Newsletter 21.06.2021

Issue 19

From the Principal

As we begin the final week of Term Two it is a good time to celebrate the learning that the children have achieved during the first half of the year. The fact that we have had a couple of week-long COVID interruptions to the normal routine makes the learning even more special. I have been particularly pleased with the attitudes of students toward their learning – striving for improvement, supporting each other and understanding that it is ok if learning is hard sometimes are all terrific dispositions. Well done to all the students, their families and the staff.

School finishes at 2:30 on Friday. Our assembly will take place at 2:10, weather permitting. If poor weather makes assembly outside impossible we will cancel assembly.

Please remember that if you need to enter the school (any building) you need to sign in with the Services Victoria app using the QR code posted at the entrance (to any room). You do not need to sign in if you are not entering a building. We appreciate your patience with these public health requirements.

A reminder that Monday 12th July is a pupil free day.  Students are back at school on Tuesday 13th July.

I wish you all a warm term holiday break starting at the end of the week. I hope you find some quality family time.

Michael Edwards

From the Office

Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
The Department has extended the deadline for CSEF applications.  If you have a valid Health Care Card please call into the school office for more information. 

Enjoy your week

Assembly Helpers

Assembly helpers this week are:

Remy Lane & Hugh Mason

Achievement Awards

Lewis James-Hillier for always showing a positive “growth” mindset when tackling his learning.
Ruby Hewitt for always demonstrating a positive application of our school values.
Aisha Willis for always bringing a smile into class and tackling tasks with a happy attitude.
Ned Westbrook for demonstrating enthusiasm and accuracy in our Time unit, exploring o’clock and half past.
Kyle Van de hoef for accurately telling the time on the hour, using o’clock and being a supportive peer during time activities.
Molly Schultz for excellent work with reading o’clock and half-past during our Time unit this week.
Spencer Pretty for showing improved letter formations and finger spacing when writing.
Patrick Kellaway for demonstrating excellent letter formations and beautiful book work presentation.
Chase Grech for being helpful to a classmate who needed assistance.
Lily Schultz for enthusiastic and energetic singing to keep everyone “on track” with our new song.
Max Murphy for working cooperatively during Maths and being a supportive team member.  Marvellous work, Max!
Grace Westbrook for using similes in her Big Write to add more detail.  You’re as bright as a button, Grace!
Aidan Dent for working tirelessly to improve his writing during editing sessions.
Ruby O’Dwyer for showing excellent understanding and growth in our unit on angles.
Ivy Edwards for being a wonderful example to her peers in Winter sports carnival training.
Charlotte Wilson for always being a positive and motivated learner!
Grace O’Dwyer for putting in a huge effort with researching dinosaurs.
Katherine Somerville for always being an enthusiastic and interested learner.

Art News

WANTED for the Art Room
We are looking for old flannelette sheets to cut up and use with the printing press in the art room.

The following excursions will be happening next term - Permission forms will be sent home  the first week back.

Week 2: Bus Excursions for Year 3/4s & 5/6s 
On Tuesday 20th July, Year 3/4 students will be visiting the Yackandandah Forest to go on a short nature walk to collect things to put through the printing press with Kirsten Coates, our resident artist. The bus will leave school at 11:45am and return at approx. 2:30pm. Students will be required to bring a water bottle with them, sturdy footwear, warm jacket, optional beanie/gloves and bring a raincoat if the weather forecast is for rain. There will be no cost for this excursion.  

On Wednesday 21st July, students in Year 5/6 L will be visiting the Yackandandah Forest to go on a short nature walk to collect things to put through the printing press with Kirsten Coates, our resident artist. The bus will leave school at 11:45am and return at approx. 1:15pm. Students will be required to bring a water bottle with them, sturdy footwear, wear a warm jacket, optional beanie/gloves and bring a raincoat if the weather forecast is for rain. There will be no cost for this excursion.  

 On Wednesday 21st July, students in Year 5/6BE will be visiting the Yackandandah Forest to go on a short nature walk to collect things and put through the printing press with Kirsten Coates, our resident artist. The bus will leave school at 1:30pm and return at approx. 3:00pm. Students will be required to bring a water bottle with them, sturdy footwear, wear a warm jacket, optional beanie/gloves and bring a raincoat if the weather forecast is for rain. There will be no cost for this excursion.  

Week 3: Walking excursions to Yackandandah Creek  
On Tuesday 27th July, students in F/1 will be walking down to the Yackandandah Creek from school at 11:45am - 1:45pm. Students will be required to bring a water bottle with them, sturdy footwear, wear a warm jacket, optional beanie/gloves and bring a raincoat if the weather forecast is for rain.   Permission forms are not required for this excursion as the local excursion permission forms cover it.

 On Wednesday 28th July, students in Year 2K will be walking down to the Yackandandah Creek from school at 9am sharp – 10am. Students will be required to bring a water bottle with them, sturdy footwear, wear a warm jacket, optional beanie/gloves and bring a raincoat if the weather forecast is for rain.  Permission forms are not required for this excursion as the local excursion permission forms cover it.

