Newsletter 12.10.2020

Issue 32

From the Principal

It was wonderful to have all our students on site last week. The children were so happy to reconnect with all their friends and catch up on play. We were very impressed with how quickly they adapted back to the learning routines in the classroom. While they were still engaged in learning, it was a long time to be away from school – longer than a normal Christmas holiday break. Well done to all our students on their bouncing back to the new normal!

This week we are excited welcome our 2021 Foundation students for the first of their school visits. It will be a little different this year due to COVID restrictions. The kindergarten children will be visiting in smaller groups and keeping mostly to themselves during their visits, but will get to meet their senior buddies. We will do our best to make sure the transition experience is as supportive as possible.

There will be a pupil free day on Monday 2nd November. On this day staff will be developing curriculum for 2021. The final two days of the year are also scheduled to be pupil free days. These are Thursday December 17th and Friday December 18th. On these days staff will continue working on 2021 curriculum and preparing for the 2021 year.

While we are not sure yet how the Yr. 6 graduation will work this year, we have pencilled in Friday 11th December for the date. As it currently stands we are not permitted to have a graduation ceremony. Hopefully restrictions will ease further by then, but we cannot count on it. We will work with our senior students to plan for the graduation in whatever form it takes.

Michael Edwards

From the Office

Book Club
Book Club brochures have today been sent home with students. It would be appreciated if all orders could please be placed via the LOOP at

Orders need to be placed by Monday 26th October.

Family Statements
Statements will be sent home this week.  Payment of any outstanding amounts would be appreciated.

Achievement Awards

Lola Mahoney for demonstrating a high level of independence and motivation throughout the home learning period.
Sally Bayne for gathering evidence to support her theories about “character”.
Marliah Barnes for maintaining a strong focus on learning and striving for excellence.
Billy Brenton for an extremely focused approach to all learning tasks.
Sebastian Davison for returning to school with an enthusiastic and interested attitude!
Grace O'Dwyer for an excellent attitude to all learning.  Keep it up!
Ted Attwood for providing thoughtful feedback to peers during writing.
Harlen Webster for enthusiastically embracing new skills in music.
Jack Colefax for being such a fantastic student in our Foundation class this year.  We wish you all the best at your new school next year.
Elijah Leane for an excellent transition back to our class this week.
Taidhg James-Hillier for his great attitude to learning and doing his best work this week.
Ella Barton for an excellent attitude to learning about multiplication this week.
Sharni Barnes for an excellent attitude to learning about multiplication this week.
Claire Walsh for bring a positive and hardworking attitude to Term 4.
Cianna Leane for being so positive and happy during her first week at YPS.
Nate Attwood for persevering and getting ALL of his work done despite have a fractured wrist and collarbone.
Tess Griska for her dedicated research towards finding a $20 Boss business.
Niamh Stanyer for her continued and outstanding dedication to her spelling tasks and learning new & tricky words.
Lilli Martin for achieving excellent results on her maths post-tests.
Charli Hobbs for achieving excellent results on her maths post-tests.
Kane Clausen for achieving excellent results on his maths post-tests.

Art News

Art Work of the Week

By Finn Summons 1/2P

Hot Lunch News

Helpers for our first hot lunch back this week are Hannah Glanville, Lorraine Spargo and Cathy Derham.
Quiche from Marobe Cakes is on the menu.  If you are unsure if your child ordered a hot lunch last term please send an email to and I will let you know.


A few reminders as we continue into Term 4:
Please note you MUST sign you child in and out using the iPad provided. As part of our policies this must be done by a parent or guardian as you drop off or pick up their child. Our staff are there to assist you with this process if needed, they are well equipped to manage any troubles which can occur when using this technology.

We recognise that hygiene is imperative during these times therefore we have provided hand sanitiser for you to use prior to using our iPad.

For those students who are attending Before School Care and arriving before 8am, we do offer a small breakfast if requested. Please ensure you pre arrange this with Sandra or OSHC Staff and nominate if this will be a regular occurrence to ensure we able to best cater and care for your children. Reminder this is only for students arriving before 8am.

Just a reminder to please refrain from bring food/snacks with nuts as we have children in our service who are anaphylactic to nuts.

