20th September 24 Last Day Term 3 2.30pm Finish
7th October 24 First Day Term 4 Student Free Day
Congratulations to the collective Yackandandah Football and Netball teams over the weekend. Reward for a year of hard work and training!
The Yr. 5/6 camp to Sovereign Hill concluded last Friday evening. Well done to the students on embracing the opportunity to learn about Australia’s history in context. Thanks Lauren, Liz & Brendan for your time and care. Thank you also to the parent volunteers who gave their time and care to support the students and staff.
This is the final week of Term Three. School finishes at 2:30 this Friday. Assembly will be at 2:10pm.
This week is Amber’s last week at Yackandandah Primary School. Amber has stepped into the business manager’s role during Sandra’s leave and has done an exemplary job keeping us ticking along. Thanks, Amber, for your dedication and support over the last six months. Sandra rejoins us at the start of Term Four, refreshed and recharged after a much-deserved break.
Don’t forget! 7th October, first day of Term 4 is a pupil free day.
As my time at Yackandandah Primary School has come to an end, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole Yackandandah Primary School Community for making me feel so welcome the last 6 months.
Yackandandah Primary School is a beautiful school, with incredible Students, Parents and Teacher’s. I feel very lucky to have been given the opportunity to work at this amazing school.
I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing school holidays; Sandra will see you all in Term 4.
Thank you once again
Arden Cole & Ebony Roberts
Wesley Paull For your determination in reading and writing high frequency words.
Lucy Hillier For being a supportive and inclusive class mate in all aspects of learning.
Taj Dean For putting in a huge effort to catch up on writing by staying focused and dedicated to his work.
Will Hutchings For demonstrating his learning by adding detail and varying sentence structures when writing his information text about Emus.
Grace Scobie For positively contributing to our shared classroom responsibilities by offering her help and assistance.
Henry Wyatt For responding to digital texts with accuracy and clarity.
Macey Hogg For being a great learner in Reading who uses clues in the text to answer questions.
Mia Lockett For being a great learner in Reading by practising her heart words and saying the sounds to read new words.
Sara Davison For fantastic attention to detail when creating an Australian information map.
Nate Maybury For showing amazing initiative and always stepping up to help.
16 September Charlotte Wilson
20 September Dara Freeman
22 September William Boddenberg
23 September James Davis
23 September Willow Anderson
24 September Owen Overall
25 September Zoe Blair
26 September Tom Murphy
27 September Sunny Davison
27 September Toby Neumeyer
27 September Josie Neumeyer
27 September Lincoln Clausen
28 September Gus Dean
28 September Amelia McNicol
30 September Jake Blair
1 October Jaxson Cameron
5 October Elena Dean
6 October Cooper Visentin
7 October Kaia Allan
7 October Neve Allan
Our Division Athletics event on Friday 11th October at the Albury, Les O’Brien Athletics Precinct. Students who have qualified can participate in 2 events, plus the relay. I met with all the students last week to discuss details regarding the event, and I have given them a timetable with important information included.
The permission forms are due back today.
Also, there was an error with the information sent home. The bus is leaving at 8:30am – before the school bus arrives. Please ignore the information in brackets on the sheet sent home. You will need to make sure your child is at school by 8:20am, so I can account for all students.
Students will be travelling by bus and there will be a cost of $10 to cover the entry fee and bus expenses. There will be no canteen on the day, so like House and District Athletics, students are to take a packed lunch, snacks, a broad brimmed hat, water bottles and sunscreen. Students are expected to wear school uniform.
Robyn Wilson and Lauren will be the staff in attendance on the day.
Students in 5/6 have been creating their own version of 'That bird has arms' collage creations and students in
3/4 have been working on making foil etching plates and hand printing them over the past three weeks.
This week we are having a BBQ Sizzle to finish off a busy term.
Thanks to everyone that helped out this term! Your efforts are very much appreciated.
Enjoy the school holidays!
Hannah Glanville-Jones
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
Cookbook Competition
LAST DAY - Get your Cookbook names and artwork in by 3pm today to be in the running for a $10 Foodworks voucher.
Winners will be announced at Friday's assembly.
If you submitted a recipe, please check your email to confirm the final edit. We need all recipes back by COB Friday September 20.
Any questions please reach out to - yackprimarycookbook@gmail.com