23rd April 2024

Newsletter No.11

From the Principal

Anzac Day

Thursday this week is Anzac Day. There is no school on Anzac Day, but we are inviting all students to join us for the march and the ceremony in the morning (not the dawn service). We will gather in William St (by the bottom pub) for the march around 9:20 with the march starting at 9:35. The ceremony in the Memorial Gardens starts at 10:00am. The school choir will be singing the national anthem, and our school captains will be laying a wreath on behalf of the school. Please have your child wear school uniform for the march and ceremony.

Early Arrivals

There has been a growing number of children arriving early to school. The school grounds are not supervised before 8:40 in the morning. Children are under the care of their parents before then. The Before School Care service is available for children if you need to drop them at school early.

From the Office

Welcome to Week 2.

I would like to say to all students and families a BIG thank you for being so welcoming and supportive towards me while I navigate this new role. I am looking forward to meeting more of you.

If you need to email me, please send email to yackandanda.ps@education.vic.gov.au

Book Club

All students were given Issue 3 at the start of Week 1. We have extra copies in the office if you did not receive a copy.

Please have all ordered completed by Friday 3rd May 2024.

How to Pay

  1. Credit Card – Visit scholastic.com.au/LOOP or download the LOOP app. Your order will be electronically linked to the rest of your school’s order. You do not need to complete the order form.
  2. Cash – Please enclose cash with completed order from the office by Friday 3rd May, 2024.

Book Club

Assembly Helpers

Ruby Hewitt & Benjamin Hardisty

Achievement Awards

Sunday Makin - For amazing dedication and enthusiasm with home reading.

Halle Smith Deans - For amazing dedication and enthusiasm with home reading.

Marley Flower - For taking on feedback and making sure your work is just right.

Nora Mayhew
- For developing confidence to share your ideas and speak in front of the class.

Wesley Paull
- For showing initiative to update our ‘days at school’ tracker in the classroom.

Billie May - For collecting, interpreting and displaying data in a creative pictograph about our class 'dream pet'

Macklan James-Hillier - For creating a fantastic persuasive text about why footy is the best sport!

Aemon Hakanovic-Kelty - For working hard to increase his handwriting stamina and putting in a huge effort to complete the morning sentences. Keep it up!

Frey Holden - For working systematically to solve maths problems.

Mia Bebbington - For always displaying a ‘zest’ for learning.

Josie Neumeyer - For collecting, interpreting and displaying data in an accurate and creative pictograph about the 'dream pet'

Maddie Prentice - For her focused approach towards improving her writing skills.

Alfie Bayne - For his determination to spell high level vocab accurately.

Lewis James Hillier - For demonstrating the school values in all that he does by being a learner, being fair, and showing respect.

Olive MacCalman - For always working to a high standard in reading, writing and maths.


23rd April   Artemis Ashcroft

Hot Lunch News

This week's Hot Lunch will be Bacon/Mushroom, Lettuce and Tomato Rolls. 

We are kicking off the term with a tried and tested favourite :)

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered so far! The full volunteer roster for Term 2 will be included in next week's newsletter. 

We need two more helpers for this Friday 26th April. Please let me know by email or via facebook/messenger if you are able to volunteer. No experience necessary... and we promise a delicious lunch as your reward!

Term 2, 2024 - Hot Lunch Helper Roster





Kitchen Lead

Helper 1

Helper 2

Helper 3

26 Apr 2024



Hannah GJ

Tamsin Greenwood



The order form will be closed off for this week's Hot Lunch today at 6 pm today (no exceptions). It will remain open until Fri 26th April for last chance orders for all other Term 2 meals. 

The order form link can be found below or on the Yackandandah Hot Lunch Facebook page.

T2 Hot Lunch Order Formhttps://forms.gle/PNiNcN3q4q6iCL4V7


Hannah Glanville-Jones

YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator


3-6's Winter Sports Carnival

3-6's Winter Sports Carnival Survey. 

This week Grades 3-6 students will be asked to participate in a short survey to nominate their preferred winter sports for early term 3's Winter Sports Carnival. 

Teachers will then put students into teams for different sports. We will try our hardest to put each student in their 1st or 2nd preference for sport but due to numbers some students might be in a sport of their 3rd or 4th preference. Thank you for your understanding.

Leisha Jungalwalla - (Replacing Robyn Wilson for Term 2 P.E classes).