You will notice an increase of parent communication from our OSHC team in Term 4 and ongoing future. We recognise that it is important to keep you up to date with what is occurring in our service. Please like our Facebook page  'Yackandandah Primary School OSHC’ for updates and messages as well as this space in our newsletter.

Vacation Care Review
Another fantastic Vacation Care has come and gone. The children kept busy with our usual availability of games, craft and building resources as well as the various themed days and activities including; crazy hair day, bike and scooter day, making mosaics, cooking, scavenger hunts, tie dying, dress ups, decorating and planting terracotta, AFL day and Stufflers.

We thoroughly enjoyed the most recent holidays at OSHC and would like to extend our thanks to Lachie, Jordan, Cassie, Nadiene, Siobhan and Zara for their help over the holidays and their continued assistance through the school term.

Laura – Coordinator



Library News

Book Week:  17-23 October 2020   Curious Creatures, Wild Minds

Friday 30 October is Book Week Dress-up Day at Yackandandah Primary! How’s your costume coming along?

 In The Library

It was so wonderful walking into school last Friday to find 3/4A enjoying the School Library and fully engrossed in the books that they’d borrowed!

In Week 1, Foundation, Year 1 & 2 started exploring the Book Week theme by reading The Wildest Book Week Ever! by Australian author Heath McKenzie. They also began talking and thinking about their character costumes.

This week, we’ll start to read a few of the shortlisted picture books, and focus on this year’s Book Week theme- Curious Creature, Wild Minds. The students will be illustrating their own backdrops for models of creatures they’ll be creating in Week 3.

Book Donations

A huge thank you to Ada Tracey and family, for donating two books to the School Library last week. We now have another copy of the very popular 13 Storey Treehouse by Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton; and 1986 Children’s Book Council winner of Book of the Year -The Green Wind by Thurley Fowler.

We are always welcoming donations of quality books for the Library. Especially hardcover picture books and non-fiction books; and paperback (or hardback) junior fiction. Funny Kid by Matt Stanton; Dog Man by Dave Pilkey; Diary of a Wimpy Kid series; Star Wars, Lego and Minecraft books are just a few that we need on the shelves in the Library. If you have any titles sitting idle at home, that you’d be happy to donate, I’d love to hear from you! Email:

Sarah McAlister


11th October - Sonny Gorham
12th October - James Thornton
13th October - Clancy O'Sullivan
14th October - Chase Grech
15th October - Nate Attwood
16th October - Harlan O'Brien

Kindergarten Mango Fundraiser

It's that time of year again, the Yackandandah Kindergarten is once again running their Annual Christmas Mango Fundraiser.  

Each tray of mangoes is $30. The mangoes are grown in Queensland with approximately 7kg of mangoes per tray.  Numbers may vary from 12 large up to 23 small Mangoes. Depending on size of mangoes this year, the cost per mango works out to between $1.20 and $2.50 each.  The variety of mango is Kensington Pride and comes directly from the farm, with no long periods in storage and minimal use of chemical pesticides and soluble fertilizers. They taste fantastic! 

Delivery will occur between 7th – 11th December 2020 and pick-up will be from the Yack Public Hall (we have organised a drop off point in Beechworth as well). We will inform you by email of the exact delivery date (dependent on ripening). 

Please note there are two order forms – one for individual and one for group orders. If one person is paying, use the individual form and if there are multiple people paying, use the group order form.

Links to the order forms are below. 

Please complete your payment prior to sending the spreadsheet to   

Whilst we do aim to be flexible, please be aware that for the fundraiser to be successful we are hoping to keep things simple. If possible please email the form back, rather than printing it out as this makes it easier for us to keep track of orders. If you do need to print it out, please then give it to Jennie in the Kinder office so that she can email it to the Mango Co-Ordinator Kiera Maybury. 

Please submit the form once your order has been paid for, there are 3 options: 

  1. Electronic Funds Transfer to: Account Name: Yackandandah Primary School. BSB: 803-070.  Account No. 48135  

          Important: Please write MANGO and the surname of the person appearing on the order form in the reference. 

  1. Take your payment to the WAW bank and deposit directly using details above 
  2. Pay cash to Jennie McKern in the Kinder office or Sandra McKibbin in the Yack Primary office. 

Orders must be emailed to the Mango Co-Ordinator at  or received at the Kinder Office by 26th October 2020. 

Thank you for your support.

Individual Order Form

Group Order Form

Community Notices