By now you will have heard that the State Government has extended Level 3 shutdown across all Victoria. This means we will be going through another remote learning period. Tomorrow, Tuesday 4th August, will be a pupil free day where teachers will turn around a term’s planning and preparation and adapt to the remote learning setup. From this Wednesday onwards remote learning will be in place.
Similar to the last time around, the only children on site will be children of essential workers where there is no other care option available. Please abide by the spirit of these guidelines as they are in place for a good reason. You will need to contact the office (see attached form) if this is relevant to you.
Once again I would like to emphasise that we understand there will be considerable stresses on families. The teachers will be doing their best to make the home learning as user friendly as possible, while maintaining as much learning rigour as possible. It is inevitable, however, that parental support will be necessary at times – particularly with younger children. Don’t place undue stress on yourselves or your children (or teachers) if events arise that make it impossible to follow the learning routine on a particular day. Just do what you can.
Teachers will again be marking attendance by seeing work submitted or via online discussion or via email. It won’t be a case of ‘keeping score’ it is simply a matter of ensuring the learning is accessible to all on a daily basis.
Kindergarten and OSHC services are still running.
Thank you for your support and patience.
Michael Edwards
This will be the last week that a PDF newsletter is emailed home to families. From next week parents will only receive the eNewsletter link via email.
Equipment Loan Agreement
Students who have today taken home school devices for home learning have also taken home an Equipment Loan Agreement. This agreement needs to be signed by a parent and returned to the office tomorrow or Wednesday.
Pupil Free Day
Tomorrow is a Pupil Free Day and Vacation Care will be operating. As it is very short notice if you need to book your child in tomorrow either send an email to the school or call the school and leave a message on the phone.
On-Site Attendance
An on-site attendance form has been emailed out tonight for this week and next week. Once again this form will need to be completed each week . If your child needs to attend school because no one is home to supervise them please complete the form and return to school tomorrow for this week and by Thursday afternoon for next week.
Parent/Guardian Occupation Codes
If you haven’t yet returned the form that was sent home last week confirming your occupation codes could you please do so tomorrow.
School Photos
Our school photos will now be taken in Term 4. We will advise you of the date once it has been confirmed.
Owen Overall for working really hard to improve his handwriting.
Clancy O’Sullivan for being a super organised class member this week and for writing a fantastic retell of Jack and the Beanstalk.
Grace O’Dwyer for an impressive effort to complete all work in set time. Well done!
Will Black for a fantastic effort in writing a Jack and the Beanstalk retell this week!
Wil McCormack for showing impressive initiative in reading groups.
Lily Houston for constantly pushing herself to achieve her personal best in athletics.
Indi Barker-Powell for using excellent openers and fantastic description in her historical fiction writing.
Mary Nolan for her dedication to doing extensive research to make her historical fiction authentic.
Jack Colefax for excellent work with fact families in maths this week.
Grace Pritchard for showing a keen interest in improving her writing and spelling.
Aiden Hillier for his dedication to improving his letter writing this term.
William Boddenberg for creating a terrific list of characters in writing this week.
Laycee Nocentini for using time connectives to improve the flow if her writing. Well done!
Cameron McIntosh for amazing defence work during PE games.
Ada Tracy for improved running skills during PE.
Abstract interpretations of the Rarrk painting techniques by Lenny Graham & Tarn Charles-Jones 1/2K.
Gum Tree Pie Day
Our pie day fundraiser which Mia Nedziak and the Junior School Council was organising will now be held in Term 4. The orders which had already been received at school with cash have been sent back home with the students today. For the parents who paid via Direct Deposit that money has been held over to next term.
Hot Lunch
Term Three hot lunch will continue in Term Four. All orders and payment will be carried over for the first 6 weeks. If the shops are unable to provide the lunches we will look at plan B.
If you have a child starting at school next year Enrolment packs for Yackandandah Primary School can be collected from the kindergarten or the school office. Alternatively an enrolment form can be downloaded from the school website at
If you have any questions or would like any further information please contact Michael Edwards on 02 6027 1431.
3rd August – Taidhg James Hillier
National Science Week at Indigo Shire Libraries
We are working with The Royal Society and ScienceWorks to provide a short online talk about the importance of pollination of wild plants. Professor Saul Cunningham, Director of the Fenner School of Environment and Society from Australian National University will be our speaker.
But we need your help! There will be an opportunity for people, including children, to ask Dr Cunningham questions about topics including pollination, biodiversity, or wild insects. We are asking local schools if they would like to submit some student questions. This will be a pre-recorded event so questions will be curated for inclusion.
Dr Cunningham’s talk will be available to watch online during National Science Week 15 – 23 August 2020 and up until Friday September 21.
Please forward any questions to us by Friday, 7 August so we can ask an expert!
Send your question to: .
The Library also has a collection of books about insects, bees and native plants which can support learning in the classroom. Just get in touch and we’ll deliver them to you.