Last week two Yr. 5 students, Jayde Pritchard and Oscar Dickeson, completed the final session of the Indigo Shire Junior Ambassador program. The program involved personal development skills, including leadership development. The students demonstrated exceptional dedication throughout all the sessions, particularly in delivering their speeches to councillors. Their engagement, curiosity, and willingness to step out of their comfort zones to make new connections and gain new skills were truly commendable. Congratulations Jayde and Oscar.
We are aiming to distribute Semester Two reports during the week beginning 11th December. As always, it is important to remember that it is the day-to-day actions and attitudes towards learning that is by far, the most important part of learning. The report at the end of the semester is simply a brief summary. On the topic of student reports, we are considering how to structure reports in 2024 and beyond to make them informative, but not too wordy. Any feedback from families would be welcome regarding the structure of reports – keeping in mind there are some non-negotiables set by the Department of Education.
Michael Edwards
End of Year Pool Parties
Thank you to all the families who have returned the permission forms for the pool parties. A reminder that cash needs to be sent to school for the pool entry – please do not pay into the school bank account.
If you have returned the form without cash, could you please drop it into the office.
Forms and payment were due back on Friday – another permission form has been sent home with students tonight who have not bought theirs back.
If you child is absent on the day of the pool party or it is cancelled you will receive the payment back.
2024 Family Voluntary Contributions
Families will today receive an email outlining the Yackandandah Primary School’s voluntary financial contributions schedule for 2024 and a one-page overview of the Department’s Parent Payments Policy. A summary of the suggested voluntary contributions per year level is below.
Enjoy your week
Aidan Wall & Aisha Willis
Amelia McNicol for stretching your thinking during our Collector Cards maths task. Love your enthusiasm, Mim!
Eliza Westbrook for impressive independent problem solving during our Collector Cards maths task.
Sebastien Quaglio for excellent work habits and keen interest in sharing in class discussions.
Eleanor Martini for coming up with lots of different ways to share cards.
Kinu Edwards for working hard to improve her writing.
Renn Thompson for showing enthusiasm and initiative in his learning.
Neve Allen for producing a brilliantly published researched text, handwritten and delightfully worded.
Ned Westbrook for challenging himself to publish an error-less handwritten text.
Nicholas Shepherd for showing resilience to push through challenging situations.
Summer Innes for showing enthusiasm and clear thinking to solve maths problems.
Hudson Street for sharing his reasoning and strategies during our balancing equations lessons.
Katherine Somerville for working hard to achieving her writing goals this semester.
Emails will be sent to families this week who have not yet paid for their hot lunches this term. Please make payment by next Monday.
This week's Hot Lunch is Beef/Cauliflower Pies from the Beechworth Bakery - always a very popular lunch! :)
Hannah Glanville-Jones
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
Students in Year 3/4 have been painting on canvas using palette knives and acrylic paint.
JSC Colour Run Helpers Needed
On Friday the 8th of December, the JSC will be hosting a Colour Run on the oval to celebrate diversity. We will be needing helpers for this event to make sure it runs smoothly. If you are able to help, please email Lauren. Your assistance would be required during RECESS (starting at 145pm) until the end of the day. BYO water guns ?
JSC Colour Run Friday December 8th 2.30pm
The Colour Run will be a celebration of diversity and will involve students enjoying an obstacle course on the oval to groovy tunes from DJ Stace, all with a sprinkle of colour and some splashes of water! Students may come to school in their white t-shirts and colourful shorts on the day of our Colour Run. Students are welcome to wear bright coloured accessories also. We suggest students pack a change of clothes and a plastic bag (for wet and coloured clothing) to avoid their wet and colourful clothes from causing any damage to lovely car seats! Sunglasses may also be a good idea for eye protection.
JSC White T-shirts Available for FREE
There is a box of white t-shirts in a variety of sizes in the foyer. Please help yourself to a t-shirt to wear for our Colour Run. These shirts were kindly donated by the Wodonga Little Athletics Club. There are not enough for the whole school, so first in best dressed!
Students in Year 3-6 will be taking part in an intra-school cricket tournament on Thursday, December 14. This is a local excursion, with students walking down to the Yackandandah Sports Park at 9am and returning at approximately 1.30pm. Students will be in mixed-ability teams, with the focus being on participation and everyone getting a chance to bat, bowl, and field. Students will bring their lunch with them, and will need plenty to drink and eat, along with sunscreen and hat.
Vacation Care will be operating from Monday 15th January to Thursday 25th January 2024 (Friday 26th is a public holiday). The Program is below. We will also be operating on the Pupil Free day Monday 29th January 2024. Please make bookings through the Xplor app or email
29th November – Clyde Lucas
1st December – Eleanor Martini