Newsletter 02.12.2024

Issue 39/2024

Dates to Remember

Term 4 2024
Wednesday 4th December - Foundation Transition Day 9.15am – 1pm
Wednesday 4th December – BSC Year 7 Transition evening 6pm
Monday 9th December-Wednesday 11th December – BSC Year 7 Transition days
Tuesday 10th December  - State-wide Transition Day 9am  -3.30pm
Monday 16th December –3/4 Pool Party 12:00-2:00pm
Tuesday 17th December – Kanga Cricket Grades 3-6, 9:00-2:00pm
Wednesday 18th December – F/1/2 Pool Party 12:00 – 2:00pm
Wednesday 18th December – Year 6 Graduation
Thursday 19th December –5/6 Pool Party 12:00 – 2:00pm
Thursday 19th December – Last day of term for students 3.30pm finish

Term 1 2025
Monday 13th January to Friday 24th January – Vacation Care operating
Tuesday 28th January - Pulip Free Day - Vacation Care operating
Wednesday 29th January – 1st day of school for all students
Friday 31st January – School Swimming Sports Years 3-6
Wednesday 5th February – No school for Foundation students
Wednesday 12th February - No school for Foundation students
Thursday 13th February – District Swimming Sports
Friday 14th February – MTB – Falls Creek
Wednesday 19th February – No school for Foundation students
Friday 21st February – Division Swimming Sports
Wednesday 26th February – No school for Foundation students
Wednesday 5th March – Regional Swimming Sports
Thursday 27th March – School Cross Country

From the Principal

Thanks to families for their support with the bicycle program that Robyn has been running in PE classes. We appreciate your help with getting bikes to and from school, and the direct help provided by parents in classes. We can’t control the weather, so there has been some unavoidable disruption to the scheduled bike lessons. Well done Robyn with organising the bike ed – you’ve earned some rest!

This week we will share with students their teacher and classroom for 2025. Next week on Tuesday 10th December students will spend the day in their 2025 class. At times students may feel some anxiety about their classes, but we inevitably find that once the classes are underway in the following year students settle comfortably into their learning routines. Yr. 6 students will have their transition to secondary school programs – as set by the destination secondary school.

Congratulations to Ben Hardisty and Angus Glanville who were one of the 6 selected teams or individuals to present their work on the University of Melbourne Statistics and Research Project. There were only 6 selected to present from all of Australia and New Zealand. Ben and Angus worked on a particular maths problem over a period of months, and it was great to see their hard work and skill recognised. This kind of in-depth problem solving demonstrates that Mathematics is so much more than just completing a list of repetitive calculations. Great work!

Michael Edwards

From the Office

Admin Position Vacant
Next year I will be working 3 days a week and we are looking for a part time Admin officer.  Days required will be Wednesday, Thursday and Friday each week.  Attendance is not required during the school holidays.  If interested please see myself or Michael.  Apply via the Departments Recruitment Online – Job number is 1454213.

Applications close Sunday 8th December.

Camps & Excursions
Thank you to the families who have paid their outstanding charges for camps and excursions that their children have attended this year.  If you have not yet paid for camps, skiing and other excursions could you please do so. 

End of Year Pool Parties
A reminder that $2.70 cash needs to be sent to school for pool entry for the end of year pool parties.  Pool membership will not cover entry.

Enjoy your week.

Assembly Helpers

Arden Cole & Oscar Dickeson

Student Awards

Congratulations to all our award recipients.


Amelia McNicol for demonstrating the value of fairness by always displaying active listening skills during class discussions and encouraging others to share their ideas.
George Boschetti for demonstrating the value of fairness by always displaying co-operation and help others solve problems.


Harvey Thornton for demonstrating the value of learning by listening to feedback and trying different strategies during our fraction investigations.
Audrey Wyatt for demonstrating the value of learning by jumping in enthusiastically and working cooperatively to solve fractions challenges this week.
Beau Ridgeway for demonstrating the value of learning by consistently demonstrating his thinking in imaginative and original ways.
Mim Martini for demonstrating the value of learning by using ‘show, don’t tell’ effectively to create a bored tone in a piece of writing.
Matilda Ridgeway for demonstrating the value of learning by showing great control of language in her Big Write and Cold Write.
Alex Beatty for demonstrating the value of learning by using outstanding writing techniques in his latest Big Write all about a time he was courageous.
Ben Hardisty for demonstrating the value of learning with his wonderful contribution to the University of Melbourne Mathematics & Statistics research competition.
Wil McCormack for demonstrating the value of leaning with his increased levels of determination, resilience and participation in his learning at school.


