Newsletter 05.02.2024

Issue 2/2024

From the Principal

We had a great first week at Yackandandah Primary School. Congratulations to all students, staff and families on bringing such a positive attitude to school.

The House swimming sports took place last Friday. I was impressed by the attitude of students as they supported each other during the day. Congratulations to Wellsford House for winning the sports day. Well done to Robyn for organising the sports for the first time! Be sure to read more about the swimming in the sports section of the newsletter.

We have a large amount of second-hand clothing (mostly jumpers) available at school. I encourage you to check the second-hand stock before purchasing new. Please remember to label your child’s clothing so we avoid increasing the second-hand stock.

The Folk Festival is approaching! Each year Yackandandah Primary School usually runs a food stall on the Saturday evening of the Folk Festival. We rely on parent volunteers to run this. If you are interested in coordinating our food service on the Saturday night, please speak to Michael or Sandra.

Michael Edwards

From the Office

Last week the eldest student in each family took home an envelope with various forms in it.  If you haven’t yet returned the forms could you please do so tomorrow.  The Local Excursion Permission form is required for your child to be able to go across to the town library.

Scholastic Book Club
Also in the envelope last week was a brochure from Scholastic Book club.   Brochures are sent home twice a term and it’s easy to order and pay online through the Linked Online Ordering & Payment platform – please click on the link below.  Orders for Issue 1 close on Thursday 15th February.  Books will then be delivered to school about 2 weeks later and sent home with the students unless marked as a gift through the platform.

Every purchase that is made through Book Club ears our school 15% of the order value in Scholastic Rewards.  We use these to purchase more books and educational resources for the school.

Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

If you have a valid means-tested concession card, such as a Veterans Affairs Gold Card, Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible. There is also a special consideration category for asylum seeker and refugee families.

Payment amounts this year are $150 for eligible primary school students Payments are made direct to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions and sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

If you applied for CSEF through our school last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year, unless there has been a change in your family circumstances or you have a new enrolment at the school.

If you would like to apply for the first time, please call into the school office and ask for an application form.

Enjoy your week

Assembly Helpers

Zoe Blair & Oscar Dickeson

Achievement Awards

Lucy Hillier for being a supportive class mate in all learning.
Dusty May for remembering our routine and showing initiative.
Arlie Johnstone for excellent listening and organisation.
Connor Crispin for being an excellent listener and great Roll Monitor.
Halle Smith Deans for settling confidently to your new school and being an effective listener.
Zoe Glanville for stepping up and being a fantastic Grade 2 leader.
Sebastien Quaglio for being a wonderful classroom helper.
Max Boschetti for showing outstanding leadership and empathy to all his classmates.
Aemon Hakanovic-Kelty for showing such great focus for all learning tasks. Great start to the year Aemon!
Willis Hogg for careful listening and working hard on all tasks this week.
Percy Gosling for a fantastic focus and positive approach to learning.
Neve Allan for explaining her mathematical process in relation to the learning pit
Felix Neumeyer for being consistently community minded in his interactions this week
Sebastian Davison for making an excellent start to Year 5! Go Seb!
Zoe Blair for being an excellent leader in her new classroom and across the school.
Jack Colefax for settling into his new school with positivity and enthusiasm.
Lily Schultz for showing outstanding leadership skills at our swimming carnival.
Elena Dean for settling into YPS with confidence and a very positive attitude.
Artemis Ashcroft for settling into YPS with confidence and a very positive attitude.

Hot Lunch News

This week's Hot Lunch will be Egg and Bacon/Halloumi Rolls. 

We are kicking off the term with a tried and tested favourite.

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered so far! The full volunteer roster for Term 1 will be included in next week's newsletter. 

We need one more helper for this Friday 9th February. Please let me know by email or via facebook/messenger if you are able to volunteer. No experience necessary... and we promise a delicious lunch as your reward!


The order form will be closed off for this week's Hot Lunch today at 6 pm (no exceptions). It will remain open until Fri 9th February for last chance orders for all other Term 1 meals. 

The order form link can be found below or on the Yackandandah Hot Lunch Facebook page.

T1 Hot Lunch Order Form –

Hannah Glanville-Jones
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator


Sports News

House Swimming Carnival
On Friday 2nd February we had our House Swimming Carnival for students in Years 3 to 6 (and those who turned 9 this year). It was awesome to see students ‘having a go’ and earning points for their ‘House’. Students supported each other, cheered, and congratulated each other on their achievements. Thanks, as always, to the teaching staff who assisted on the day.

What stood out to me on the day, was that every single point, even one point, made a difference to the overall House results. The final result was extremely close, so close, that two houses tied!

3rd: Hammond Blue (91)

Equal 2nd: Kars Green (94) & Windham Yellow: (94)

1st: Wellsford Red (125)

Great job to all the Wellsford competitors. There were also a number of great individual results on the day. Check out the age champion results below.

12/13 BOYS

  1. Angus Glanville (Windham 19)
  2. Tarn Charles Jones (Wellsford 13)
  3. Chase Grech (Hammond 7)

12/13 GIRLS

  1. Lily Schultz (Wellsford 20)
  2. Elena Dean (Hammond 13)
  3. Willow (Wellsford 4), Jayde Pritchard (Windham 4) and Zoe Blair (Wellsford 4)


  1. Spencer Dowsley (Hammond 20)
  2. Jim Kelley (Windham 15)
  3. Will Maybury (Kars 10)


  1. Grace Westbrook (Hammond 11) and Lara Bebbington (Kars 11)
  2. Lucia-Mary Gosling (Kars 9)
  3. Ivy Mahoney (Kars 8)

9/10 BOYS

  1. Nate Maybury (Kars 19)
  2. Zack Dickeson (Wellsford 13)
  3. Will Boddenberg (Wellsford 8)

9/10 GIRLS

  1. Evie Burston (Wellsford 12)
  2. Maeve Van Duinen (Windham 11)
  3. Kiera Porteous (Windham 7)

District Swimming Carnival – THIS FRIDAY!
We have a crack squad of 23 swimmers heading to Beechworth to make a splash this Friday, February 9. More information, including permission forms, are coming home with qualifiers today. We will be taking a bus.  Cost is $10 per student.  Permission forms and payment need to be returned to school by Thursday.

Earle and I will be attending and supervising the students at the Carnival.

Best of luck to all those involved!

Jump Rope for Heart

Beginning week 3 we will be running the Jump Rope for Heart program for five weeks, finishing in week 7 with a ‘Jump Off’ day on Friday 15th March.

To participate in this program, you need to register your child/ren using the link

While Jump Rope for Heart will involve all students participating in PE classes, the fundraising part is optional. We encourage everyone to participate in this, but will understand if you do not wish to participate.

Once your child/ren are registered you can set up their own secure fundraising page. You’ll get access to additional skipping trick videos, post updates to your page so family and friends can follow their progress to help raise funds online.

We are encouraging online donations only, for ease of managing the program and ordering online prizes for students at the conclusion of the program.

I have sent home a flyer with your child/ren and a letter for more information about this fantastic program.

Keep updated via the school newsletter, where I’ll post more information and track our progress over the coming weeks. Our school fundraising goal is $1000, and with so many active students in the local community, I think we will come close to achieving this goal!

In the meantime, happy skipping!




31st January – Lara Bebbington

1st February – Richie Burston

1st February – Laycee Nocentini

2nd February – Ebony Roberts

4th February – Beau Ridgeway

4th February – Ivy Mahoney

6th February – Ewan McInerney

7th February – Frieda Haslett

Community Notices


Under 12s 

Our first training session will kick off

 - Thursday 8th February

 - @ 4.30pm

 - Butson Park

Training will be open to those who are turning 10 (11 and 12) during 2024, unfortunately due to the prediction of large numbers we cannot open training to those younger than 10 (in 2024) and encourage these players to continue with Yackandandah Auckick.

Due to the prediction of large numbers in u12 for the 2024 season we ask that all parents/careers be back at training at 5.45pm to discuss the upcoming season.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursdays 8th February.