School Council elections
Each year half the parent positions on School Council become vacant. This means that there are four school council parent positions becoming vacant at Yackandandah Primary School. I am calling for Nominations for School Council. You can nominate yourself or someone else (be sure to check they would be interested).
Nominations close Tuesday 19th Feb. Nomination forms are available from the school office.
If there are more than four nominations received, we will go to an election process within the school parent body. If there are four or fewer nominations received those nominees would be automatically elected.
If you would like to learn more about what is involved in being a School Council member you can talk to existing school council members or any staff member (including Michael.)
Congratulations to the students who participated in the District Swimming Carnival last Friday. Once again, I was pleased to hear that our students competed in a positive spirit of mutual support. A large number of students have qualified for the Division Swimming in Wodonga this Friday. Robyn will accompany the students to this event.
I have been encouraged by the positive attitudes to learning that we are seeing in classrooms. To be the best learners we can be it is important that we develop positive learning dispositions. These include persistence, the understanding that challenges with learning are normal (and, in fact, necessary), and the willingness to take on feedback. Fortunately, we are seeing these attitudes in our classrooms. Well done!
Michael Edwards
Lost Property
I have two unnamed soft-shell jackets in the office from lost property at the end of the year. If you are missing a jacket please call into the office.
A reminder that absences can be reported via the school website, clicking on the ‘Register an absence’ link at the bottom of the newsletter, phoning the school office or emailing the school on
You can also email the classroom teacher but please email the office as well. When reporting an absence please provide a reason.
Enjoy your week
Alexa Agnew & Alex Beatty
Nora Mayhew for fantastic writing when describing our class caterpillars.
Amelia McNicol for demonstrating consistent focus and dedication to learning.
Marley Flower for fantastic levels of enthusiasm and willingness to take on a challenge.
Jimmy Wall for being a reliable Enviro Monitor who kept our class plants alive for two weeks!
Eleanor Martini for being a superstar listener and a learner who takes on any challenge!
Hush McLennan for always being respectful and considerate to all her classmates. you are a wonderful role model for all in 1/2H.
Lincoln Clausen for showing initiative and supporting his classmates during maths counting.
Clyde Lucas for demonstrating initiative and taking care of the classroom environment.
Mia Lockett for showing a growth mindset in her learning.
Richie Burston for being a good sport and encouraging others in PE.
Milla Stagg for her use of descriptive language in writing.
Mia Bebbington for great organisation of her workbook and desk tub.
Jono Shepherd working well with a partner to complete tasks.\
Ebony Roberts for taking on so many positions of responsibility in the first 2 weeks of school with a smile and 5 star reliability!
Finn Summons for displaying excellent sportsmanship, team work, skill, leadership and cooperation in our class PE activities.
Will Maybury for being an awesome team player in 5/6E when setting up for the year.
Yuki Makin-Ginn for adjusting to her new school community with optimism.
Raff Gargiulo for making an excellent start to Year 5! Go, Raff!
Lizzie Martini for being a terrific leader in the classroom and always up for laugh!
This week's Hot Lunch is a Chicken/Tofu Wrap.
Orders for the term are now closed, and the full volunteer roster is included below. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help in the kitchen this term, there are only two more gaps to fill this week (Feb 16) and next (Feb 23). Please let me know if you are able to help out - no experience necessary, we love having new helpers in the kitchen!
Hannah Glanville-Jones
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
Students in Years 3/4/5/6 classes have been revisiting the elements of art. They produced some wonderful art works in their visual art diaries, inspired by Julie Hamilton a pattern designer.
Division Swimming Carnival – THIS FRIDAY!
We have a crack squad of 16 swimmers heading to Wodonga to make a splash this Friday, February 16. More
information, including permission forms, are coming home with qualifiers today. We will be taking a bus. Cost is $10 per student. Permission forms and payment need to be returned to school by Thursday.
I will be attending and supervising the students at the Carnival.
Best of luck to all those involved!
This week we will be starting the Jump Rope for Heart program for five weeks, finishing in week 7 with a ‘Jump Off’ day on Friday 15th March.
To participate in this program, you need to register your child/ren using the link
While Jump Rope for Heart will involve all students participating in PE classes, the fundraising part is optional. We encourage everyone to participate in this, but will understand if you do not wish to participate.
Currently we have 33 students registered and a whopping $670 in fundraising! Our school target is $1000 by 15th March, so thank you everyone for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program.
This Friday I will ask some students to demonstrate their skills at Assembly, so if you are interested in doing this, please see Robyn.
In the meantime, happy skipping!
Registrations are now open for the Falls Creek Victorian Interschools MTB Race. This XCO-style race is for school children from Grade 3 to 6.
When: Friday March 1st, 2024
Where: Falls Creek Alpine Resort
Price: $35 (Entry fee includes sausage sizzle, snacks, race plate, timing, insurance, and medals for the winners). Food and coffee will be available to be purchased for spectators.
Register here: Individual Registration Link
Event Schedule:
Parents/carers are responsible for transportation, supervision and entry fees to the race.
This year we have Yackandandah Primary School team race shirts for the first 12 registrations. These can be worn for the race, but will need to be returned at the completion of the race as they will be used the following week at Thredbo (registrations also open).
Any questions can be directed to Robyn.
Last years 3/4 boys team.
11th February – Dash Lockett
11th February – Taj Dean
13th February – Emerson Paull
16th February – Skye Rutherfurd-Hobbs
16th February – Judd Maybury