Newsletter 02.11.2020

Issue 34

From the Principal

Friday was book character dress up day and there were plenty of wonderful costumes to see at school. It was especially pleasing to see the children who clearly had enjoyed the book and had connected with the character that they had chosen. There were some terrific art works produced based on books from this year’s Children’s Book Council short listed books. The Yr. 3/4 classes were lucky to have a Q&A session with author Edwina Wyatt who could share first hand her experiences of being an author of many books, including The Secrets of Magnolia Moon – one of this year’s shortlisted books. Well done Caz, Mandy and Sarah for organising the day and making it meaningful and fun.

Next year’s Foundation children once again visited Yackandandah Primary School last Wednesday. They spent time getting used to our school and the different environment. We are already excited to begin 2021 with the new members of our school community.

I would like to remind families about the e-safety website that has plenty of resources for parents regarding online safety and citizenship for children. We have all probably had more screen and online time than usual over the last several months and it is handy to revisit some of the supports there are for parents and families. Remember that at school we have Department of Education filters to ensure students can only access appropriate materials. These filters do not exist at your home, even when using a school computer. Additionally, if children have access to mobile devices such as phones or tablets, there may be no filters. The e-safety website can offer advice on parental controls and how to deal with potential difficulties. The site can be accessed here:

Don’t forget that tomorrow (Tuesday 3rd November) is a public holiday. School and OSHC will not be open for the day.

Michael Edwards

From the Office

School Photos
Our school photos will be taken on Monday 23rd November with MSP photography.  On Wednesday students will take home photo order forms with instructions on how to order.   Preference is for online orders to avoid the handling of cash. Family order forms are attached to the eldest child's envelope.  Students need to bring the photo envelope back to school either prior to or on the day of the photos.

Late Arrivals/Early Departures
A reminder that if your child is arriving at school late or being picked up early they need to be signed in or out at the office.

Swimming Program
Unfortunately due to COVID-19 our school swimming program this year will not be going ahead.

End of Year Pool Parties
The Yack pool has been booked for class end of year pool parties.  Classes will be going on the following days:

Tuesday 15th December -  Year 1/2 classes 10am to 12 noon.
Tuesday 15th December -  Year 3/4 classes 12noon to 2pm
Wednesday 16th December - Foundation and Year 4/5/6 classes 12noon to 2pm 
Further information and permission forms will be sent home closer to the date.

Achievement Awards

Tess Griska for working so well independently in developing a great $20 Boss plan, unit cost and sale price.
Max Edwardes for his use of words other than 'said' and BA-DA-BING in his writing.
Stella Brinsdon for her dedication to her $20 Boss business and development of her own spreadsheet to track profit & loss.
Eli Willis for demonstrating resilience and an ability to “Bounce Back”.
Tom Wilson for up-leveling his Big Write to make improvements.
Holly Lerch for bringing curiosity and a positive attitude to ALL learning activities.
Lizzie Martini for always being willing to share her own skills with classmates.
Lenny Jones for listening carefully and carefully repeating French pronunciations for parts of the face.
Emmerson Paull for listening carefully and carefully repeating French pronunciations for parts of the face.
Ruby Hewitt for using adventurous vocabulary in her poetry.
Pippa Graham for finding great examples of 'pushes and pulls" in Science.
Katherine Somerville for confidently sharing ideas during number talks about division and sharing equally.
Phia Smith-Deans for a thoughtfully written two-voice poem titled 'Tree and Flower'.
Will Black for listening carefully and carefully repeating the French pronunciations this week.
Will Boddenberg for developing a good understanding of fractions this week.
Thomas Killen for completing written work independently and within a set time limit.
Ella Williamson for displaying improved throwing and catching ball skills in sport this week.
Owen Overall for beginning Term 4 with an enthusiastic and hardworking approach.
Johan Leane for always displaying an enthusiastic 'Can Do' attitude to all tasks.
Sebastian Davison for coming along in leaps and bounds after Home Learning.
Kye Howarth for coming up with great ideas for our class Free Verse Poem titled Rain.

Art News

News from the art room
We were truly amazed by the 'finishing touches' and fine details added to all the watercolour painted backgrounds on Book Character Day! We also received a surprise message from Caroline Magerl, the author and illustrator of Nop. 

Hi Carolyn, I wanted to say hi and let you know that I really like your Nop art activity on Youtube. It was good to see so many techniques being applied and the final work. Great ideas and result! Also thanks for choosing Nop. Have a great week, and I am looking forward to seeing some art from your students. Book Character Day sounds like my cup of tea! Best wishes to you all, Caroline ps. Thanks to Mandy as well.

Here are just a few of the fabulous artworks inspired by Nop and Yahoo Creek on Book Character Day last week!

Mandy & Caz (Carolyn!) 

Artworks of Nop by 1/2PA

Bonnie McLeod 

Alfie Bayne 

Artworks of Yahoo Creek by 4/5/6L

Mia Nedziak

Stella Brinsdon

Leila Jansen

Hot Lunch News

This Friday we are having Savoury or Cheese and Vegemite Scrolls from Vintage Rose Tea Room.
Helpers this week are Donna Jones (Foodshare), Natalie O'Connell and Hima Whitley.


Through Kidsoft, our OSHC software program, we are introducing the iParent portal and iEnrol which enables parents to complete digital enrolments forms, create bookings and manage their details (phone, email, address etc) online.

Families who have children enrolled in OSHC will receive an email in the coming days from ‘Kidsoft’ in regards to setting up an iParent portal account.

Please use the link in the email to complete the steps and refer to the guide where necessary. 

Click on the link below for a comprehensive guide on how to set up the iParent Portal.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Laura or Sandra.

iParent portal guide

Library News

Book Week Dress-Up Day 2020
I think Book Week Dress-up Day on Friday last week was the best day of 2020 for the students at YPS. So many smiles, so much laughter, so much fun was had. So much great art was created! And for just one day things felt a bit like our old life pre-COVID. Thank you to all the parents and carers who assisted with all the fabulous costumes we saw at school. It was a wonderful effort by everyone!

We were so fortunate to have CBCA award winning author Edwina Wyatt come to visit and give a special Q&A session to the Year 3/4‘s in the courtyard. As a class novel this term they read Edwina’s book The Secrets of Magnolia Moon, and spent an hour asking some fantastic questions- not only about the book, but about being an author and how she writes. Edwina was extremely kind in gifting the school four of her picture books for the Library. Thank you so much Edwina for your time and the beautiful books!

You might recall a few weeks ago in the newsletter I promoted that this year we were going to use Book Week to raise some money for book in the Library, by asking for a gold coin donation on Dress-up Day. Unfortunately, I forgot to put a reminder in the Newsletter last week in the lead up to BW Dress-up Day and only a couple of students remembered (Thank you Lily and Willow!). If you would still like to donate to the Library, please send in a cold coin when students return on to School on Wednesday and it will be collected in class. All money raised will go towards purchasing new books for the Library. Thank you!

In The Library
Week 4 in the Library was BUSY! Foundation, Years 1 & 2 completed an activity based on the Book Week theme Curious Creatures, Wild Minds. The students used coloured playdough to create their own curious and wild creatures, then photographed them on background drawings they completed in Week 2. It was a lot of fun, and the students got to take their playdough away with them- so I hope some of them had fun recreating their sculptures at home! Images of their sculptures will appear like a gallery on the Library Walls. I’ll be sure to include images ion the next newsletter.

 Book Donations

Thank you so much Alfie Lebner and family, for donating a bunch of books for the School Library last week. We really appreciate your generous support of the Library!

A book is dream that you can hold in your hands.   Unknown

Sarah McAlister


Other School News

Year 3/4 News

Last Friday, our 3/4 students were lucky to share a question and answer session with our very own parent/author Edwina Wyatt.  Both 3/4 classes had just read Edwina’s award winning book “The Secrets of Magnolia Moon” and were keen to find out about what it takes to become a published author and to gain greater insights into the character of Magnolia Moon.

Edwina was very generous to give her time to talk to us. Here is a photo of one of our talented writers, Ada, presenting flowers to Edwina to show our appreciation.  A big thank you also goes to Sarah McAlister for the hours she spent making this happen.

Book week photos


31st October - Saoirse Beatty
2nd November - Ella Owers
3rd November - Claire Walsh
3rd November - Tim Suffern

Community Notices