Newsletter 13.11.2023

Issue 36/2023

From the Principal

Last Thursday we held our annual school concert. It was wonderful to see so many families and friends attend the concert at both the matinee and the evening performance. All classes performed an item, along with performances from the junior and senior choirs. The performances were coordinated and arranged by David, our amazing Music teacher. Great work to all the students and David, we could all see and hear the strong musical skills on display.

During the concert we paid tribute to Jenny Cope-Williams. Jenny has been a music teacher for decades and has been at Yackandandah Primary School for over 10 years. Jenny is retiring from music teaching (both class and individual) at the end of this year. She has inspired thousands of students over her career, and she will be missed dearly at our school. Good luck with the next adventure, Jenny.

Today we welcome Liz Lade to our school. Liz will be looking after Hanna’s 1/2 class while Hanna is on leave, likely for the last five weeks of the year. Liz will also be with us next year so we will have plenty of time to get to know her. Welcome to Yackandandah PS, Liz.

Michael Edwards

From the Office

Dates to Remember
All school event dates are on the calendar of the website.  A quick and easy way to access all school event dates is via the Event Quick View widget at the bottom of the newsletter page.  If you click on ‘more dates’ you will see the full list of events that is happening at school with the times. 

Family Credits
Families of Year 6 students who have a credit amount in their family account, and no younger siblings at school, will receive a refund form via email tomorrow from me. This form will need to be returned to the school by Friday.  Alternatively, parents can opt to donate any credit balance to the school.

2024 Term Dates

Term 1:  Tuesday 30th January to Thursday 28th March

Term2:   Monday 15th April to Friday 28th June

Term 3:  Monday 15th July to Friday 20th September

Term 4:  Monday 7th October to Friday 20th December              

Scholastic Book Club
Each student has today taken home a brochure and order form from Scholastic Book Club.  Orders need to be ordered through the Book Club Loop for Parents by Tuesday 28th November.

Enjoy your week.


Assembly Helpers

Ryder Stagg & Holly Lerch

Achievement Awards

Lucy Hillier for your impressive puzzle solving with tangram puzzles and being a great motivator for others.
Wesley Paull for great improvement in identifying letters and their sounds.
Rory McIntyre for showing persistence and resilience to showcase your learning. Hugh efforts, Rory!
Frieda Haslett for spelling all six of her ‘ee’ spelling words correctly today!
Billie May for excellent progress with her reading skills and solving unknown words by blending sounds.
Mia Bebbington for encouraging learning and growth in our classroom by supporting her classmates to find solutions.
Richie Burston for his outstanding manners, meaningful contribution to class discussions and enthusiasm for learning.
1/2HE for being an outstanding group of enthusiastic, kind and curious learners. You are the best class!
Kayden Street for developing excellent research and notation skills for his informative poster.
Mim Martini for carefully considering her letter - line placement to level up her handwriting.
Raff Gargiulo for displaying a positive example of our school values during the school concert.
Freya Vorbach for extending her learning in mathematics by seeking out new challenges.
Pippa Graham for showing attention to detail in all she does.
Fela Gilbert for bold and beautiful singing at the school concert.
Molly Schultz for bold and beautiful singing at the school concert.

Hot Lunch News

This week's Hot Lunch is Baked Potatoes. 

 Many thanks to Hima for volunteering to wash up after Fried Rice last Friday so that the other volunteers could head home after a very busy few hours. Your help was very much appreciated!

There are a few volunteer spots to fill over the next two weeks, please let me know if you are able to help out. 

Hannah Glanville-Jones
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator


Music News

Congratulations to all classes and choirs for a fabulous concert! This was very rewarding and satisfying for me, seeing the culmination of a great year of music making! A big thank you to all staff for all the logistical support getting students in and out of the hall, on and off stage as well as organising some amazing props and costumes for various items. 

A particularly big thank you to Brendan for all your hard work getting staging, sound and lighting organised before and during the concert. Also to our amazing student helpers who assisted backstage during the performances, Jack Summons, Isabella Somerville, Summer Johnstone, Ebony Roberts, Sharni Barnes and Grace Westbrook.


Pool Parties

During the last week of term each class will be having an end of year pool party at the Yackandandah pool.

Classes will be attending on the following dates and times:

Wednesday December 13th  11:45-1:45pm F/1 classes

Thursday December 14th 11:45-1:45pm 1/2 classes

Friday December 15th 11:45-1:45pm 3/4 classes

Monday December 18th 12:00-2:00pm 4/5/6 + 5/6 classes

Permission forms have been sent home tonight and need to be returned to school by Friday 24th November. The cost is $2.65 per student which needs to be paid in cash – if you could please send payment when you return the permission form.

Unfortunately, we have been advised that families cannot use their pool membership as we are attending outside of normal pool hours.

Cultural Performance

Scott's BMX Trick Bike Show
On Wednesday at 2.30pm all students will attend the cultural performance of Scott’s BMX Trick Bike Show.

Scott Hone leads students on a lifetime adventure made of dreams. Almost everybody has ridden a bike but no one rides a bike like Scott. Backwards on the front wheel. Frontwards on the back wheel. Frontwards on the front wheel, backwards and upside-down. Telling the story of his first bike all the way to joining the circus Scott demonstrates how thinking outside the box and trying new things can lead you on a grand adventure through life.

This is the story of how, when Scott was given his first BMX bike, he asked “Is there another way to ride this?” His determination to answer his own question led him first to join the Circus, then tour the world doing BMX tricks on stage in front of thousands.

This is a show about self-discovery designed to encourage students on their own life journey with a can do and what if I, questioning approach. With an incredible finale, six people on the bike at once, Scott’s BMX Trick Bike Show is certain to inspire the next generation.

There is no charge for this performance as the cost is included in the Voluntary Financial contributions which parents have been invited to pay.

Junior School Council News

JSC Colour Run Helpers Needed
On Friday the 8th of December, the JSC will be hosting a Colour Run on the oval to celebrate diversity. We will be needing helpers for this event to make sure it runs smoothly. If you are able to help, please email Lauren. More details to come!



12th November – Alex Beatty

14th November – Grace O’Dwyer