We have begun preparing for the introduction of Compass at Yackandandah Primary School. Compass is an electronic platform to manage communications, attendance, reporting, payments, permission forms and more. The aim is to reduce administration time for both parents and the school. At this stage we are aiming to have Compass go live at the beginning of Term Two, but we are mindful of ensuring parents and staff are supported with the change. More information will be shared over the coming weeks.
Just a reminder for parents of children in Foundation (Prep) that Wednesday 21st and Wednesday 28th are days off for Foundation students. After that, it is five days a week.
Congratulations to our swimmers who competed at the Division swimming in Wodonga last Friday. Once again it was a great effort in good spirit. There are 15 students who have qualified for the Regional swimming in Shepparton. Well done! Robyn will share details.
School Council
Nominations for school council close today. If we receive more than four nomination there will be an election process. If four or fewer nominations are received, those people will be automatically elected.
Michael Edwards
Polo Shirts
If you have been waiting on Polo Shirts to come in, I now have them in stock again and for sale from the school office.
Late Arrivals/Early Departures
A reminder that if your child arrives after 9am or is leaving before 3.30pm they must be signed out at the school office.
Carpooling from Albury/Wodonga
We have a family who is interested in carpooling to transport their child to school each day. If there is anyone travelling from Albury/Wodonga/Baranduda who is interested please let me know.
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
If you are a parent or carer who is the beneficiary of a financially means-tested card, for example, a health care card or pension card or you are a temporary foster carer you may be eligible for the CSEF. The payment for Primary school students in 2024 is $150. Payments are made directly to the school for parents to use towards camps, excursions, sporting events and other school activities. Please call into the office for further information.
Enjoy your week
Saige Harmer & Lenny Jones
George Boschetti for confidently sharing ideas and carefully listening to others.
Gus Dean for impressive improvement with recognising sounds that represent the letters of the alphabet and your hard work on this at home.
Lily Scobie for working like a mathematician and finding 25 different train carriage combinations during our Week of Inspirational Maths activities.
Lucy Hillier for working like a mathematician when making and recording train carriage combinations in our Week of Inspirational Maths activities.
Nicky Holzheimer for a positive and focused start to Year One and for being a great helper.
Otto Dean for an excellent start to school and being a great helper. You're a star!
Frankie Colefax for showing confidence to read her writing.
Cobie Flower independently having a go at a challenge task when learning about place value.
Will Hutchings for showing outstanding leadership and leading by example in 1/2H.
Olivia McIntosh for supporting her classmates during maths to complete place value activities.
Sully Lucas for great ‘sound work’ when building words.
Sara Davison amazing listening and seeking feedback to improve work.
Archie Korn for being a kind, caring and responsible leader in the classroom.
Sierra Allan for working hard to achieve her goal of improving her handwriting.
Ted Attwood-for his positive and focused approach when uncovering number lines in disguise.
Charlotte Wilson for memorising an engaging, exciting and successful student council speech.
Katherine Somerville for her insightful responses to questions during our reading study of World Lakes.
Ivy Mahoney for showing excellent skills in making, comparing, and ordering 6+ digit numbers! AND solving problems using larger numbers!
This week's Hot Lunch is one of our most popular: Sausage/Veggie Rolls.
We have a huge list of just over 150 orders placed for Friday, so it will be a very busy morning in the kitchen - and a very happy lunch break in the school yard :)
Thanks again to everyone who has volunteered this term. We only have one gap left to fill on the volunteer roster, please let me know if you can help. No experience necessary!
Hannah Glanville-Jones
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
In art the F/1/2 students have been learning about the colour wheel, colour mixing and warm or cool colours.
Last Tuesday, 13th February, we had our Hockey Clinic with all classes. Merryn and Georgia demonstrated lots of skills like ‘dribbling’, ‘trapping the ball’, and moving the ball with control to a partner and through cones. Thank you to all the students for participating in these hockey sessions, they were a great learning experience for all.
Division Swimming Carnival
On Friday 16th February, we had 16 swimmers represent our school for Division at Wodonga Waves. Congratulations to everyone who participated in this event.
It was great to see everyone enjoying the experience of swimming at a high level and we have 15 students going on to represent our school at Regionals in Shepparton on Wednesday 6th of March.
Since this event is held in Shepparton, like every year, it is the responsibility of parents and carers to take their child/ren to and from the event.
Best of luck to all those involved!
Last week, we started the Jump Rope for Heart program. This program will run for five weeks, finishing in week 7 with a ‘Jump Off’ day on Friday 15th March.
You can still register your child/ren using the link at any time over the remaining 4 weeks.
Currently, we have 69 students registered and a whopping $1984 in fundraising! Our school target was $1000, however, since we have already achieved this, I doubled it to $2,000 last week, which we have almost achieved already!
Thank you everyone for your generous support and donations. It’s been an exciting time watching the students learn new skills and share them with each other over the lunch and recess breaks, as well as during sport lessons.
The program, along with all donations will end on the 15th March, so I have time to order prizes for students by the end of term.
This Friday I will ask some students to demonstrate their skills at Assembly, so if you are interested in doing this, please see Robyn.
Thank you everyone for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program.
In the meantime, happy skipping!
I’d like to extend a warm welcome to our new families at YPS for 2024. My name is Sarah McAlister and I look after the school library on voluntary basis. I’m a parent of Alex Beatty in Year 6, and also teach at the school as a CRT. Please feel free to contact me with any Library related enquiries throughout the year:
Our biggest event of the year is the CBCA Book Week, which takes place from 17-23 August, with the wonderful theme - Reading is Magic! The date for our YPS Dress-up day & Book Sale is yet to be decided. We’ll keep you posted!
Seeking Library Volunteers
I mentioned at the school assembly on Friday last week, that by the end of this year, I’ll have been looking after the school Library for the past 9 years. As my youngest child is in year 6, I am looking for a new parent/s to take over this role, in order for the library to remain a valuable and well cared-for resource, not only for the students, but for the staff as well.
This role includes covering books, cataloguing, re-shelving books, following up on overdue books, cleaning & general tidying; plus (if available/interested) supporting staff to replace classroom library books, assisting students to find good-fit books, and stocking the library with book requests (where budget permits) from students and staff.
If you have a passion for books and quality literature, and this role sounds interesting, please email me at the above address. I’m more than happy to answer any questions and start getting you involved!
New Books & Donations
A massive thank you to the Hogan family for the generous donation of non-fiction books for our young readers. These will be used in the school library to update our very tired non-fiction section.
WANTED: Alex Rider novels by Anthony Horowitz
We have a few Alex Rider fans at YPS but only the first novel in the series currently in our collection. I’m seeking donations of any books in the Alex Rider series from #2-14, that are in good condition. Thanks so much!
Have a wonderful week of reading!
Sarah McAlister
17th February – Arden Cole
19th February – Archer Colefax
19th February – Jim MacCalman
19th February – Maddie Prentice
23rd February – James Wall