Newsletter 26.02.2024

Issue 5/2024

From the Principal

We are still seeking some support for coordinating the School’s Folk Festival food stall on the Saturday night of the Folk Festival. We have one person willing to share the load – but we need two more to be a part of the planning process. Please consider lending a hand. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to chat with Michael or Sandra.

I would like to remind families that all schools now have a mobile phone ban for students in place. Students are welcome to leave phones at the office for the day if they wish. We have had no problems with students using phones at school, I’m simply reminding families that the policy is in place.

Michael Edwards,

From the Office

School Uniform Price Increase
As from the 1st of March the cost for school uniforms will be as follows:

Full Zip Polar Fleece jumpers $42

Short Zip Polar Fleece jumpers $42

Polo Shirts $30

Hats $23

Softshell Jackets $73 – we are only selling what we have in stock and the school won’t be purchasing any more due to the cost.

Scholastic Book Club
Each child has today taken home a Scholastic Book Club brochure and order form.  Orders close Wednesday 13th March.  Orders can be made via the Book Club Loop for parents as below.

Enjoy your week!



Assembly Helpers

Arden Cole & Tarn Charles-Jones

Achievement Awards

Theo Davis for always being ready for learning with all the right equipment!
Sunday Makin for building confidence with sharing ideas and learning in class discussion.
Theo Hutchings for being supportive and encouraging of others in a kind way.
Audrey Costenaro for enthusiasm for learning and kindly complementing your peers on their efforts.
Rory McIntyre for enthusiastically having a go and helping others in Sounds Write sessions.
Marley Makin for giving thoughtful and specific feedback about reading fluency goals to a partner.
Jaxson Cameron for having a go at challenging tasks and being confident to share his learning with the whole class.
Dara Freeman for showing kindness and understanding when her classmates looked to her for guidance this week.
Taidhg James-Hillier for amazing organisation and focus.
Sully Lucas for creating a detailed and useful “setting; poster for our ideas wall.
Henry Lerch for demonstrating curiosity in connecting his understandings in Maths- Number Puzzles!
Bonnie McLeod for completing classwork in a consistently respectful and positive manner.
Owen Overall for showing great leadership skills in the Senior Area and setting an excellent example for the Junior School.
Willow Anderson for her wonderful leadership skills as School Captain and showing students a perfect example of how to display the school values.
Emerson Paull for being an excellent leader in the 5/6B classroom.
Lara Bebbington for making great connections in Maths.

Hot Lunch News

This week's Hot Lunch is Beef/Veggie and Rice Burritos. 

Thanks everyone, the volunteer roster is now full for the term :) 

Hannah Glanville-Jones
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator


Jump Rope for Heart

Last Friday at assembly I announced that we have 78 students registered and a whopping $2738 in fundraising for Jump Rope for Heart – this is incredible!

We have now exceeded our goal twice and I would like to thank all the parents, carers and students for their support and interest in the program. 

If you haven’t yet registered and would like to, you can still register your child/ren at any time over the remaining 3 weeks before 15th March.

The program, along with all donations will end on the 15th of March, so I have time to order prizes for students by the end of term.

Thank you everyone for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program.

In the meantime, happy skipping!


Folk Festival Parade

Yackandandah Folk Festival 'OH THE PLACES YOU'LL GO!' 2024 Opening Parade

The theme for this year's opening parade is 'Oh, The Places You'll Go!' by Dr. Seuss.

Students can wear any solid-coloured clothing without logos (preferably in the colour scheme of the book by Dr Seuss - Oh the Places You'll Go! - the Folk Festival Official T-shirt is fine).  Stripes are strongly encouraged and could be stripey socks, scarves, t-shirts, leggins or hats!!  More details about the parade timeline and road closure times will be in next week's newsletter.  Stay tuned for all the creative mayhem and madness, Dr Seuss style!!!

The 2024 Folk Festival Opening Parade will be on Friday 22nd March, starting at 6pm.



Writers Workshop

On Monday the 19th of February, 10 students from years 3-6 participated in an online writer’s workshop with award-winning writer/ illustrator Renee Treml.  Students witnessed modelled author examples and experimented with how adding just simple detail to character sketches can result in developing super exiting and engaging graphic novels.

Thanks to Earle for organising this opportunity and Liz for helping facilitate the workshop. This workshop is part of the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series (Student Excellence Program) which is funded by the Victorian State Government.

My mini graphic story is about a giraffe who desperately wants to be a ballerina, and even though everyone says she can’t, she keeps persisting. But in the end, she decides to create a dance studio for all the different types of animals, so they can all fit in.

Phia Smith-Deans 5/6B


The Vacation care program will be operating during the April school holidays from Tuesday 2nd April to Friday 12th April.  Unfortunatley due to staff shortages we will not be operating on Wednesday 3rd April.  Bookings can be made through the Xplor portal or by emailing

School Council Update

Hi Yack PS Community,

We from School Council are writing to you because we want to tap your ideas! We have a sum of money which is dedicated to 'School Council Initiatives' and we want to set the plan for project spending during this year.

 To me, 'School Council Initiatives' doesn't just mean what the School Council might decide amongst ourselves, but rather that we need to determine the wants of the school community and the carry it out. Here's where you come in...

The amount is around $17,000, and we'd like to find out where you think it should be devoted. Is it a few smaller ideas throughout the year, or do we forego those and aim for a larger, more transformational project? Although if we choose to fund a larger project that might require additional fund raising efforts, a multi-year plan, or a staged approach. Don't forget though, this doesn't have to be devoted to outside, playground ideas.

Here is a link to where we'd like you to put your ideas:

Your ideas will be compiled and tabled at the next School Council meeting which will be the last for the 2023 School Council, then handed to the 2024 School Council to review, sort, and set a forward plan. That may involve more consultation to help prioritise the initiatives.

Thank you all for your contributions.

Matt Flower
Yackandandah Primary School Council President


27th February – Kinu Edwardes

27th February – Ben Hardisty

28th February – Dylan Hewitt

29th February – Tarn Charles-Jones

1st March – Hush McLennan