Dry Creek Bed
There was another great turnout of volunteers yesterday to work on the Dry Creek Bed area of the school. I am grateful for the support given by families to help with getting the project complete. Our school council, led by Jane Dowsley, Michael Walsh and Faith Deans have been putting in plenty of hours and hard work with the project and it is great to see other families pitching in. There are still a few tasks to get done (make sure you read the entire newsletter for details) but we are getting close. Thank you all!
High St Crossing
Another project that will soon begin is the upgrade of the crossing on High Street. Regional Roads Victoria are installing a raised zebra crossing, extended 40km/h speed zone and signage. This is something we have been asking for over many years and it will be great to see a safer crossing for our children and community. With a little luck it will be completed well before the end of the year.
Pupil Free Day – 2022 Planning
Next Monday 1st November is a pupil free day with the following day being the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday. On Monday 1st the staff will be planning for the 2022 school year. Planning for 2022 class structures is mostly in place. It can be very difficult to accommodate the requests of all families regarding classes and groupings as often they can be mutually exclusive (i.e. fulfilling one request may go against another request). We plan collectively as a staff with the learning and wellbeing of students as the collective primary aim. While some families may make certain requests, I cannot guarantee they will be fulfilled.
Covid Restrictions
It appears that covid restrictions are easing and we are hopeful that we can still hold normal end of year events – though perhaps modified. Kinder to school transition will begin on Wednesday 10th November. Yr. 6 to 7 transitions look like going ahead and the Yr. 3/4 camp is looking likely to proceed. Yr. 6 Graduation and even assemblies look like they may be allowed from next week onwards. Of course we are still mindful that covid does not read planning documents and can still interfere (just look at the number of schools shutting for covid in Albury/Wodonga). I’m hopeful, however, that we can have a near normal end of year.
Michael Edwards
Family Statements
Statements were emailed out to families earlier this month – It would be appreciated if any outstanding amounts could please be paid. If you didn’t receive your statement please let me know.
Cultural Performance Payment
Back in March all students attended the Didjeribone Culture Performance. There are still quite a few families who haven’t paid the $5.50 charge. Payment for this performance would be greatly appreciated.
Hot Lunch Payments
Families who owe money for Term 4 hot lunches will receive an email this week advising them of the amount owing after the Term 3 credit has been deducted.
Just a reminder that when you notify the school for an absence could you please include a reason so as the absence can be recorded accordingly. Absences without a reason are recorded as an ‘unapproved’ absence.
Enjoy your week,
Neve Allan for always displaying a creative and ‘can-do’ attitude.
Richie Burston for a conscientious effort during writing.
Aiden Hillier for improved focus and neater letter formation in writing.
Cooper Wall for completing set work in a timely manner this week.
Zack Dickeson for creating lots of different types of arrays using natural materials in the school yard.
Nate Millward for working through challenging multiplication problems this week.
Katherine Somerville for working hard to up level your own writing by finding interesting synonyms.
Kaitlyn McGlead for working hard to up level your own writing by finding interesting synonyms.
Lucy Matheson-Jones for always being eager to learn more and asking lots of fantastic questions.
Isaac Hewson for making amazing progress in his reading fluency and comprehension. Well done, Isaac!
Edith McInerney for always demonstrating thoughtfulness in her writing, especially in the way she connects to her readers.
Aidan Dent for doing beautiful book work now we’re back at school!
Lachie Korn for coming back from home learning with renewed focus!
Mietta Nocentini for working hard to paraphrase information into her own words in writing.
Lara Bebbington for thinking of clever titles for her Procedure Big Talk. Your titles were terrific, Lara!
Hunter Wall for being focused during Guided Reading and making thoughtful contributions. Hooray for Hunter!
Sharni Barnes for using mathematical thinking during Maths activities and working cooperatively with partners. You’re shining, Sharni!
Holly Lerch for showing initiative to catch up with work missed due to attending a writing workshop.
Jim Kelley for developing increasing independence during our last period of Remote Learning.
Emerson Paull for having constructive conversations in maths to grow his understanding of multiplication and division.
Hot lunch this week is a Hamburger/Veggie Burger for students who have ordered.
Helpers for this week are Jane Shepherd, Trish Anderson and Kerri Murrell. Another helper is needed. If you can assist please email Bron Westbrook bronnie_dean@hotmail.com
A reminder that all parent helpers need to be vaccinated. Please email your digital certificate or immunisation certificate to yackandandah.ps@education.vic.gov.au
Helpers also need to sign in the Visitors Register each week when they are helping out – please call into the office before going into the kitchen.
The roster is below. If you are unable to help on your rostered week, please email Bron Westbrook at bronnie_dean@hotmail.com
Hot Lunch Roster
Division Athletics
Update 11.50am 25/10/21 - The Division Athletics has been cancelled due to the number of COVID cases in Wodonga.
Division athletics is scheduled to go ahead on Friday, November 5. The back up day is Monday 8th November. We have 20 students who have qualified for this event which is taking place at Wodonga Athletics Track. We will be taking a bus and permission forms have been sent home today. The cost per student is $10. Permission forms need to be returned by this Friday. The bus will be leaving school at 8.45am and returning at 2.30pm.
House Athletics Carnival
With the easing of restriction it looks like our House Athletics Carnival can go ahead. We have booked in a new date for Friday, November 19 at the Wodonga Athletics Track (the back-up date is November 26).
New permission forms have been sent home tonight. Most families have already paid, if you haven’t yet paid it will be indicated on the permission form. Permission forms need to be returned to school by Friday 12th November.
Once again, I am asking for adult helpers for this event. Please note, all helpers will need a current Working With Children Check AND COVID-19 vaccination certificate. Evidence of both will need to be provided to Sandra in the office before the day. If you are able to help out, please complete the form below. We will require the assistance of many helpers for the day to go ahead. It is unclear, at this stage, if spectators will be able to attend.
