Newsletter 22.03.2021

Issue 8

From the Principal

There have been an increase in student absences over the last two weeks. This is fairly normal for this time of the year – changes of seasons often mean an increase in coughs and colds. Please remember to email or call Sandra if you child is absent for the day. It is important to have your child at school when they are well. Learning programs are sequential and a day or two missed unnecessarily can break that sequence and make the learning more difficult.

School Council is meeting this evening. We will welcome on board our new school councillors and elect office bearers. Our school will be undergoing a DET review later this year. Schools undergo an intensive review every three to four years. The review will assist us in setting a new strategic plan for the following four years. School Council plays a significant role in that review.

Term Two is usually the time when families make decisions about transitions – Yr. 6 to Yr. 7 and Kindergarten to School. Keep your eyes open for open days, information sessions and other materials.

Michael Edwards


From the Office

Position Vacant
The school has advertised on the Department’s Recruitment Online website for a part time Integration Aide to work 10 hours per week with a specific student.  For further information please see Michael. To apply for the position or to look at the selection criteria please click on the link below.

Enter the Job Number 1220958 in the search and then click on Teacher Aide.

School Cross Country
Permission forms for the School Country on Friday 23rd April were sent home last week.  If you haven’t returned the form could you please do so.

Year 5/6 Canberra Camp
Permission forms for the Year 5/6 Canberra camp were sent home a few weeks ago.  Payment is not required until the camp but you are welcome to start paying it off in instalments if you wish.

It would be appreciated if the Permission forms could be returned to school by Friday.

Unexplained Attendances
Students who have been absent from school without the school being notified have today taken home an Absentee Letter.  Could parents please complete the letter, sign it and return it to school this week.

Book Club Issue 2
Items ordered from Issue 2 have been sent home with students today.

Have a good week,


Assembly Helpers

Assembly helpers this week are:

Oliver Boddenberg & Sally Bayne

Achievement Awards

Aidan Dent for his enthusiastic contribution to all lessons and for drawing excellent conclusions about energy transfer and transformation in Science.
Lachi O’Sullivan for showing great thinking and creative problem solving skills in Maths.
Rosie Leane for showing excellent descriptive writing and fantastic varied openers in her memoir on a special place.
Molly Schultz for recounting lots of events about her holiday in her Big Write yesterday.
Kaia Allan for including detailed illustrations in her Big Write yesterday and writing ‘dolphin’ with lovely letter formations.
Jed Walker for having a go at writing words in his Big Write yesterday.  Fantastic Jed!
Maeve Van Duinen for consistently displaying excellent work habits.
Jim MacCalman for independently creating a clock during ‘Time’ activities.
Neve Allan for always putting great effort and detail into reading group activities.
Sara Davison for including lots of detail in the Big Write this week.
Hudson Street for showing lots of artistic flair both in class and in the art room!
Kaitlyn McGlead for enthusiastically completing our word investigation activities.
Will Black for taking charge with your learning through helping identify your next writing goal.
Charlotte Wilson for enthusiastically continuing to work on and investigate class activities at home.
Will Black for being totally focused and engaged in Library this week, for our Treasure Hunt activity.
Ted Attwood for working hard on improving his writing and produced a sustained piece of writing during Cold Write.
Pippa Graham for being a responsible member of our class and always willingly helping others.
Thomas Geary for working hard on his writing and taking on board feedback to improve his openers and descriptive language.
Ella Owers for her fantastic observations and insights about testing the efficiency of energy transformation.
Mitch Waller for his excellent work when exploring scientific notation to compare the mass of very large and very small objects.
Violet MacCalman for extending her ideas in writing and including a range of interesting “openers”.
Angus Glanville for making predictions while reading that are backed up with evidence.

Art News

Artwork of the week

Artworks inspired by the artist Keith Haring.

Hot Lunch News

Hot Lunch this week is a Shepherds Pie/Bushman Veggie Pastie

Helpers are Alison Moncrief & Jane Shepherd.

