Well done to all the students who created mini gardens for the Yackandandah Garden Club Expo. It was great to see a selection of mini-gardens from Yackandandah Primary School at the expo on the weekend. Very creative work!
Michael Edwards
Family Statements
Statements were emailed out last week to all families. It would be appreciated if any outstanding fees could be paid as soon as possible. Payment for camps and excursions are due prior to the event unless other arrangements have been made.
Impetigo (School Sores)
We have had a case of Impetigo reported to the school. Impetigo is a contagious, superficial skin infection seen mainly in children. The infection may present with mildly irritating blisters that become pustular and erode rapidly, leaving a honey-coloured curst. It often appears around the nose and mouth.
If a student is infected they must be excluded from school until antibiotic treatment has commenced. Sores on exposed surfaces such as scalp, face, hands or legs must be covered with a watertight dressing when they return to school.
Hot Lunch Payments
If you ordered hot lunch for this term and you have not yet paid could you please send payment into the office. Thanks.
Enjoy your week,
Assembly helpers this week are:
Lachi O’Sullivan & Shaynia Clausen
Lenni Ridgeway for challenging herself with her book choices in reading.
Amy Schilling for her excellent reciprocal teaching skills – predicting, clarifying, questioning & summarising.
Lachi O’Sullivan for his excellent skills and knowledge that he displayed in our recent maths unit on ‘Chance’.
Ruby Lebner for showing a keen interest in reading, making and ordering two-digit numbers.
Patrick Kellaway for excellent work with letter ‘m’ activities this week in spelling.
Taidhg James-Hillier for displaying excellent learning habits and always giving everything his best.
Katherine Somerville for her courage, determination and her ‘never give up’ attitude during PE.
Charlotte Wilson for her admirable team work skills and communication during a maths lesson.
Spencer Dowsley for his persistent effort and commitment to improving his persuasive writing skills.
Tom Wilson for writing creatively and including emotion, engagement and energy to effectively persuade his readers.
Mia Nedziak for consistently striving to challenge herself in all learning areas.
Lola Mahoney for always being willing to contribute her ideas during whole class discussions and group work.
Lara Bebbington for using additional information and detail to persuade the reader of her Big Write.
Zachary Saunders for showing excellent resilience when starting at a new school midyear!
Aiden Hillier for showcasing persistence and determination when faced with Maths challenges. Keep up the great work!
Savannah Lockett for enthusiasm in completing her own version of the Very Hungry Caterpillar, titled ‘The Very Hungry Dinosaur’.
Bonnie McLeod for showing leadership and fairness when organising roles for her team-members during science.
Emerson Paull for showing sustained focus during Big Write and independently using his resources effectively.
Violet MacCalman for dedication to her learning in Big Write and even staying in during break to finish her piece to the best of her ability.
We have been making the most of this lovely autumnal weather and drawing from direct observation outside.
Florian Whitley 2PA
Students drawing in Year 2
Raff Gargiulo 2PA
Hot Lunch this week is Pizzas.
Helpers this week are:
Michelle McCarthy, Mel Carne, Emma Grech and Suzanne McIntosh.
Weeks 1 and 2 in the Library have been focused on ANZAC Day. Students enjoyed nibbling on my homemade ANZAC biscuits whilst listening to a very moving picture book of the same name by Phil Cummings and Owen Swan. Students were given their very own copy of the recipe to decorate and take home to add to their family recipe folder.
New Books
We recently received a delivery of Junior Fiction books from Scholastic. These novels are for our older readers in Year 5/6 and will be ready to borrow in a few weeks. If you are interested to see what will be new in the Library, please take a look here:
Have a wonderful week ahead!
Sarah McAlister
District Cross-Country Wrap-Up, 2021
We had 49 runners from the school compete in the District Cross-Country event last Friday. This was hosted by Yackandandah Primary School, and I would like to thank all the parents and carers, along with the staff, who helped out on the day to ensure that it was a successful event. We have 28 runners who have qualified for the Division event, which will be held at Willow Park, Wodonga, on Friday, May 28 (the back-up day is June 3). The event begins at 12 noon and we will be taking a bus from school. For students in Year 5/6, this is the day after we get back from Canberra Camp.
The cost is $10. Permission forms and further information has been sent home tonight and need to be returned to school by Friday 14th May,
Thanks, Brendan.
Yackandandah Garden Club Expo
On Sunday, the Yackandandah Garden Club held their annual garden expo at the Osbornes Flat Hall. There was a scarecrow competition and a mini garden competition in which Yackandandah PS was represented. Congratulations to Miss Ash and the students in 2PA who created a wonderful scarecrow, “Bruce Springsteen”, who was up against scarecrows from other local schools. First prize went to Osbornes Flat Primary School who obtained the most votes for their design, but “Bruce” must have been a close second judging by the number of votes it secured on the day!
After a school vote on Friday, the 10 YPS finalists (out of the around 50 entries!) for the mini garden competition were Bella Somerville, Taidhg James Hillier, Ella Williamson, Ella Joy, Nate Maybury, Jed Walker, Imogen Rolfe, Jack Gregory, Edi McInerney, and Emma Pinard. These creative masterpieces were then judged by the garden club and Emma’s garden was awarded first place for her “Zen” garden and Imogen earned second prize with her “In the Night Garden” entry. Certificates and prizes will be presented at this week’s assembly.
A big thank-you for everyone who got involved, and special mention to Carly and Robyn for their efforts with their students in the F/1 classes.
Our Program
We have had a busy and fun filled return to term in OSHC! The children have come back from holidays full of fun ideas and plans for OSHC and we are working hard to make them all happen!
Origami fever has hit OSHC in a big way! We have boats, cats, swans and love hearts galore! The children have been very focused on learning how to make new things and are determined I think to become origami masters. We are looking forward to creating a wonderful new origami display in our space so that we can show you all the wonderful things the children have been busy working on.
We have continued to work mindfulness, yoga and meditation into our program. Children have been responding rally well to this and enjoy taking a moment to reflect on their day, check in with themselves and be present. We’ve found doing this in the afternoons when we come back inside is a great way to begin to wind down and enter a calmer space before going home.
With the cooler, wetter weather looming we will be spending more time indoors for our sessions. While this isn’t everyone’s favourite thing, unfortunately no matter how hard we try we cannot control the weather. We have been working hard in recent weeks to update our indoor resources and add some exciting new play options for children to use whilst inside. If you have any no longer used board games, puzzles or books that you’d like to see loved again please feel free to drop them into our OSHC space.
Please remember bookings can be created and deleted for our care sessions via the iParent Portal. We ask that if you require care and haven’t done so already to create a portal account and enrol your children into our service. The link for the portal is below.
There is a step-by-step guide link below for creating a portal account and enrolling a child.
1st May – Angus M’Crystal
3rd May – Nicholas Shepherd
4th May – Aiden Hillier
6th May – Sharni Barnes
7th May – Peter Kellaway