Newsletter 06.11.2023

Issue 35/2023

Dates to Remember

Term 4
Thursday 9th November - School Concert – 12noon and 6pm
Friday 10th November - Casual Clothes Day
Wednesday 15th November - Cultural Performance -  Scott’s BMX Trick Bike Show 2.30pm
Wednesday 22nd November - Foundation Transition Day 9.15am-1pm
Sunday 3rd December - YPS Instrumental Student Concert 2pm
Wednesday 6th December - Foundation Transition Day 9.15am-1pm
Friday 8th December - JSC Colour Run
Tuesday 12th December - Statewide/Foundation Transition Day 9am-3.30pm
Wednesday 13th December - F/1C & F/1R Pool Party 11.45am-1.45pm
Wednesday 13th December - Community Carols – Choir performing
Thursday 14th December - 1/2E & 1/2H Pool Party 11.45am-1.45pm
Friday 15th December - 3/4A & 3/4E Pool Party 11.45am-1.45pm
Friday 15th December - Year 6 Graduation 6pm
Monday 18th December - 4/5/6L & 5/6B Pool Party 12-2pm
Monday 18th December - Last Day of school for students - 3.30pm finish
Tuesday 19th December - Pupil Free day - OSHC operating
Wednesday 20th December - Pupil Free day - OSHC operating

From the Principal

State Athletics
Last Wednesday we had 8 students compete at the State Athletics Championships. This is the highest level of competition open to students in our state. It is an incredible achievement to reach this standard of competition. All the students competed magnificently, embracing the experience, and putting in strong performances of their own. Congratulations to all who competed, you have achieved something that the vast majority of us could only dream of doing.

Thank you to the families who have supported their children by getting them to this event and the lead up events. It is a big commitment, and we appreciate the support.

School Concert
This Thursday is our school concert. Each class will present an item along with performances by the junior and senior choirs. There will be a matinee dress rehearsal at 12:00 and an evening performance at 6:00. Families are invited to attend either event.

Casual Clothes Day
This Friday is a casual clothes day. The day has been organised by our Indigo Shire Junior Ambassadors (Oscar and Jayde). Please bring a gold coin donation.  To read more see the Indigo Junior Ambassadors section in this newsletter.

Michael Edwards

From the Office

Dates to Remember
The calendar on the school website has now been updated and will continue to be updated with any new events.  A quick and easy way to access all school events is via the Event Quick View widget at the bottom of the newsletter page.  If you click on ‘more dates’ you will see the full list of events that is happening at school with the times.  This week is the last week the ‘Dates to Remember’ page will be in the newsletter.  The calendar is also accessible by logging into the school website.

Enjoy your week.

Assembly Helpers

Jack Summons & Charlie Killen

Achievement Awards

Nicky Holzheimer for showing improved letter formations during our dictation lessons.
Hush McLennan for being able to describe and order money according to their value and add small collections.
Gus Dean for your consistent positivity and always displaying the school values.
Amelia McNicol for showing great interest in stretching your reading skills, exploring a new text and always being ready for a challenge!
Max Boschetti for being focused, enthusiastic and supportive of each other when team researching their Komodo Dragon report.
Cooper Wall for demonstrating outstanding effort and perseverance during writing.
Essie Haslett for being focused, enthusiastic and supportive of each other when team researching their komodo dragon report.
Penelope McNicol for being focused, enthusiastic and supportive of each other when team researching their komodo dragon report.
Ivy Mahoney for responding to feedback to make improvements in her STEM reflection.
Will Boddenberg for setting a positive example of effort and persistence in his learning.
Will Maybury for working well to catch up with work after his big USA trip.
Emily Sheppard for attentive work habits and creative thinking in maths.
Kaitlyn McGlead for fantastic reading!

Hot Lunch News

This week's Hot Lunch is Fried Rice, yummo! 

 We have an expert team of Hot Lunch veterans preparing Fried Rice this week, but we are still looking for a helper to wash up bowls from 11 am. It only takes about an hour, and you get to enjoy a bowl of delicious lunch and many happy faces at the kitchen window! Please let me know by email or via messenger if you can help out :) 

Hannah Glanville-Jones
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator


Art News

Stunning magiclay and pearlescent watercolour eyes by students in 4/5/6 L and 5/6B!! 

Sports News

State Athletics Results
Congratulations to all of our amazing athletes who competed at the SSV State Athletics last Wednesday in Melbourne! Yackandandah PS performed extremely well amongst the top athletes in the State! It is very impressive for such a small country school to have sent 8 athletes to this event. A huge thank you to the families for transporting the students all the way to Melbourne and cheering everyone on. Simply to reach this level of competition is a massive achievement and to go on and perform to such a high standard is admirable. Well done to you all! Please see the results below and if you missed the live action, you can watch it back at the links below!



Junior School Council News

Indigo Shire Youth Ambassador Program

This program gathers students from our local area to participate in group sessions over six weeks, developing various skills and working towards a fundraising project to help others. Oscar and Jayde are representing YPS and would like to ask our school community to support them raising money for Atauro Island (a municipality of East Timor).

To support this project we are hosting a Casual Clothes Day this Friday (10th Nov) with a gold coin donation.

We will also have a guessing competition with a jar full of jelly beans. This is $1 for one guess or $2 for three guesses.

We will be giving all of the money raised to Atauro Island. Thank you for your support.

Oscar and Jayde



8th November – Lucas Stagg

9th November – Lily Scobie

9th November – Max Boschetti

10th November – Clancy Kellaway

Community Notices