We are entering week 8 of the term. There are three more weeks of term left, including this one. When the period of remote learning was set, the end date was the end of week 9. At this stage we have not heard from authorities about whether the remote learning period will conclude at the end of next week or if it will be extended. My best guess is that health authorities will wait until close to the end of next week to gather the data they need to make an informed decision. My advice is to be prepared for both options – remote learning to continue until the term holidays, and be ready to return to school for the final week.
While most have already assumed this, it is now official that the Sovereign Hill 5/6 camp has been cancelled. It is a little difficult at this stage to predict how the end of year will look. Hopefully restrictions will ease and we can have the usual assemblies, transitions and graduation night for senior students, however, until we get some more clarity on restrictions we are unable to make firm plans.
Well done to students and families on continuing the strong work with home learning. We appreciate your work.
Michael Edwards
This week in Art, we are making a cross section drawing of Truffula Fruit in Foundation and Year 1/2 and a Super-Axe-Hacker in Year 3/4/5/6. A cross section drawing shows the internal structure and working parts, as though you had sliced down through an object from the top with a saw and looked at what you can see inside. Here are the links for the two Art videos, have fun!
Foundation & Year 1/2: Cross section drawing of Truffula Fruit https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BLytIwYheAL_TPZxgySsVo_wdn1BzWgL/view?usp=sharing
Year 3/4 & 4/5/6: Cross section drawing of a Super-Axe-Hacker https://youtu.be/QluDpml3ObM
Artwork of the Week -Overdue Books
I know I sound like a broken record, but there are A LOT of really overdue books at the moment. Please make the extra effort to ensure your children return any books, that they have finished reading, on a Friday so I can get them to students who may have requested them. For example, author Anh Do is currently VERY popular among our students, and WeirDo, Hotdog and Ninja Kid titles are flying off the shelves. It is hard for a student to move through the series when books are kept longer than needed elsewhere. Thank you for your help with this!
If you need to renew books to extend past the 2 week borrowing period, please email me.
Remote Borrowing & Requests
A reminder how students can borrow from the Library during Stage 3 Lockdown and remote learning. Email specific requests to: sarah.mcalister@education.vic.gov.au
I’ll be in the Library each Friday from 1-4pm during remote learning, to ensure students are still able to access quality literature at home. Please make use of this service by emailing me requests by 12 midday each Friday, to ensure I can have your loans ready to collect with your child’s classroom learning pack, from 3pm onwards.
Returning Books
A big thank you to everyone who returned library books on Friday! For those who missed it- there is a labelled box in the School foyer for you to place any books you may be returning.
Keep calm and read a book!
Sarah McAlister