Mental Health and Wellbeing News

Tuesday Tunes

Last term, staff participated in a meeting where we explored mental health and wellbeing at YPS. We celebrated all the amazing things that we do already in this space, and we also had conversations around what we could be doing or providing for our students. Lots of discussion was had around inclusion. We recognised that sometimes out in the yard, friendships break down or students find themselves unsure of what to do or play.

Angie made a great suggestion that we offer a break time during the week where there is music in the courtyard, and so, Tuesday Tunes was born.

Last week, we launched, and what a sight it was to see. Students dancing, giggling, feeling free to express and be themselves, and most importantly, having fun and smiling. The school will be running Tuesday Tunes every week this term and possibly throughout the year if we feel the need.

All students followed the 3 rules of Tuesday Tunes- Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Kind. This made the session enjoyable for all.

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Picture3 (3)


BOOK SALE 2024! Wednesday 24 April

On Wednesday this week at recess, I will be holding our annual second-hand book stall, to raise money for the library. It’s a bit earlier than usual this year, as I will be away most of Term 3 when Book Week is on. Students can bring in some money on Wednesday to spend on books ranging from 20c, 50c, $1 -$3, plus a small selection of new and near books for $4 or $5. PLUS, loads of FREE books! Thank you for supporting the school library.

Seeking Library Volunteers

I mentioned at the start of Term 1 that by the end of this year, I’ll have been looking after the school Library for the past 9 years. As my youngest child is in year 6, I am looking for a new parent/s to take over this role, in order for the library to remain a valuable and well cared-for resource, not only for the students, but for the staff as well.

This role includes covering books, cataloguing, re-shelving books, following up on overdue books, cleaning & general tidying; plus (if available/interested) supporting staff to replace classroom library books, assisting students to find good-fit books, and stocking the library with book requests (where budget permits) from students and staff.

If you have a passion for books and quality literature, and this role sounds interesting, please email me: sarah.mcalister@education.vic.gov.au . I’m more than happy to answer any questions and start getting you involved!

WANTED: Alex Rider novels by Anthony Horowitz

I’m still seeking donations of books in the Alex Rider series:  #2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 12-14, that are in good condition. Thanks, Brendan Hogan, for donating your duplicate copies!

Have a wonderful week of reading!

Sarah McAlister

Yackandandah Primary School Council

Yackandandah Primary School Council is launching a cookbook as a fundraising activity for the school. The book will be a hard cover, glossy pages, professionally printed book, with photos of Yack, the school, and the community.  We’re aiming to have this printed and ready for families during Term 4, making it a great Christmas gift for your extended family.

The council welcomes families and members of the Yackandandah Primary School community to contribute a recipe to the cookbook. Our aim is for as many families as possible from Yackandandah Primary to have a family favourite recipe published. You are welcome to submit more than one. If we receive multiple versions of a popular recipe, we may have to just pick one and then we'd ask you to submit an alternative. Please note recipes may be edited for the purposes of consistency.

Please submit recipes here – https://cc.recipes/yack

Contributing family names will be included in the cookbook unless specified otherwise. Let us know in the description box where you got your inspiration from. Is your recipe based on another food author or published cookbook or is this a special family recipe? Please share your story with us.


"This relish is a much requested gift by Lizzie's grandma. It is loved by all who taste it."

"Dad always made this as a special treat for birthdays and special events, but he never cleaned the kitchen after!"

You are welcome to submit an image with the recipe. However, do not feel pressured to do so, we will be able to source pictures on your behalf.

Recipes are required by the 22 July to be included.


If you have any questions or concerns, please email us here - yackprimarycookbook@gmail.com

Otherwise please feel free to reach out to one of the committee members – Sophie Dewar, Matt Flower, Janine Lerch, Michael Edwards or Andrew Davison

Community Notices

Yackandandah Anzac Day Services 25th April 2024

Dawn Service-      Assemble in Memorial Gardens from 5.30 am

Dawn service-       Service commences at 5.45am

Breakfast follows at the Yackandandah Hotel

March-   Assemble in William St from 9.20am

March off at 9.35am

Community Service- in the memorial Gardens, High St From 10.00am

Morning Tea in the Senior Citizens rooms after the service

Co-ordinator- Allan Grogan 0400 821076

Damian Ley

Secretary Kiewa RSL


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