Newsletter 11.06.2024

Issue 18 / 2024

From the Principal

I hope everyone enjoyed the extra day over the last weekend. We continue to have a number of staff and students absent due to illness. As a principal I encourage staff and students to stay home if unwell – there are no prizes for being at school when sick and it runs the risk of infecting others. It does mean that some classes will have different teachers at times, and we appreciate your patience with the change of routine.

Please remember to label your child’s jumpers. This time of year, we accumulate plenty of left behind jumpers each day. If they are named, we can reunite them with their owners – if not they go into the collective ‘help yourself’ stash.

From the Office

Book Club Issue 4


Please have all ordered completed by Wednesday 12th June 2024 (TOMORROW)

How to Pay

  1. Credit Card - Visit or download the LOOP app. Your order will be electronically linked to the rest of your school’s order. You do not need to complete the order form.
  2. Cash - Please enclose cash with completed order from to the office by Wednesday 12th June 2024.

Payment Reminders:

Hot Lunch - Please remember to pay for your child’s Hot Lunch Term 2 Order if you are yet to do so. Thank you to those families who have already paid.

OSHC - I will be sending statements out to our OSHC families who has a balance due.

We have a handful of families who have a larger amount owning, please remember to pay any outstanding balance so you can continue to enjoy using this service.

Please remember to reference name and purpose of payment when making payment into Yackandandah primary School Bank account.

Thank you


Assembly Helpers

Alexander Beatty & Saige Harmer

Achievement Awards

Audrey Wyatt For showing kindness and including other in play and games. So kind, thank you Audrey!

Theo Hutchings For great enthusiasm on return from your holiday. 

Ryver Scannell For excellent observations during our walk of High Street to find shapes. 

Judd Maybury For listening to feedback and slowing down to publish a quality narrative.

Olivia McIntosh For effectively using MAB during addition to challenge herself to find multiple solutions.

Audrey Wyatt For showing initiative to include others who were searching for a friend to play with.

Sebastien Quaglio For challenging himself to show lots of different solutions in an addition task.

Felix Anderson For demonstrating impressive independent work habits.

Sara Davison For always displaying excellent communication and social skills.

Jono Shepherd regularly checking in to improve his learning.

Kaitlyn McGlead For her excellent levels of attendance and a renewed focused approach to her learning.

Alfie Bayne For his consistent levels of attendance and willingness to uplevel his skills across the curriculum.

Lily Schultz For writing an engaging short story on facing your fears this week.

Ivy Mahoney For being a batting superstar in four wicket cricket, despite her trepidation.


12th June Cody Ellingham

12th June Cooper Wall

12th June Ned Westbrook

12th June Emily Sheppard

13th June Miles Thornton

15th June Sloane Mcinerney

16th June Theo Hutchings

16th June Essie Haslett

Sports News

AFL Clinics 

Yack PS is lucky enough to have a couple of weeks of AFL delivered clinics for our PE sessions starting Tuesday 11th of June. We will have guest coaches in for each PE session to run some great footy lessons. Students don't need to bring any extra gear just the usual running shoes and school uniforms. 

Sessions are 11th-12th, 17-19th and 24th of June. 


 Winter Sports Carnival Training:

Grades 3-6's will begin their Winter Sports Carnival Training this Thursday the 13th of June and will train every Thursday for the rest of term and for the first week back at 10am-11am. 

Some students will be going down to the sports park to train for Soccer and Tee Ball.

We have a coach for the netball teams but we still need some parent coach/helpers for AFL and Soccer if anyone is keen please email the school.


2024 Victorian Interschool X Country Skiing and Snowsports Championships


Yackandandah Primary School will be entering a team again this year!!


Location: Mount Buller


Disciplines include:

  • X Country (Sunday 4 August, 2023)
    • Individual
    • Relay
  • Downhill (Monday 19th-Wednesday 21st August for Primary School Ages)
    • Alpine
      • Alpine Giant Slalom
      • Ski Cross
      • Moguls
    • Snowboard
      • Snowboard Giant Slalom
      • Snowboard Cross


Important Dates:

  • Mon 11 June - Event Entry system and Lift Ticket OrderingOPEN for the 2024 Victorian Interschools Cross Country and Snowsports Championships
  • Mon 22 July - Event Entry system and Lift Ticket Ordering CLOSEfor the 2024 Victorian Interschools Cross Country Championships
  • Mon 5 Aug – Event Entry system and Lift Ticket Ordering CLOSEfor the 2024 Victorian Interschools Snowsports Championships

For more information check out the following links:


The official website pages:


Event schedule:


Event entry and lift access pricing:


If your child is interested to participate please get in touch with Cathy Derham (school coordinator for Victorian Interschools for Yackandandah Primary) via email at or on 0406 607 621

Times Table Rockstar

Congratulations to the following students who have turned their heat maps green on timetables rockstars this week. This means they are consistently answering the 12x tables questions in 4 seconds or less.


Nicholas Shepherd (5/6B)

Lizzie Martini (5/6B)

Katherine Somerville (5/6L)

Ebony Roberts (5/6L)

Alex Beatty (5/6L)



A reminder to all Grades 3-6 students and parents at home, it’s recommended a “little and often” approach is adopted; 3 minutes practice a day, 4 or 5 times a week is a good target.

Contact your child’s teacher if you require more information on how you can support your child to turn their heat map green.


Kind regards,


Hot Lunch News

This week's Hot Lunch is Beef Mince/Cauliflower Pies. 

Somehow, we only have a few more Hot Lunches left for the term... time flies!

Thanks again to everyone who has volunteered to help, and especially to parents who have stepped in to fill gaps at the last minute. 

Last week we prepared 110 delicious Baked Potatoes for students and staff (with coleslaw). Student volunteers Artemis and Maddie did a fabulous job helping for the morning!

Yackandandah Primary School Cookbook

Thank you to everyone who has supplied a recipe so far. Our aim is to have 90-100 recipes in the cookbook. The deadline is July 22, but we are keen to start the editing process as soon as possible. So the sooner the recipes are in, the better.


You can submit the recipes here -Yackandandah Primary Cookbook — Create Cookbooks ( Or by emailing


You can also supply the recipes directly to any of the committee members - Sophie Dewar, Matt Flower, Janine Lerch, Michael Edwards, or Andrew Davison

This us what we have so far:





















Community Notices

Yack Winter Disco Ball Competition: 

Want to win a family ticket to the Yack Winter Disco Ball? It's easy! Just write down your family name and pop in the box at the front desk with Amber and you could go in the draw to win a Family ticket (2 Adults & 2/3 Children)! 

There will be two chances to win a Family Ticket, winners will be drawn the School Assembly on Friday 21st of June.

The Yack Winter Disco Ball will be held on Friday 28th of June at the Yack Public Hall 5:30-11:30pm. 

Food, drink, bar, kids activities and dance prizes will be available plus lots of fun music to boogie to!