I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend and found time to relax. Don’t forget that next Monday is a pupil free day followed by the Melbourne Cup public holiday on Tuesday. Staff will be working at school on the Monday developing curriculum for 2021.
We are now permitted to have school photos! The date we have for the photographer is 23rd November. There will be more information closer to the date.
The Yr. 6 graduation will be on Friday 11th December. At this stage the ceremony will be streamed for families as we are not permitted to have groups gather together. We are all hoping that restrictions ease before then and we can have families participate in person, but that is a decision for DET and DHHS authorities.
The second Kindergarten to school transition day takes place this Wednesday. The last transition day was successful with children getting to meet buddies and staff. There will be a similar format this Wednesday with the transition day running in 2 small groups at separate times to ensure we abide by the current restrictions.
Planning is well underway for 2021 classes. We aim to have the classes ready well before the state-wide transition day on December 8th. While I know that some families make certain requests regarding class structures, there is no guarantee that requests can be fulfilled. Much of the decision making is dictated by numbers at different year levels, budgeting and other factors difficult to control. I do not accept requests for specific teachers or requests about children that are not in your family – these may not be possible or ethical to fulfil and I do not want to favour any one individual over others where contradictory requests are made.
Parking can be difficult at pick up and drop off time. I encourage families to walk to school where possible and to make use of other parking options such as the supermarket car park and the car park behind the Star Hotel. Both these spaces are about a 150m walk from the school and will help to reduce traffic congestions at key times.
Michael Edwards
Aidan Wall for developing his ability to model tricky division problems.
Vivienne O’Brien for including sensational character description in her story writing.
Sally Bayne for demonstrating clear thinking to find patterns in Mathematics
Hugo Dickeson for great work solving division problems in maths this week.
Grace Pritchard for excellent work with halving numbers in maths this week.
Maeve Van Duinen for a very detailed information report about emus.
Book Character Day Friday 30th October - Curious Creatures Wild Minds – 2020 Book Week Theme
The anticipation of Book Character Day is building momentum! Classes have been busy in the art room preparing watercolour painted backgrounds for the art activities.
Changes to the day. Unfortunately, there will be no parade this year, however there is a planned 'recording' of book characters and any 'curious creatures' – so stay tuned for a video of that encounter. All students will remain in their class groups for the art activity this year and each student will bring home a finished work of art based on Nop by Caroline Magerl for Foundation/Year 1/2s and Yahoo Creek by Tohby Riddle for Year 3/4/5/6s. Please make some room on the fridge for some amazing Book Week themed illustrations!
Artwork of the Week
Curious Creature drawings and collage
by Gabrielle Gargiulo 34E
Last week was officially Book Week and what an amazing week it was for our very own Edwina Wyatt (writer, parent, Yack resident, and member of our school community) who was awarded the CBCA Honour Book of the Year for Younger Readers 2020 for her debut junior fiction novel The Secrets of Magnolia Moon. Congratulations Edwina! Incredible!
You can see all the winners and catch the very special awards presentation here:
Remember: This Friday 30 October is our very own Book Week Dress-up Day at Yackandandah Primary! How’s your costume coming along? There is a lot of chatter and excitement amongst the students (and staff!) about what everyone will be wearing/coming dressed as. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if your child is struggling to decide on a character- I have lots of costumes! I also have a pair of Size 2 sandals to give away to whoever might be able to use them for their costume.
Email: sarah.mcalister@education.vic.gov.au
Book Donations
A huge thank you to Aidan Dent and family, for donating a bunch of books for the School Library last week. Some of the titles include Brotherband by John Flanagan; Nim’s Island by Wendy Orr; Beast Quest by Adama Blade and Pokemon. We really appreciate your generous support of the Library!
As mentioned last week, we are always welcoming donations of quality books for the Library. Especially hardcover picture books and non-fiction books; and paperback (or hardback) junior fiction. Funny Kid by Matt Stanton; Dog Man by Dave Pilkey; Diary of a Wimpy Kid series; Star Wars, Lego and Minecraft books are just a few that we need on the shelves in the Library. If you have any titles sitting idle at home, that you’d be happy to donate, I’d love to hear from you! Email: sarah.mcalister@education.vic.gov.au
Sarah McAlister
Today is the last day to order Mangoes!!
It's that time of year again, the Yackandandah Kindergarten is once again running their Annual Christmas Mango Fundraiser.
Each tray of mangoes is $30. The mangoes are grown in Queensland with approximately 7kg of mangoes per tray. Numbers may vary from 12 large up to 23 small Mangoes. Depending on size of mangoes this year, the cost per mango works out to between $1.20 and $2.50 each. The variety of mango is Kensington Pride and comes directly from the farm, with no long periods in storage and minimal use of chemical pesticides and soluble fertilizers. They taste fantastic!
Delivery will occur between 7th – 11th December 2020 and pick-up will be from the Yack Public Hall (we have organised a drop off point in Beechworth as well). We will inform you by email of the exact delivery date (dependent on ripening).
Please note there are two order forms – one for individual and one for group orders. If one person is paying, use the individual form and if there are multiple people paying, use the group order form.
Links to the order forms are below.
Please complete your payment prior to sending the spreadsheet to yackmangos@outlook.com.
Whilst we do aim to be flexible, please be aware that for the fundraiser to be successful we are hoping to keep things simple. If possible please email the form back, rather than printing it out as this makes it easier for us to keep track of orders. If you do need to print it out, please then give it to Jennie in the Kinder office so that she can email it to the Mango Co-Ordinator Kiera Maybury.
Please submit the form once your order has been paid for, there are 3 options:
Important: Please write MANGO and the surname of the person appearing on the order form in the reference.
Orders must be emailed to the Mango Co-Ordinator at yackmangos@outlook.com or received at the Kinder Office by 26th October 2020.
Thank you for your support.
Individual Order Form
Group Order Form
Yackandandah FC
Notice of Annual General Meeting.
YACKANDANDAH FC will be holding their AGM on 22nd November 2020 At 4pm at the Sports Park (COVID restrictions permitting).
Please consider if you are able to assist in the running of this great club next year (2021) to ensure our kids are able to continue to access soccer in our community.
If you have any questions or would like to nominate for the committee or any roles (pres/secretary/treasurer/coach/equipment manager etc) please contact Sarah 0418 425 290 or Kelly 0417 672 439.
Baranduda Scout Group Christmas Tree Sales
Wodonga Little Athletics
Gateway Health
Gateway Health are running parenting workshops and programs during Term Please click on the links below to access the different flyers.
Bringing Up Great Kids
Emotion Coaching - Connecting with Our Kids
Parenting Transgender and Gender Diverse Children and Teenagers
Tuning into Kids