2024 Classes
Next year classes will be similar to this year. The classes will be:
2 x F/1 – Kelli Bedggood and Carly Frank
2 x 1/2 – Hannah Kiely and Ainsley Jones
2 x 3/4 – Angie Vincent and Robyn McClennan
3 x 5/6 - Lauren Roberts, Brendan Hogan & Liz Lade
Music - Miriam Briggs
French – Mandy Labram
Art – Mandy Labram & Carolyn Martin-Doyle
PE – Robyn Wilson
Wellbeing and Inclusion – Stacey Hogan
Earle Mason will be in a Mathematics leadership role (similar to Kelli this year). His role will be coaching staff and supporting Mathematics planning, teaching and learning.
The statewide transition day is on 12th December this year. Students and families will be informed of their 2024 classes prior to the transition day. I do not seek out requests from families about class placements as they can be difficult to fulfil – and sometimes requests may be mutually contradictory. Staff work hard to have consistent practice across classes and there are plenty of opportunities for students to mix. We are mindful of student relationships when determining class placements.
Michael Edwards
End of Year Pool Parties
Thank you to all the families who have returned the permission forms for the pool parties. A reminder that cash needs to be sent to school for the pool entry. If you have returned the form without cash, could you please drop it into the office. Forms and payment need to be returned to school by this Friday.
If you child is absent on the day of the pool party or it is cancelled you will receive the payment back.
Family Statements
Families who still owe money to the school for camps, excursions or other activities will receive their family statement this week. All outstanding amounts need to be paid by next Monday, 27th November.
2024 Term Dates
Term 1: Tuesday 30th January to Thursday 28th March
Term 2: Monday 15th April to Friday 28th June
Term 3: Monday 15th July to Friday 20th September
Term 4: Monday 7th October to Friday 20th December
Enjoy your week.
Aidan Wall & Aisha Willis
Lillian Pretty for improvement and effort in writing your ideas during our recent Cold Write within the set time.
Olivia McIntosh for improvement and effort in writing your ideas during our recent Cold Write within the set time.
Jim MacCalman for making fantastic connections during our exploration of division, particularly during group discussion.
Kyle Van De Hoef for consolidating his short, sharp and shiny sentences into epic paragraphs this week.
Jack McAlister for being a determined learner.
Dara Freeman for 'dressing up' her sentences brilliantly.
Hunter Wall for creative thinking when representing information in multiple ways.
Henry Wyatt for working independently to gather and record important information from our class novel.
Maddie Prentice for showing clear focus when working independently on maths tasks.
Sara Davison for always displaying an inquisitive and positive mindset in the classroom.
Jake Blair for applying a strong effort to improve his ability to paraphrase what he has heard during reading.
This week's Hot Lunch is Chicken/Tofu Wraps, yum!
Only a few weeks to go, and the volunteer roster is now full. Thanks to everyone who has given their time this term, your efforts are very much appreciated!
Hannah Glanville-Jones
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
The F/1/2 students were inspired by the endpapers of the book week text ‘Market Day’ by Carrie Gallasch and Illustrated by Hannah Sommerville. They created nighttime cityscapes using soft pastels which was great fun but a bit messy!
New Books & Donations
A massive thank you to Donna Jones & family for an incredibly generous donation of novels, picture books and non-fiction books. A big thank you also, to Stacey Hogan & family for the donation of some awesome picture books our younger readers will enjoy. These will be added to the school library before the end of the year.
Overdue Books & End of Year
I can’t believe we’re heading into Week 8 already! In the coming weeks I’ll be reminding students with overdue items to make a big effort to find and return those books. Some students might need the help of an adult to ensure books get found and returned. All school library books will need to be returned by Week 12. We are very fortunate to have easy access a fantastic town library, so students can continue their reading over the summer holidays.
Have a wonderful week of reading!
Sarah McAlister
Students in the junior and senior choirs have received a letter inviting them to perform as part of Yackandandah's 'Carols in the Park' on Wednesday 13 December commencing at 6:30PM. Please advise of your child's availability by returning the form to the office or by email to David.Pietsch@education.vic.gov.au
David Pietsch
Vacation Care will be operating from Monday 15th January to Thursday 25th January 2024 (Friday 26th is a public holiday). The Program is below. We will also be operating on the Pupil Free day Monday 29th January 2024. Please make bookings through the Xplor app or email yack.ps.oshc@outlook.com
21st November – Jaala Street