On Wednesday 28th July, students in Year 2PS will be walking down to the Yackandandah Creek from school at 10am – 11am. Students will be required to bring a water bottle with them, sturdy footwear, wear a warm jacket, optional beanie/gloves and bring a raincoat if the weather forecast is for rain.  Permission forms are not required for this excursion as the local excursion permission forms cover it.

Art work of the Week
Kirsten Coates has nurtured back to life our printing press (see video below), and here are some of the stunning first print run results!!

Printing Press in action!


Hot Lunch News

Hi Everyone. We are looking for some regular support for the following roles next Term:

  • Hot Lunch coordinator - 2-3 hours per week
  • Volunteer coordinator - 30-60 minutes per week
  • Foodshare ordering - 30 minutes per week

If you can help out, please get in touch with me on 0409 110 476. If we are unable to get some regular support we will have to make some changes to the schedule, reduce the number of volunteer prepared meals and rely upon businesses to provide options.

Many thanks to those who volunteer and keep the service going. It is all worthwhile, particularly when we are able to provide delicious and healthy options for our happy kids.

The menu will be finalised and the order form sent out when it has been finalised.

Kind regards

Hot Lunch this week is a steak pie/cauliflower pie.

Helpers this week are: Kerrily Jeffery & Kate Stagg.

Sports News

Upper Hume Division Cross Country
The Division Cross-Country will be held on Wednesday 14th July at Willow Park – the first week back in Term 3.  New permission forms have been sent home tonight.  Please return the form to school by Friday with $10 if you haven’t already paid.

Kanga Cricket Carnival 
Students in Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 will be participating in the Winter Sports Carnival on Friday 16th July – the first week back in Term 3.   Students will be competing in netball and soccer being held at Kelly Park, Volley Ball being held at the Wodonga Tennis Centre, Football at the Wodonga Racecourse or T-Ball at Willow Park.

Cost for the Winter Sports Carnival is $10 and permission forms were sent home last week.  If you haven’t returned it could you please do this week.

Year F/1 News

Thank you to Edwina Wyatt for visiting our classroom last Wednesday 16th June. Edwina shared some of her books, spoke about the writing process and discussed the various types of writers. She shared some great ideas to promote creative thinking and students in our class have already experimented and had fun planning new ideas. Thank you Edwina, for your inspirational visit and we look forward to more in the future.

Year 5/6 News

Singin’ in the Rain
This Friday the Year 5/6 students will be travelling by bus to the Albury Entertainment Centre to see the performance of Singin’ in the Rain staring our very own Mia Nedziak.  We will be leaving school at 10am and returning at 1pm.  The students who have ordered a hot lunch will be able to have theirs when they return to school.

Year 5/6 Skiing Program
An expression of interest for the skiing program was sent home last week.  Please return the form to school tomorrow if you haven’t returned it yet so as we can finalise the cost and book in the ski hire.  Thank you.


Term 3 Bookings
Just a reminder to double check your child’s bookings for term 3. If you need to make any changes to your bookings you can do so via the portal or you can email Siobhan.

Pupil free day Monday 12th July
Please note that the first Monday of term is a pupil free day and we will be operating under out pupil free day hours. 8am – 6pm. If you require care on this day please book via the portal.

Vacation Care
Vacation is right around the corner! We have made the decision that these holidays will be a mostly school based program with excursions limited to the local area. We have put together another program that we think the children are going to love! Please remember to make your vacation care bookings via the portal or by contacting me via email.

Please remember that for vacation care you need to pack your children’s lunch box like you would for a normal school day. Please also remember that children should be wearing appropriate clothing for the weather of the day, it’s always a good idea to pack extra clothes and a raincoat as these holidays are usually wet and we will still go outside if we can!

For Pizza lunch day, we will be making pizzas for lunch, but please remember to pack snacks for the rest of the day.

Technology day – Please note that for our technology day your child may bring one electronic device from home to use for a limit of 1 hour for the day. These devices will not be connected to the internet, so should have games pre-loaded on them.

For our Art Attack and science day please wear clothes that you don’t mind getting a little messy, we intend to have lots of fun with paint, dye and foam on these days!

If you have any questions about any of our days please feel to get in touch! If you’re not joining us for vacation care this time round, we hope you have a wonderful holidays and we will see you back in term 3!

OSHC Team 

From School Council

Hello Parents and Families,

School Council invites your feedback on future project ideas. Recently School Council has endorsed the implementation of the Dry Creek Bed Nature Based Inclusive Play Space Project.

The project will improve our educational outdoor environment by providing a high-quality, inclusive and accessible nature based sensory play space that supports the learning needs of every student.

The Dry Creek Bed Project and Basketball Court Resurfacing are examples of recent major projects; however projects may be small or large. We would like to invite your feedback on possible future projects to add to our register.
Ideas will be consolidated and then prioritised by students, staff and School Council for future fundraising efforts, however this will be a basis for ideas; no commitments are yet being made to future projects.

To set some parameters about your possible suggestions and feedback we are looking for projects that can enhance education possibilities for all students at YPS.

Thank you for making the time to submit a response,

YPS School Council.


19th June – Mia Bebbington
22nd June – Charli O’Dwyer
23rd June – Jack McAlister

Community Notices