We are into the final week of Term Two. I would like to say a big thank you to all the staff and students for their focus and work over the term – especially considering the illness that has been running amok. Students have responded very well to different teachers and staff have stepped up to cover for those who were ill. And through it all the learning kept going. Great work all and I hope you have a relaxing holiday.
This Friday school finishes at 2:30 as it is the last day of term. Assembly will be at 2:10.
Don’t forget to get your recipes into the Yackandandah Primary School Cookbook! The cookbook will be a high-quality publication and it’s worth getting your recipe in for posterity. See further details in the rest of the newsletter or follow these links:
You can submit the recipes here -Yackandandah Primary Cookbook — Create Cookbooks (cc.recipes) Or by emailing yackprimarycookbook@gmail.com
I would like to thank all students, parents/carers and staff of Yackandandah Primary School for making my first term at your beautiful school so enjoyable.
Everyone has been so welcoming; I cannot believe we are at the end of Term 2.
I will be back as Acting Business Manager for Term 3, then Sandra will return from her well-deserved break in Term 4.
Please return Permission note and payment.
Winter Sports Carnival Years 3 – 6
Friday, 19 July 2024
Cost $10.00
Hot Lunch: There are still a few families who are yet to pay for Term 2 Hot Lunch.
Please do so ASAP so your child can continue to enjoy the yummy lunches on offer.
OSHC: Statements will be sent out this week.
It is important to keep UpToDate with your payments for OSHC, please continue to do so you can continue to use this service.
I hope everyone enjoys a restful and safe term break.
Thank you
Zoe Blair & Arden Cole
Isla Wallace For working co-operatively and confidently during our exploration of “Tenzi”.
Cody Ellingham For active listening and participation during our excursion to Wonga Wetlands.
Edward Crispin For showing and explaining his thinking clearly when finding the total amount of a collection of coins
Kinu Edwardes For showing and explaining her thinking clearly when finding the total amount of a collection of coins
Hush McLennan For confidently and clearly explaining her thinking in our number talk about adding money.
Neve Allen For throwing herself into number talks during maths and sharing her perspective.
Milla Stagg For Perseverance in her maths learning, especially connecting multiplication fact families.
Ned Westbrook For consistently attacking his problem solving from a range of angles and strategies.
Dara Freeman For working collaboratively to type a shared narrative.
Joni Mayhew For working collaboratively to type a shared narrative.
Grace Pritchard For being an attentive and independent student, consistently staying on task.
Paddy McIntyre For showing attention to details and checking work to ensure accuracy.
Spencer Pretty For showing great focus during maths work on times tables and arrays.
Bonnie McLeod For her calm, polite and focused approach in the classroom.
Wil McCormack For showing confidence and engagement with his classmates and school activities this week.
Lucas Stagg For excellent reading with expression while preparing for public speaking.
Zoe Blair For showing excellent creativity and use of technology skills when editing videos.
24th June Amber Wallace
26th June Grace Pritchard
26th June Molly Schultz
28th June Wesley Paull
29th June Will Maybury
2nd July Marly Flower
2nd July Kyle Vandehoef
3rd July Jono Shepherd
7th July Billie May
11th July Macey Hogg
13th July Phia Smith-Deans
On Friday, 21st of June, 6 of our students travelled to Benalla to compete in the Hume Region Cross Country. They ran their hearts out and made us super proud! Congratulations to all of you on reaching this level of competition and showing great athleticism and sportsmanship. An extra special congratulations to Spencer Dowsley who came 1st, and Jim Kelley, who came 4th in the U11 boys race. The boys have now qualified to compete at the State Cross Country in Melbourne on July 18th. We wish you all the best, boys! Thank you to the families of our runners for transporting and supporting them on the day.
2024 Victorian Interschool X Country Skiing and Snowsports Championships
Yackandandah Primary School will be entering a team again this year!!
Location: Mount Buller
Disciplines include:
Important Dates:
For more information check out the following links:
The official website pages:
Event schedule:
Event entry and lift access pricing:
If your child is interested to participate please get in touch with Cathy Derham (school coordinator for Victorian Interschools for Yackandandah Primary) via email at cathyderham@hotmail.com or on 0406 607 621
Congratulations to the following students who have turned their heat maps green on timetables rockstars this week. This means they are consistently answering the 12x tables questions in 4 seconds or less.
Ewan Mcinerney (3/4A)
Ben Hardisty (5/6L)
A reminder to all Grades 3-6 students and parents at home, it’s recommended a “little and often” approach is adopted; 3 minutes practice a day, 4 or 5 times a week is a good target.
Contact your child’s teacher if you require more information on how you can support your child to turn their heat map green.
Pastel drawings by 5/6 Students by Alex Beatty
by Billie McInerney
by Ebony Roberts
Graphite pencil drawing
by Willis Hogg
The final Hot Lunch for this term is a BBQ Sausage/Veggie Burger Sizzle.
Last week we reintroduced Butter Chicken/Veggies onto the Hot Lunch menu for the first time in a couple of years. Parent volunteers Clare and Leah, and student helpers Matilda and Lewis did an amazing job smoothing out some first-cook hiccups. The finished lunch was very delicious and will definitely be back in term 3! Special thanks to Emma MicNicol for a huge effort cleaning up the bowls afterwards (see 'bowl mountain' below!)
Thanks to all the students and parents that have helped out with Hot Lunches this term. It is not always easy to fit volunteer duties into a busy schedule, but your efforts are so much appreciated. It is lovely to end the week with smiling faces and happy bellies :)
Have a lovely holiday break!
Hannah Glanville-Jones
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
Don't forgot to add your recipe for the Yack Primary Cookbook Fundraiser. A great task for the holidays to do with the kids.
You can input your recipes here:
Create Cookbooks Recipe Form (cc.recipes)
Or alternatively, you email yackprimarycookbook@gmail.com
Or directly message the Fundraising Committee - Sophie Dewar, Matt Flower, Janine Lerch, Michael Edwards or Andrew Davison
The recipes we have so far are listed below: