Newsletter 09.03.2021

Issue 6

From the Principal

Community Picnic
Last Friday Yackandandah Community Centre held a community picnic on our school oval. There was live music for entertainment and food was available for those attending. Thanks to the parents who helped with cooking and serving on the evening and thanks to all the families who donated cakes and other goodies for sale. Close to $550 was raised.

Michael Edwards


From the Office

Cultural Performance
Last Thursday all students attended the cultural performance “Didjeribone”.  The cost for the performance was $5.50 which has been added to the family statements.  Payment can be made by cash or Direct Deposit into the school’s bank account.  If you receive the CSEF money or have credit in or account you may use that. 

Scholastic Book Club
Books from Issue 1 have been sent home with students tonight.

Softshell Jackets
If you would like to order a Softshell jackets please do so by Wednesday.  The price for the jackets is $73.  There are samples in the office for you to try for size.

Have a good week,

Assembly Helpers

Assembly helpers this week are:

Stella Brinsdon & Oscar Barker-Powell

Achievement Awards

Emerson Paull for being an organised learner who always puts a big effort into all learning tasks
Gabrielle Gargiulo for demonstrating a high level of engagement in our Science unit
Archie Korn for being a super-helpful member of class. Thanks Archie!
Peter Kellaway for being a champion chalk drawing artist, inspired by Keith Haring.
Will Black for being a champion chalk drawing artist, inspired by Keith Haring.
Isaac Hewson for his incredible cartoon chalk drawings!
Zach Spargo for posing some fantastic questions and drawing insightful conclusions in Science.
Lachie Korn for working really hard to use varied sentence openers in writing.
Rose McKenzie-McHarg for coming up with excellent questions in reading lessons at all 3 levels we’ve been learning about.
Peter Kellaway for always showing a high level of interest in classroom activities.
Freya Vorbach for always putting in 100% to class activities and always being ready to help others.
Lucy Matheson-Jones for presenting her science findings in an amazing creative song to the tune of Waltzing Matilda.
Edith McInerney for her comprehensive and informative science presentation about energy in the home.
Naisen James Hillier for consistently putting in 100% effort and working hard to up-level his writing.
William Boddenberg for his keen enthusiasm for counting forwards in the classroom.
Renn Thompson for having a go at writing lots of letters and words in writing tasks.
Grace Pritchard for trying hard to improve her writing and using spaces between words.
Claudia Grech for always giving 100% effort in reading and using strategies like re-reading to solve words.
Jake Blair for great reading success and improvement.
Beau Ridgeway for always having a go at writing letters and words in all learning activities.
Esmeralda Haslett for consistent enthusiasm in all learning and superb effort with home reading.
Abbie Williamson for using a logical strategy to solve Place Value problems.
Jayde Pritchard for being super organised for all tasks.
Sharni Barnes for showing improved confidence sharing ideas with the class.
Lara Bebbington for showing resilience and confidence when faced with difficulties.

Art News

Artwork of the week

'The Elements of Art' Calendars by 3/4A.  
Artists – Ed Boddenberg, Charlie Killen, Harriet Brinsdon, Lily Van Duinen, Laycee Nocentini and Lily Schultz.

'The Elements of Art' Calendars by 3/4E
Artists – Tarn Charles-Jones, , Holly Lerch, Matilda Ridgeway, Emerson Paull, Aliya McCormack and Jack Summons.


Hot Lunch News

Hot Lunch this week is a Ham & Pineapple pizza/Margarita Pizza.

Helpers are Michelle McCarthy, Renae Walsh, Nic Allan & Jane Shepherd.

Sports News

Congratulations to all the students who competed at the Regional Swimming Championships last Wednesday. In the first week of Term 2, all students will be participating in the school cross-country on Friday, April 23rd.

Other School News

Children at Yackandandah Primary School were treated to an interactive music performance with Tjupurru, who combined didgeridoo, didjeribone (imagine a cross between a traditional didgeridoo and a trombone), and an array of electronic musical gadgetry, including some that he invented.

Tjupurru has a laid back and quirky style, and has plenty of stories to entertain and teach his audience about his family ancestral background and his experiences as a musician. He performed some familiar and some new music and soundscapes, all the while teaching the children about the instruments and equipment used.

The children loved the performance and were captivated throughout

Exciting news! Junior Beats Drum School has launched in Yackandandah and is open for Term 2 enrolments. Private lessons available on Fridays at Yack Primary during school hours with your tutor, Edwina Wyatt. All ages and stages welcome. No drum kit required for students keen to learn but lacking access to an instrument. 

For more information visit our website:

To make a booking, please contact Sandra Mckibbin at the office or contact Junior Beats directly via the contact form on the website.


Term 1 Vacation Care
Our vacation care program is coming along nicely! We have taken lots of suggestions from our OSHC children and included as many we can! Be warned parents, the children have requested some dress up days! We will have it ready to publish for you next week!

Our Program
We are starting an OSHC cricket tournament this week! We are relying on the children a lot for this one as our cricket knowledge isn’t the best! Luckily for us we have some children in our program who are all over the cricket scene and can help us out!

We are also re-introducing meditation into our program. As a team we have been doing some research into the benefits of mindfulness and this is something we would really love to help our children explore. It’s good for our mind, body and soul.

With the weather being so lovely lately we have been changing things up a little bit and enjoying our afternoon tea outside. The children have really loved doing this, it gives them the opportunity to be more involved in the process of getting afternoon tea ready as we are in the kitchen, some children have even enjoyed that they get to be more involved in cleaning up! So tap into that enthusiasm at home!

OSHC has been receiving the best dental and medical care thanks to our newly established OSHC Dr and Dentist clinic! The children have had lots of fun exploring their imaginations in this new dramatic play space and it has prompted them to share with us more ideas they have on spaces they would like to see in OSHC. As a result we have set up a kitchen, are working on a classroom and office and getting a dolls house! It’s great to see the children engaging with our space and expressing their creative minds!

That’s all for this week!


6th March – Henry Lerch
6th March – Ruby O’Dwyer
9th March – Fredi Farley
10th March – Chase Nelder
11th March – Tess Griska
12th March – Florian Whitley
12th March - Lily Houston

Community Notices