Newsletter 16.10.2023

Issue 32/2023

Dates to Remember

Term 4
Wednesday 18th October - Foundation Transition Day 9.15am-11am
Thursday 19th October - Book club orders close
Sunday 22nd October - Community Singalong – Senior choir performing
Wednesday 1st November - State Athletics
Wednesday 1st November - Foundation Transition Day 9.15am-11am
Monday 6th November - Pupil Free Day - OSHC Operating
Tuesday 7th November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Thursday 9th November - School Concert – 12noon and 6pm
Wednesday 15th November - Cultural Performance -  Scott’s BMX Trick Bike Show 2.30pm
Wednesday 22nd November - Foundation Transition Day 9.15am-1pm
Wednesday 6th December - Foundation Transition Day 9.15am-1pm
Tuesday 12th December - Statewide/Foundation Transition Day 9am-3.30pm
Wednesday 13th December - Community Carols – Choir performing
Friday 15th December - Year 6 Graduation 6pm
Monday 18th December - Last Day of school for students - 3.30pm finish
Tuesday 19th December - Pupil Free day - OSHC operating
Wednesday 20th December - Pupil Free day - OSHC operating

From the Principal

Congratulations to all the students who competed in the Regional Athletics event last Friday. Competing at the Regional level means the students have already achieved a very high standard in their events. Amazingly many students have qualified for the State Athletic championship. This is an extraordinary achievement, and we wish all the best for the students who will be competing.

We have many school jumpers in our lost property cupboard. Many of the jumpers have no names, or names of students who are no longer at our school. I encourage families to check the lost property before purchasing new jumpers. If you find an unnamed jumper in the right size, you are welcome to claim it as your own. Feel free to stock up for next winter. There are also plenty of drink bottles and random containers in the cupboard. Any left at the end of the year will be disposed of.

Michael Edwards

Assembly Helpers

Gabrielle Gargiulo & Ed Boddenberg

Achievement Awards

Frankie Cole for improved use of phonics skills by recalling more sounds in words. Fantastic Frankie!
Clancy Kellaway for taking on the challenge of adding ‘ten more’ to three-digit numbers for our fluency task this week.
Paddy Grogan for impressive independent writing during our Big Write this week.
Tom McAlister for impressive independent writing during our Big Write this week.
Macklan James Hillier for a beautiful, calm return to school and an enthusiastic start to Term 4.
Ned Westbrook for sharing some excellent ideas about how we can compare the volume of objects when they are different shapes.
Ewan McInerney for discovering and describing how we can test the volume of objects by putting them in a bucket of water.
Taj Dean for quickly adapting to our morning routines and completing his handwriting and reading with enthusiasm.
Renn Thompson for working with a growth mindset and using trial and error to build a ‘Rube Goldberg’ dog treat feeder machine during STEM.
Cobie Flower for working with a growth mindset and using trial and error to build a ‘Rube Goldberg’ dog treat feeder machine during STEM.
Oscar Bulman for actively using the sounds wall to help him level up his writing.
Savannah Lockett for co-constructing a poem with well-considered rhythm and structure.
Felix Anderson for writing poetry that engages the imagination and uses careful word choice.
Finn Summons for demonstrating persistence and determination during today’s maths assessment.

Art News

Painting Proteas from direct observation, students in Year 3/4 have been exploring texture using acrylic paint and line using paint markers, inspired by local artist Catherine Stewart.

Hot Lunch News

This week's Hot Lunch is a Beef/Veggie and Rice Burrito. 

Orders for the term are now closed, and the full volunteer roster is included below. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help in the kitchen this term! We still have a few gaps to fill (yellow slots). Please let me know by email or via Facebook or messenger if you are able to help out. 

Our first Hot Lunch last week was a very smooth operation, thanks to a fabulous crew of helpers and especially power duo Julia and Harriet! We love having senior students helping out in the kitchen, and it's extra fun when we end up with a parent/kid pair for the day :)

Hannah Glanville-Jones
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator


Social and Emotional Learning

In SEL, we’ve been exploring identity. We’ve learned that our identity makes us who we are and sets us apart from others. Last week, students looked at their likes and dislikes, which makes up part of their identity. We can have choice in what we like and dislike, and we learned the importance of respecting the choices of others, even if you don’t have the same opinion.

The names of our Friendship Garden mascots were also voted on and announced last week. Introducing… Emerald the Frog (F-2) and Gnomeo (3-6).


Sports News

On Friday, October 13th, a number of our students represented Yackandandah Primary School at the Regional Athletics Carnival in Albury. We may be a small country school, but we definitely stood out on Friday! Our athletes performed extremely well and showed beautiful sportsmanship. We are very proud of each and every one of you! A huge thank you to our parents for supporting the children and getting their athletes to and from the event. Congratulations to the following students who have qualified for the State Athletics Carnival: Zack Dickeson, Jim Kelley, Spencer Dowsley, Miles Thornton, Archie Korn, Oscar Dickeson, Lenny Jones & Sharni Barnes.  If you would like to watch our students compete at State, there is a livestream available at the link below (separate streams for track and field events). The State Athletics will be held on Wednesday, November 1st, at Lakeside Stadium in Melbourne. The SSV website will be publishing a timetable for this event soon.


Music News

Students in the senior choir will perform as part of Arts Yackandandah’s Singalong titled ‘Showtime’ this Sunday. See community notices for booking details. Please arrive no later than 3:45PM to be seated and ready. Students should dress smartly for this event. This is a great opportunity for students to sing accompanied by a live band and to be part of an increasingly popular community event. Please come and show your support. Students should return their availability forms ASAP if they haven’t already done so.

Whilst preparing all the classes and choirs for the upcoming school concert on November 9th, I am in the process of liaising with class teachers about suitable costumes and props required for each class item. Your teachers will be discussing this with classes and communicate with you about this as required.



OSHC will be operating from 8am to 6pm on the three pupil free days this term – Monday 6th November, Tuesday 19th December and Wednesday 20th December.  Please make any bookings through the Xplor app or email


14th October – Chase Grech

15th October – Will Hutchings

16th October – Harlan O’Brien

19th October – Kaidence Corben

20th October – Billie McInerney

Community Notices