Newsletter 29/04/2024

Issue 12 2024

From the Principal

Thanks everyone for your support and use of the Compass system. We are building our knowledge as we go and already it is saving time. Please remember that school photos are Wednesday next week (May 8th). Students can bring the photo forms/package with them on the day, or they can bring them earlier and we will look after them until then.

From the Office


Book Club


Please have all ordered completed by Friday 3rd May 2024.

How to Pay

  1. Credit Card – Visit or download the LOOP app. Your order will be electronically linked to the rest of your school’s order. You do not need to complete the order form.
  2. Cash – Please enclose cash with completed order from the office by Friday 3rd May, 2024.

Assembly Helpers

Bonnie McLeod & Owen Overall

Achievement Awards

Theo Hutchins For completing his class job to a very high standard. The hydration station has never looked so good! 

Layla O’Keefe For great independent efforts during ‘Free Writing Friday’.

Cody Ellingham For demonstrating efficiency when completing our fluency task in Maths, as well as dictation during Sounds Write. 

Halle Smith Deans For coming up with creative solutions with Cuisenaire for complements of 10.

Kaidence Corben For showing persistence with using Cuisenaire to find complements of 10.

Zoe Glanville For using engaging emotive language in her persuasive writing.

Tom McAlister For working collaboratively with a partner to fold a whole into different fractions.

Max Boschetti For problem solving during maths and being able to clearly articulate his learning during a fraction exploration.

Georgia Dowsley For drafting such a creative introduction during persuasive writing by comparing a fish to a disco ball, to hook the reader in

Evie Burston For writing a detailed and well sequenced summary of our class novel ‘Runt’.

Willis Hogg For persistent thinking to come up with new solutions in maths.

Ted Attwood For receiving the highest accuracy rate in times table rockstars for 5/6E this week.

Henry Lerch For Showing high levels of consistent focus and determination.

Grace Westbrook For always making thoughtful contributions to class discussions.

Lucia-Mary Gosling For always being an organised and independent learner, no matter the task


29th April Sebastien Quaglio

29th April Joni Mayhew

3rd May Nicholas Shepherd

4th May Aiden Hiller

Mental Health and Wellbeing News

At Yackandandah Primary School, we run a whole school ‘Social and Emotional Learning’ (SEL) program throughout the year. Research indicates that SEL programs can positively impact student’s academic performance, sense of safety, respectful relationships and their mental health and wellbeing.

This term, in SEL, we’re exploring wellbeing. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines wellbeing as, ‘a positive state experienced by individuals…it encompasses quality of life and the ability… to contribute to the world with a sense of meaning and purpose’. Students have started having discussions around wellbeing and learned that we all have it. Furthermore, students have been introduced to the idea that wellbeing is fluid, like on a continuum. Some weeks, days, hours, we are good. Some, we are coping. Others we may be struggling or overwhelmed.

The Murdoch Children’s Research Institute has developed a children’s wellbeing continuum which shows 4 states from ‘Good’ to ‘Overwhelmed’. Each class in our school has taken a look at this continuum and discovered that we all move along it.

Families may like to use this continuum at home with their child/ren as a way of fostering discussion around wellbeing.

Kind regards,

Stacey Hogan

Inclusion Coordinator

Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader    

Community Notices

Current and Past Students of Yackandandah Primary School Lilly and Maeve Van Duinen are performing in the Sound of Music. Purchase your tickets today.