Learning & Teaching

One size does not fit all in education. In each class we aim to target student needs at the point of need. We aim to achieve this by having a clear understanding of each student’s current abilities, strengths and areas for improvement. From this we target the teaching in either small group, individual or modified tasks that meet each child at their point of learning. This allows a common area of learning for the class while allowing for adapting to personal need.


For example, a common learning goal for an entire class may be writing a great sentence. For some that may mean identifying capital letters and full stops. For others it may mean ensuring that the verb is in the correct tense. For others again it may mean experimenting with subordinate clauses to further craft written passages. A class teacher would identify the current understanding of her students, determine what tasks or activities will help make the leap to the next stage of learning and organise a range of tasks that cater to the diversity in the classroom.


It is important to remember that just as each child is different, each class has a different dynamic.


Teachers at Yackandandah Primary School are professionals who adapt the teaching to meet individual and group needs.


Classrooms are dynamic places but everything that happens is designed to meet the needs and capabilities of the children present, not a theoretical class in a manual.

© Yackandandah Primary School