At Monday’s School Council meeting we welcomed Leigh Attwood and Jane Shepherd to their first meeting. During the meeting Jane Dowsley was re-elected as School Council President. Michael Walsh was elected Treasurer; Orrin Pritchard and Jane Shepherd were elected as Vice-Presidents. I look forward to working with School Council throughout the rest of the year.
Child Safety is a top priority for Yackandandah Primary School – as it is for all schools. Parents and Carers can read our Child Safety Policy and related policies on our school website. Along with all schools, our school has a zero tolerance approach to child abuse.
I wish everyone a happy holiday break!
Michael Edwards
Finn Summons for being a good maths investigator.
Nicholas Shepherd for contributing thoughtfully to class discussions.
Grace O’Dwyer for showing a high level of interest in writing activities including free writing.
Sebastian Davison for working hard by staying focused and increasing the amount written in Big Waves.
Madelyn Prentice for enthusiastically completing all tasks in 2K – including writing tasks.
Kye Howarth for confidently sharing your ideas and your discoveries with the class.
Henry Wyatt for confidently sharing your ideas, knowledge and questions during class discussions.
Sonny Gorham for persisting with maths fluency tasks.
Miriam Martini for making excellent connections when reading.
Jonathan Shepherd for excellent work ordering numbers to 30 in maths.
Sullivan Lucas for having a go at writing letters to represent words in his cold write yesterday.
Chase Nelder for always being willing to share his great thinking and problem solving ideas in maths.
Tess Griska for putting in an amazing effort when learning about multiplication strategies.
Chelsea Dawson-Leitch for giving her absolute best in everything she does and setting a great example for others.
Bonnie McLeod for always displaying a positive attitude to learning and a willingness to help others.
Owen Overall for using efficient strategies for addition in maths and always tackling tasks with a smile.
Manu Quaglio for working hard to achieve his personal writing goal.
Jaala Street for creative use of similes in her story writing.
Ed Boddenberg for systematic and methodical thinking to solve maths problems.
Ryder Stagg for always being a thoughtful and kind classmate.
The art room has been buzzing lately, even during lunchtime and recess, with many students inspired by our focus on American artist Keith Haring.
Artworks by students in 5/6
Imogen Rolfe, Ruby O’Dwyer and Lenni Ridgeway (triptych of three works together).
Hugh Mason
Jack Gregory had a strong influence on the generation of these four large artworks on black paper by Jack and Naisen James Hillier.
Thank you to Clare for organising Hot lunch for Term 1 and to all the parents who volunteered. Your meals and assistance are greatly appreciated by both students and staff.
Term 2 Hot Lunch
Don’t forget to get your orders in for next term’s hot lunch. The order forms were sent home last week.
We still need more helpers for next term and we are also looking for someone who can assist Clare with the week to week organisation and ordering of food. If you can help out at all please let Sandra know.
Canned Food Drive
The volunteers at FoodShare Wodonga do a superb job in supporting Yackandandah Primary School by providing fruit to supplement our hot lunches each week.
Together with Mission Australia, FoodShare are collecting cans of food that can be added to food packages that are being distributed to families in need. There is a growing need across our community due to the impacts of COVID-19.
We are asking all children at Yackandandah Primary to donate one can of food towards this cause. The cans will be collected at the end of this week.
Thanks for your contribution in supporting families in need this Easter.
Clare Kellaway.
Week 10 is of course our last week in the Library for Term 1. In Library sessions this week we’ll be focusing on finding good-fit books (with the help of some puppets and a good dose of imagination!) for students to take home and read during the holidays. So-this is also a great time to ensure any Library books that are finished with at home, or overdue, come back to school so your child can borrow new books to enjoy.
New Books
We recently received our second delivery of Picture Books from Scholastic. These will be ready to borrow in Term 2. If you are interested to see what we got, please take a look here:
Have a wonderful break, and I hope you find some time to read a good book!