If you can help, please complete the form at the link below: https://forms.gle/Dj3rkbmKE6EiaHgFA
It also looks like our Year ¾ 15 Mile Creek camp will be able to go ahead. We are still waiting on a few permission forms to be returned. If you haven’t yet returned it, please do so tomorrow. Thank you.
Pupil Free Day
Just a reminder that next Monday, 1st November is a pupil free day. OSHC will be offering care from 8am to 6pm. If you require care please book via the portal. Tuesday 2nd November is a public holiday and the service will be closed.
New OSHC email
OSHC has a new email address! Please contact us via this email regarding all bookings and other enquiries
QR Check in and Face masks
A reminder that all parents entering the OSHC space must be wearing a face mask and must sign in with the QR code located in our sign in area. This is a directive from the Victorian Government.
Kidsoft QR code sign in
We now have a new feature on our iPad allowing parents to sign their children in and out of our service using their own device. We encourage all families to please use this QR code when able.
Our Program
Lots of time was spent outside last week, we enjoyed many group games and creating giant mountains in the sandpit. The children had to get creative with outdoor play as the playground was still being painted. We saw lots of great collaboration between children to find new and fun ways to spend our time outside.
We also enjoyed a wonderful activity put together for us by Zara. She helped us create scented playdough! We had lavender and cinnamon to choose from, lavender was the crowd favourite. The children enjoyed the hit to their senses. Fun, messy and calming, what more could you want?! It was great to see the children working together to get the playdough just right, and when they did they enjoyed creating and experimenting with it. Such a fantastic was to stimulate our senses and get creative!
Thanks, OSHC Team
16th October – Harlan O’Brien
20th October – Billie McInerney
21st October – Thomas Killen
24th October – Nate Maybury
28th October – Eleanor Glanville
Register via the link below, bring a shovel, rake and wheelbarrow and we'll knock it over in no time! We'll even provide dinner!
We will split into two groups if needed to ensure we meet COVID restrictions.
Progress this week:
A huge thanks to everyone that turned out on Sunday to help (in no particular order)!
Faith Deans, Bron Westbrook, Michael Edwards, Jamie Dowsley, Michelle Croker, Hima and Jervis Whitley, Jane and Chris Murphy, Nicola and Darren Davison, Kate Purnell, Sarah McAllister, Kerrily Jeffery, Karen Gardner, Christopher and Hannah Glanville and of course all the kids!
Apologies if I missed anyone - we'll thank you next week ;)
Sponsor Update:
We would like to welcome on board a new Gold Sponsor in Agency of Sculpture. We sincerely thank Ben, Tijana and their team for their generosity and support of the project.
About Us:
Yack Constructions is a family and locally owned business based in Yackandandah, North East Victoria. Being a local owned, family business gives our customers the ultimate advantage, being a small man team, we are quick to respond and act to any concerns or queries during the build.
Justin Maybury has over 10 years of residential, commercial and industrial experience around the North East Victoria region. He is a member of the Master Builder Association, holds a Victorian commercial and domestic license and a New South Wales domestic license. With his team of qualified carpenters and industry professionals, the team at Yack Constructions are young enthusiastic with an eye for quality and detail.
Our Team and Sub Contractors:
We currently have a number of qualified carpenters and apprentices working with the team. We actively support our community by using local labourers, trades and suppliers within the North East region using quality materials from local suppliers.
We are also proud to support local clubs such as the Yackandandah Football & Netball Club, Yackandandah Golf Club, Yackandandah Bowls Club and the Yackandandah Cricket Club.
We use a select and reliable team of local qualified sub contractors that take pride in their work and provide the best quality material and finishes for your project. With our team of local professionals, you can be assured that your next project will be run smoothly by a company that understands the area. Our relationships with our sub contractors ensures your home gets the star treatment it deserves. Our focus is on quick site starts and build times where, your land won’t sit idle when building with Yack Constructions.
Where We Build:
Our building projects are mostly throughout the North East Victorian region and Southern New South Wales. We will be happy to travel throughout the region within a rough 100km radius of Yackandandah. If your ideal home site is not within that perimeter, please feel free to contact us to see what opportunities we can provide.
Our professionalism is reflected in the quality of the home we create for you and your family.
About YCDCo:
The Yackandandah Community Development Company Ltd (YCDCo) was established in March, 2002 by seven concerned locals with the initial goal of securing the future supply of fuel in Yackandandah (a basic service function for the town that it is crucial to retain).
Having secured fuel supplies for Yackandandah now, and in to the future, YCDCo has extended its product range to include rural supplies and hardware, and concentrates on its returns to the community by way of wages and sponsorship.
YCDCo’s goals:
YCDCo Constitution:
The constitution of YCDCo can be downloaded on their website.
Community Commitment:
As part of the YCDCo’s commitment to the development of Yackandandah, we offer sponsorship to local groups and organisations to assist with local initiatives that are consistent with the company’s ideals of community development.
Under its Constitution, YCDCo. Ltd. is required to contribute 50% of all distributed profits towards community projects or causes (the other 50% is distributed to shareholders as dividends). Assistance may be provided to community groups, organisations or individuals for initiatives or projects that are:
“…intended to benefit the economic, social or cultural condition of the Yackandandah community or its surrounding areas. (YCDCo. Ltd. Constitution clause 27).”
by former Victorian cricketer and Level 3 Coach Rohan Larkin.
This 1 to 1 coaching program (based in Wodonga) caters for all standards of junior cricketers and is focused on assisting a player to maximise their potential.
For more information, Parents can call Rohan on 0458216622 or email rpbl@live.com.au