Lincoln Clausen for demonstrating the value of respect by showing patience and kindness during our design and tech puppet making session. Your beautiful manners were very appreciated, and you put in a wonderful effort into sewing!
Benjamin Brauer for demonstrating the value of respect by being an all round fantastic classmate. You are always happy to work with anyone and model a positive attitude to others.
Claudia Grech for demonstrating the value of respect by making the effort to set up learning for others whenever she has the opportunity or time.
Spencer Pretty for demonstrating the value of respect by showing respect for our classroom by showing initiative when packing up at the end of the day.
Phia Smith-Deans for demonstrating the value of respect by challenging the ideas and thoughts of others respectfully during classroom discussions.
Charlotte Wilson for demonstrating the value of respect by being a consistently friendly and respectful leader in the senior area.


Mental Health and Wellbeing Support

Week 9’s mental health and wellbeing support is one of my favourites. I listen to this podcast regularly and am always anticipating what they’ll come up with next. Pop Culture Parenting is a podcast where presenters Dr Billy Garvey (Developmental Paediatrician) and Nick McCormack (a Developing Dad) discuss all things new age parenting. Their aim with the podcast is to find the sweet spot between what the textbooks and research says about best parenting practice and what parenting is actually like; for real life!

They’ve just celebrated their 100th episode. In each episode they run a parallel between pop culture movies and certain areas of parenting. For example, Rambo pairs nicely with Tantrums and Jurassic Park and Co-regulation go hand in hand.

If you enjoy an easy listen with lots of valuable insights and laughs, then give this podcast a crack!

Enjoy your week.

Stacey Hogan
Mental Health & Wellbeing Leader


School Savings Bonus

Families should have received their code for the School Savings Bonus (SSB) portal.  All families need to log into the portal and choose how they would like the $400 allocated.  At Yackandandah Primary School you have a choice of school uniform or 2025 activities which includes all camps and excursions.  Please do not select textbooks.

Click on the link below to view a video on what to do.

Below is step by step instructions to follow.  If you are wishing to use some on school uniforms, could you please not go into the portal yet to allocate the funds as there is a glitch in the system and you will get an error message.  Hopefully it will be fixed by next Monday.

Hot Lunch

This week's Hot Lunch is Butter Chicken/Veggies and Rice. 

This recipe has been a great addition to the Hot Lunch menu this year! Don't forget to order your YPS Cookbook to get the recipe to make this and other delicious Hot Lunch meals at home.

Hannah Glanville-Jones

YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator


Art News

News from the Art Room

Below is an invitation to attend Beechworth Secondary College's Arts and Technology showcase on Thursday 12th December, where there will also be some artwork on display by students from Yackandandah Primary School. 

Artwork of the Week

Not to be outdone by the remarkable F/1/2 sculptures and the 3/4 abstract studio paintings, students in 5/6 have been using the etching press to print their acetate etching plates. The topic was student choice, with images sourced from magazines or their imagination. After etching lines deeply into the acetate, students had to patiently follow the printmaking process of soaking and drying their paper, inking up their etching plate, wiping the plate while still keeping the ink in their etched lines, carefully registering their printing plate on the press bed before printing. This is an extremely messy process and I’m grateful for the expert-level help of some master printmakers in the 5/6 classes who helped dry the paper, clean the press bed and register the etching plates with clean hands. Goodness me, it has been busy in the art room this term!!!

Nora Glanville

Oscar Dickeson

Lucia-Mary Gosling

Lewis James Hillier

Lenny Graham

Katherine Somerville

Max Murphy

French News

In Weeks 7 & 8 during French, the students celebrated the end of their Food topic, with a French Fete (party). Close to 180 croissants and 6 litres of limonade maison were consumed, along with other delicious foods such as: crepes avec sucre et citron, pain au chocolat, fromage de brie et camembert, fraises, tomate, jambon, gateau au chocolat, et baguette avec beurre. Délicieux!

It was wonderful to see so many students dressed up- some really went all out! We had a few baguettes as props, and even a Channel Tunnel! 

We welcome Mandy back this week! 

Au revoir!
Sarah McAlister

Bike Ed Program

Due to a high chance of rain predicted tomorrow (10-40ml), I have cancelled the riding sessions for 1/2A, 1/2H and F/1K. These sessions will not be rescheduled due to other planned school and sport activities for the final weeks of Term.

Thank you to the parents who had already planned to ride with us tomorrow - your help is no longer required. I will also notify you via email today.

We will go ahead with the bike riding sessions for Wednesday 4th with 5/6 E and 5/6B and Thursday 5th with 3/4A and 5/6L.