Sarah McAlister
Our Program
Our children have been very creative again this past week, continuing to work on their box city and exploring some new craft materials. We’ve seen lots of drawing, making and creating this week, it’s been great!
We have been adding some new group games to our repertoire and it’s been great watching the kids work together to learn the new rules and play so nicely as a team!
With the weather starting to become a bit glummer a bit more often, we have also added some new indoor group games and activities to help keep the children happy and engaged on days we are stuck inside! The children have loved having a larger range of things to do inside!
Children are still working hard at our Cosmic Kids Yoga Quest! This is something that children have really engaged in and worked on independently.
Term 2 bookings
If you haven’t done so already please ensure that your bookings for term 2 are correct. This can be done via the portal. If you have any issues with bookings for term 2 please email me and I can assist you.
Term 1 Vacation Care
Please ensure that you start to book your children in for Vacation care on the iParent Portal. If you have any trouble with this please contact me via email
Our Vacation care dates are 6th-9th of April and the 12th-16th April.
We think the program is looking great and we are looking forward to having a great vacation care with the children. We have really enjoyed creating a program that expresses the interests of the OSHC children!
Prices for the excursion/incursions are now published with the program. Please note that for the excursion days the fee of the excursion will be charged if you are booked in and fail to attend. The cost of the days care will not be charged.
School Council Presidents Report - March 2021
In February nominations opened for School Council. Every year four parent representative positions vacate and we sincerely thank and acknowledge the contribution of outgoing members Paige Rolfe and Tennille McIntosh. We welcome new members Jane Shepherd and Leigh Attwood, with Michael Walsh and myself continuing for another term.
During the Annual General Meeting in March our 2021 office bearers were appointed as follows:
In addition, the following sub-committees were established:
We are seeking further representation on both the Grounds & Gardens and Health & Wellbeing Committees. We have some really exciting projects to deliver this year, including the Dry Creek Bed Inclusive Play Space. Please let a Council member know if you can contribute to these committees!
2021 Budget
The 2021 draft budget was prepared last year, and will be ratified at the April meeting of school council. This is the usual practice once DET funding is known for the current year. We are planning a community session to present our 2020 results, the 2021 budget and a summary of the Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) to the wider school community in April/May, dates and times will be published in the newsletter.
Jane Dowsley
Yackandandah Primary School Council President
School Councilors – Michael Walsh, Beth Boddenberg, Orrin Pritchard, Carly Frank, Robyn Wilson, Kate Stagg, Faith Deans, Jane Shepherd, Leigh Attwood, Michael Edwards and Jane Dowsley.
27th March – Maeve Van Duinen
30th March – Elijah Willis
31st March – Lucy Matheson-Jones
Videography Workshop for Young People in Indigo Shire
Join the professional filmmakers from Digital Storytellers for a one-day hands-on workshop where you'll learn how to create great videos using your smartphone.
You'll learn about:Developing awesome ideas for videos and stories
This will be a hands-on, practical learning experience where you'll connect with other creative young people from Indigo Shire.
This workshop is suitable for both beginners and those with experience in film and video.
When: 10am-4.30pm Saturday 24 April 2021
Where: Oregon Hall, Quercus Beechworth
To reserve your place in our workshop, simply head to the Eventbrite website.
For more information
Meg Sheehan
Bright Futures Project Officer
Indigo Shire Council
2 Kurrajong Way, Beechworth Victoria 3747 | PO Box 28, Beechworth Victoria 3747
Local Call: 1300 365 003
P: 03 5728 8000 | Web:
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Albury Wodonga Table Tennis Association Inc
Grading and Registration Night - Wednesday 14th April 6.30 to 9 pm at 471 North St , Albury.
New season commences the following week.
All levels of player catered for. Our club is involved with NSW "Active Kids" program and the Victorian"Get Kids Active" program
See for information about our club.
Ian Radley
Albury Wodonga Table Tennis Association Inc (AWTTA)