Term 2 Hot Lunch
All students have today taken home an order form for Term 2 hot lunches.  The order form will also be emailed out to all families.  Please return the form to school as soon as possible and payment needs to be made by Friday 30th April.

If you can assist next term please write your name & phone number on the order form next to the date that you are available.

We are also looking for someone who can assist Clare with the week to week organisation and ordering of food.  If you can help please let Sandra know.

Canned Food Drive
The volunteers at FoodShare Wodonga do a superb job in supporting Yackandandah Primary School by providing fruit to supplement our hot lunches each week.

Together with Mission Australia, FoodShare are collecting cans of food that can be added to food packages that are being distributed to families in need. There is a growing need across our community due to the impacts of COVID-19.

We are asking all children at Yackandandah Primary to donate one can of food towards this cause.  The cans will be collected this week in boxes at the front entrance of the School and taken to FoodShare next Friday 26 March.

Thanks for your contribution in supporting families in need this Easter. 

Clare Kellaway.

Library News

Week 8 was full of fun (and noise!) with dress-ups and treasure hunting! In F/1R, 2K and 2PA we continued our term-long exploration of books and the library by reading Parsley Rabbit’s Book about Books by Frances watts, followed by a book themed treasure hunt working in pairs. After donning a costume of choice, the students had a list of books they searched for in the library, for example a non-fiction book about sport or a book with interesting end papers.

3/4A did the same activity, however we read Look, A Book! By Libby Gleeson, which is beautifully illustrated by Freya Blackwood. It is a picture book about the power of books- and how they can transport the reader to another time and place. This book brought up some great discussions about how simple words can make us  feel so many emotions whilst reading.

Enjoy a wonderful week of reading!

Sarah McAlister

Junior School Council News



Thursday April 1st

Gold Coin Donation

All money raised will go towards a bubbler on the oval!

Which class will make the longest line of coins?!

We cannot wait to see all of your amazing crazy hair designs! YAY!

Year 6 - 7 Transition

Year F/1 News

Foundation/Grade 1 Excursion to Yackandandah Museum.
During our Integrated Studies topic of Personal and Local History students have been sharing objects and discussing them over the term.

Students in Foundation and Grade 1 (F1R and F1C) will be attending an excursion to the Yackandandah Museum on Monday 29th March.
Each class will be attending for a 30 minute visit (12:30 – 1pm: F1C and 1-1:30pm: F1R)
Students will be viewing the Bank, the Cottage and Collections rooms, along with seeing some objects and items from the past to provide another opportunity to see how things have changed over time.

Permission forms are not required as the Local Excursion Permission form signed at the start of the year will cover the excursion.

Carly & Robyn.


Our Program
We have enjoyed exploring yoga last week with the children enjoying participating in the Cosmic Kids Yoga Quest! It’s been really great to see the kids engaging in an activity that holds so many benefits for them! We’ve also been doing mediation and looking at positive affirmations to start off our day!

We have had some great new group games introduced to the program, both indoor and outdoor. The children have really enjoyed exploring new games and have enjoyed the variety that we now have in our program. Cricket has been a big one that the kids have enjoyed along with badminton and some indoor yoga games!

Our children have been very creative, continuing to work on their box city and exploring some new craft materials. We’ve seen lots of drawing, making and creating this week, it’s been great!

Term 1 Vacation Care
Please ensure that you start to book your children in for Vacation care on the iParent Portal. If you have any trouble with this please contact me via email

Our Vacation care dates are 6th -9th of April and the 12th -16th April.

We think the program is looking great and we are looking forward to having a great vacation care with the children. We have really enjoyed creating a program that expresses the interests of the OSHC children!

Prices for the excursion/incursions are now published with the program.




20th March – Emma Pinard

21st March – Jim Kelley

22nd March – Saige Harmer

Community Notices