematical strategies to solve problems during area.
Renn Thompson for working well in a team and exploring various strategies to solve mathematical problems.
Eddie Crispin for your patience and persistence when building, testing and modifying a machine to make it finally work!
Ewan McInerney for working well in a team and exploring various strategies to solve mathematical problems.
Indigo Agnew for completing a thoughtful reflection on her Spike Lego challenge.
Henry Lerch for demonstrating positive work habits and being a supportive peer.
Lara Bebbington giving clear and accurate explanations when explaining her maths thinking.
Zack Dickeson always striving for accuracy and fully committing to tasks.
Lenny Graham regularly checking in to gather feedback for improvement.
Evie Burston for being bold and adventurous whilst on camp at 15 Mile Creek.
In Art, 5/6B and 4/5/6L's 100 matchstick sculptures, temporary art installations in the playground at the mercy of the rain last week.
This week's Hot Lunch will be Egg and Bacon/Halloumi Rolls.
We are kicking off the term with a tried and tested favourite! So far we are short two helpers for this Friday... Even with the kitchen extraordinaire Sachi rostered on, we will need some more help! Please let me know by email or via facebook/messenger if you are able to volunteer. We can promise a delicious lunch as your reward!
Last Call for Term 4 Hot Lunch Orders!
The order form will be closed off for this week's Hot Lunch today at 6 pm (no exceptions). It will remain open until Fri 13th October for last chance orders for all other Term 4 meals. The order form link can be found below or on the Yackandandah Hot Lunch Facebook page.
T4 Hot Lunch Order Form -
Hannah Glanville-Jones
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
Last term, the children made some suggestions for what they’d love to see in the Friendship Garden (which is located near the concrete wall/mural art). There were quite some adventurous options given by the children, like a slide from the roof of the building to a human sized hamster wheel. Now, while these suggestions were incredibly creative, we needed to keep it simple to begin with.
Over the holidays the garden was transformed into another play space for the school and children have been exploring and engaging in creative and imaginative play since starting back.
This term, in SEL, classes will be exploring identity and respectful relationships. We will be drawing on a program called ‘Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships’, which has been supported by the Department of Education, to deliver lessons around personal identity, respecting the identity and choices of others, problem solving, and finally, learning how to think critically but respectfully.
Last week, we began looking at our own identities and what makes up identity. Some examples given were hair, eye and skin colour, beliefs, culture, likes and dislikes, gender and fingerprints. We had some fun conducting an experiment to see how our fingerprints looked.
On Friday, October 6th, 31 students from our school competed at the Upper Hume Athletics Carnival at Les O'Brien Athletics Track in Albury. We are incredibly proud of the sportsmanship and athleticism our students showed, not to mention the kindness and positivity they extended to each other.
We have a number of students who have qualified for the Regional Athletics Carnival next Friday! This will also be held in Albury. Hopefully, students received a piece of paper with more information about this event. At the time of writing, the school has no further information. Please also note that we won’t be taking a bus to this event, so competitors will need to make their own way. If this presents problems for any students, please let Brendan know. Congratulations to the qualifying athletes and all athletes who gave it their best. We are super proud of you all!
A huge thank you to Brendan, who works so hard behind the scenes to make days like this happen. He attends sports meetings with other schools for planning, collates results, communicates details of events & ensures our students have the most fair & enjoyable experience (and more). Thank you to Robyn for running High Jump with me on the day and to our wonderful families who came along to cheer Team Yack on! We're so grateful!
Best of luck to our athletes competing on Friday.
A big thankyou to all staff, parent helpers and students for making the MSO excursion to Wangaratta such a success. This was such a wonderful opportunity for our F-4 students to hear a live orchestra, see all the different instruments and learn about the music and culture of other times and places.
Students in the senior choir are set to perform as part of the community singalong on Sunday 22nd October. A number of students have still not returned their availability forms. Spares are available in my pigeon hole. See Sandra if you require another. For organisational purposes, these must be returned. Parents may book tickets through Arts Yackandandah. See community notices for details.
7th October – Neve Allan
7th October – Kaia Allan
9th October – Miriam Martini
9th October – Kayden Street
11th October – Macklan James Hillier
13th October – Clancy O’Sullivan