Kind Regards,

Robyn Wilson
Sport Teacher & Sport Co-ordinator
Yackandandah Primary School, 39 High Street, Yackandandah VIC 3749, Ph: (02) 6027 1431

Times Tables Rock Stars

Congratulations to Wil Mc and Ted A  (5/6E) who have been the first YPS students to make 'Rock Hero' status on TTRS. This means they are consistently answering the 12x tables in under 1 second per question. This  is the highest level possible on the TTRS Hall of Fame.

A reminder to all Grades 3-6 students and parents at home, it’s recommended a “little and often” approach is adopted; 3 minutes practice a day, 4 or 5 times a week is a good target.

Contact your child’s teacher if you require more information on how you can support your child to rock at their 12 x tables. 


A Little Taste of Yack

The team behind 'A Little Taste of Yack' have been busily compiling and editing our fundraising cookbook and we are about to send it to the printers! So now it's time to place your orders. The books will be available around 2 December (Week 9 of term) for pickup from the school office. They will cost $40 each and payment should be made to the office using the usual processes (i.e. making a deposit quoting your name and "cookbook" in the transaction detail). Orders can be placed through the following link or in person to Michael. We are limiting the ordering exclusively to the YPS community so this is your chance to secure your copies of the book. Any extra copies after these orders have been filled will be made available to purchase to the broader community. This will include your ordered copies if you've ordered and haven't paid by 29 November. See the pictures below for a sneak preview.

Ordering link:

YPS Cookbook Team


Mountain Bike Interschool Competitions

Members of Yackandandah PS mountain bike team recently had a very special opportunity to meet Oliver Zwar and spend the afternoon riding with him!

Oliver (and his brother Ben) grew up here in Yackandandah and attended YPS. The brothers spent many years riding and racing in Victoria and represented Australia at the 2019 MSA World Championships. Oliver and Ben then made a big decision to move to Sweden (where their mother is from) to create more opportunities and improve their riding. Living in Sweden has made it easier to access quality training, financial support, resources and racing.

Oliver has won the Swedish Downhill Championship three times and along with Ben, competes regularly in the UCI Mountain Bike World Series.

The new generation of Yack mountain bike riders were abuzz from the moment Oliver arrived with his Canyon Sender…. the boys asked lots of questions …. about bikes, riding, growing up in Yack, sponsorship, injuries, living overseas, and competing internationally.

Oliver was equally excited to see firsthand how the popularity of MTB has grown in Yack. He was full of encouragement and impressed with the boys’ skills and enthusiasm. Oliver noted that when he was starting out, it felt like only he and Ben were riding, and it was often a lonely path they were pursuing.

Questions and conversation continued as the afternoon was then spent practising jumps and riding trails at Beechworth MTB Park.

A very BIG thank you to Oliver for so generously sharing his time, skills and experience with our students; it was a fantastic afternoon. Thanks also to parents for assisting with transport and shuttles.

Please remember the Victorian XC race at Falls Creek early in Term 1 next year. We would love to welcome some girls on the team and encourage them to help represent Yack PS! The MTB Inter-schools competition is again being held at Thredbo in March. KOBBOS is another great local option for social riding where students can increase their skills and confidence in a friendly supportive environment. Please reach out via Robyn Wilson or families you may know who are already involved.


Vacation Care will operate during the January school holidays from Monday 13th January to Friday 24th January 2025.  Bookings can be made through the Xplor app or with the OSHC staff.

We are also operating on the Pupil Free Day 28th January 2025.


1st December – Eleanor Martini

4rh December – Max Bebbington

4th December – Marley Makin

Community Notices

What’s on at Indigo Libraries

Meet Kyra Geddes: Author Talk and Insights at Beechworth Library, Monday 2nd December, 2 pm - 3 pm

Join author Kyra Geddes as she discusses her historical fiction debut novel, The Story Thief. Based on the Henry Lawson story, The Drover's Wife, this novel combines fact and fiction into a stirring family saga set against shifting landscapes and pivotal moments in Australian history.

The Story Thief follows Lillian, who was born in 1892. When she reads Henry Lawson’s ‘The Drover’s Wife’ at school, she quickly becomes convinced that it is based on her own family’s story and is determined to prove it. We follow Lillian over the course of her life across monumental points in Australia’s history — including women’s suffrage, the two world wars and the birth of nuclear warfare — as she must decide what is more important: holding onto the past or embracing the future.

For bookings please visit Eventbrite 

Calling all families with players interested in U12s football for 2025! 

Yackandandah Football Netball Club invites you to a Community Meeting where we’ll discuss the predicted large numbers for U12s and what that means for the 2025 season.

When: Monday 2nd December

Time: 6:30pm

Where: Butson Park, Yackandandah

Come along to stay informed and be a part of shaping the future of our U12s team! See you there! 

goyack #weareyackandandah